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Show [ 174 J ENC.\M:l'ME!'IT ·\T 'l'IJI'~ JUNCTION OJ!' TlU! NORTH ANI> SOUTH FORKS OF TIIP. PLATT!•;, ~, 700 P'f~I':'J' ABO VI~ THP. GULl'" OF MEXICO. Deter'mination of latitude, Septembc•r 12, 1842-a/lilwlc nf o. j}qu.ilre in tiLe meridian. ODSJ::JtVATIONf-4. Doublo altitude of a Aquilro. 'l'ruo Cl'ntral altiludo. Latitude. Dtg. mm. sec. 4 L 04 26 De,o..,· . nun. n•c. 67 2J 09 Deg. m.i11. stc. tlt\ 48 60 Index: error ..-~ - 1 min. 20 aoc. Deterrllrination of latitude, September 13, 1842-alLitude of the sun tn the me'ridian. Double altitude of the Hun'ij lower limb. .Deg. mtn. sec. 104 51 25 'l'ru central altitude. Dt-g. min. sec . 52 40 22 ---------- ---------·-------·- Thermometer 70° . ' Latitude. Deg. min. su 4l 05 07 645 [ ] 74 J ENCAMPMENT AT THE JUNCTION <H' 'l'IIE NORTH AND SOUTH FORI{S OF THE PLA'I'Tl~, 2,700 r'EET ADOV r; 'J'JH; GfJJ.Jt' OF ME~ IUO . fJetenll ination of latitudP, S'cptcmbcr 1 !J, 1812-rt/litude of tile sun. ODSEJl VAT IONS. Double altitude of th() low or limh of th<· RUn. Oe.g. 1(/,l/1 RCI'. 104 J2 ~() 104 16 ~0 104 1 ~ 00 J O'l 50 10 101 f>O 35 1 Qt! (i l 2& 101 ()I 10 l 04 f>O 20 104 19 45 101 48 ~0 11.4 47 :lS I 04 1 ;, 00 l04 ~~ 60 104 13 05 104 11 1;, Time of chronomctrr. h. I I ) M 2 ""' n.. . 2 .2, "' tit ill. 46 48 51 !):l :>4 fi() 68 5!.1 01 02 03 06 06 OG 0'1 8('C. 17 lG l') ·~ !22 '10 :.17 4~ 35 03 ;}.) 17 16 02 60 29 Determination. ~~l time. Septemb 'I' 1'1, 18•12-allitude of tile sun. OUSl~H V ATIONS. - Doable nltitudo of tht• I _::s lower limb. I Deg. min. HfC. I 37 23 10 I 31 04 10 86 60 30 36 3G <tO Time of <'hrononwt<•r. ' Double nltitudc of the 1 Timl' of ('hronom4•t,e-r. f-t llll 1 H low1•r limb. 1 ' ,, ---- min. ser. Dtg. mw. .~('C. h. min. sec. (, 2G ~ ~~ .5 :w I 1 20 (j ~ 9 40.4 G 27 11 .:3 :35 fl7 06 f) 30 18 .• 6 f) 27 f ,:}. 5 :.H> 1:J 10 6 :JO f>t). 0 b 28 :30.6 36 22 30 6 21) 0~.3 I nt<:rrupt••d 0) clon<k ·----------- -----'- RESU L'r OF CALC tTl. AT )I) N. -~--- --· - Me-on time. Advance. I .oneitude. - --·- ·---·----. lt. min. Jt('r , 2 oo 24. I --· |