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Show 673 [ 174 ] RF:MAHKS. The clcvntiotts which Jwvc b('Cll givctl in the cot ln'e of tho prrrcding report are f(Jtllldcd npon tile amwxcd bHrometriral ol,~crvations, and, it is scarcoly necessary tosay,:Hc ofl'Prcd o11 ly :1s tLc h r ~t ir ,dicatious w · kt V( ~ . The lJ ~uometcr~ were comparrd w1t!l those of Dr. G. Engelman, of . t. Louis, Mi& onri, who t' obscrvatious ::tre given for :1 corre~pond i ng period. The followi11~ i~ llw rc~nlt of forty comparati ve ohs rvations of three baromctC'r~ im;titutecl uy him from lVIny 22<..1 to May 29th, 1 ·12, at . t. Lonis. Range of' barotnl'l( 'f.' durino- that 1wriud 0".'1.00, tPmpcratur<; 60° to 75°. Barometrr 8, a. observed for alld noted in the journal of the acad ·my: Frctnont'H 'l'roughlon ('r.)- 0".131) l"rrmout's Carry (C.)- 0'1.178. Range in the uifi'ereuces: Mean E Minimum Maximum Range ... Fremont\; 'l'roughtou ('I'.)- 011.136 - Fremont's Corry (C.)- 011.178. do <lo - 0" .116 .... do do 011.167. do do - 011.1!10 ... ) do do 0" .190. do <lo 0" .031 do do 0" .023. lu the annexed obscrvatiotJs, the barometer~, Troughton and Carey, are designated n·sp ctivcly hy the lett('rs T. and C. In calculation, th ohservations at the npper ·tations were referred to the single corresponding observation for the relative period of time at the lower station. It wonld, perhaps, hn ve been better to refer to the mean of the observations for the month at the lower station. In calcn latioll , rhe tables used were those of Bessel aud of Oltmanns, as given in Ilnmboldt. |