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Show [ 17-1 - :-316 lanrcol:He clwlr~, ~calcs, wl1ic.:h an! CIJti n·, .or ..,,- tooth <1 ~t t~te snmmit, and fnrni:he(l witlt D stroug central JH' l'V l' , wl 11ch 1 prodnc<·clulto a short ca. brow.; a wn.-A humble, bran ch LilA' (and a pparen.t l y annual) lwrb. Leave~ altr. I'll~ t<', p j 11 ll ~I( l fi l'cl. ~I H.l SO lllt' \~ Jt ll l Jl I ' ~ J1 y, (des ll t l1 tO 0 f .g [ illl d S ? ) j liJc lobe~ nwl rrtchis lill"::tr . I [cads tcrn1I11 al , ~nl 1lrtry, 11early ~es lil', ln.rcrt>, (about au inch Jon~· ,) with une or two involnera.tr. len.ves at the base. Corolla yellow." Nl 'OL J.B 'I'fA OCCJDEN't'.~\LJS. (h·ct,?j. On the bank ~ of the Moballve ri vcr, growing i11 twkecJ sands; Ilowrrin~ in April. Tlw plan.t hi~S a po,~ert'tl~ ;1 nd. rn.the.r <Hjl'<'r.al~l (~ oclor. This in· tcr ""~::;t itl ~ ~L'Illl.' ( w htch 1s de sen heel I r?m t.n,qwrll!cl maten al~) l>elon~s to th1• tribe Sr.:Nt<;cro~JnEn•:, :uHl the suh-trthe l 1\GITJ.:H~ A·: . It ll<ts 1 111~ habit of Dis-.;od ia, ::llld <"Xhihits both tl lU c·llall'y papp llE> or thP cl ivisiott 'l'u~l'lerl', \l.lld the jWjJJJilS pi{(i.~us or Po,roplt,ylhtm. '-Groy. Ftt.<\N~·mHIA IHJl\tOsA. G1·uy. Shrubby, mtl<'h brauclted ; lcav\·~ pittnal ifwd , ca n r.s~l\111 on hot I! ~ide a an· tlw branchlcl~; the divisions 3-7, oval, entire, aud so!lwwhut lohed heads r~tlt •r loosely spiked; involtlC're of tltc sterile flnwcr~ !}-7-cleft striO'Ost•ly caneset'nt; nfthc fertile ovoid, 2-c·cllud, 2-flowered. 1.\ shrub, 1-..., feet hiol1, witlt div:Hiente ri gid bran ches. Lc·avesscarcelr a rr inch 1otJg. Fertile (immature) invo lncrc clothed with st raight soft lau. ceolat<'-.subnlate pricklu:;, which :He ~ llnrt lu1d.. ca lc-lik •. Ou tllc sandy uph.!nds of the :I\lllltahvc riv<.;r, ar)(l very conJmon in a that rcgitm or North Califoruiu. Flowering iu April. ... \MsoNIA 'l'OMEN'l'osA. Torr. und Prcm. Su il'ntt t·~cl" tl l' clothcr1 wi th ~ <letlSC whitish pt1besccnce · lcavc·lanceo· Jat1~ i.llld tlVttle-lanceolate, aettle al (. acb Cltd; f;<'tj lll ellt~ of tlH! Calyx IUIICCO· late-subuln.te · corolla sliglttly !miry cxtcru :ll ly. ~t e ms llttllH'ron:, erl'ct, 12 to ] .") iudtl's 1Ji1j1t , \Vootly lwlow simple or branchi11g. Lc~ves alternate; tlw lowc~t slllnll <t rHl ~p(lt ttl :tte ,orrcduced to scales; tltc others :1hout 2 iuell (•s long aml varyiug from ·1 to S lines 111 breadtlt; tmtire, acntninate at tiJC base. Flowers in rntl1 er dense, some· what fitstjgiatc termillal cln~ters, llCarly tltrne-f'onrths or <lll inch long. Ca· Jyx abottt one-third tho lengtlt of' tile <'orolla, 5-parted tn Llw base; these· 111c11ts uarrow und hairy. Corolla willt tlte tnbc v 'ntrico~e above; the ca. n1cnts ovatc-oblollg. Stamens included; filarllCit ts short; a11tllers ovate· s~gi ttat e. Ovaries ohloug, llllitcd below. distinct above, smooth; style ~lender; stigma capitate, with u lll<'mhrnuarcous collnr at the base. The spccinwtt ofthi~ pla11t were without tickets; but they wcr? l~roba· bly collectetl west or the Rocky motlnlain s. Tiley were without irlllt. , \ ,cLEPrAs ' PE c iOsA. 1'o1·r·. in .!ln1L /,yc. l\ew Yon~·, ii,p. 21E. Tlli~ (as w~s stated in the first r<' port) i::; .fl. nou.t.;-lasi,: of'_Jiookcr, well .figun~d in hi" Flora Boteali Americana, 2, t.. 1'12. [t ltas o.. wtde range, be· ing found 011 botll sides oC the Rocky nwuutain~, and from the sources o! the St. P eter'::; to those of the Kansas and Can ad iau. The fruit was collect· cd from specimens on the bnrd(s of the Snake river. lt is almost ex~ctly like t llat of .fl. Cornuli, beillg iu fl atcd, wool! y, and. covered with :oft sptne~, - • IL shoulu be Rtatcd here, thaL Lh<.' nolit'<' of this ~cuus hy Dr. Umy was dr:m n up in I,c.~IJn. t•u' we have given it in Englil)h, thnt it may be uniform with our own oc::~criptious. 017 [ ]74 J ArEnATE J.ATTFOJ.IA. Torr. and Frhn. tcm simple, er~ct, smooth ; lea v s 1~?u~1di 'h ovn te, n.early ~e, ilc, obtuse, with a small muc10, smooth ?ll both stdes; umbel :.;o[1tary on a terminal peduncle, few-flowered; pPdiCcls slc.nder; sco-mcnts of the corolla ovatclanceolatc; lobes of the crowu senulunar-ovate, a~ .long as the column rather obtuse, cncullat~. ' On Grccu river, a tnbutary ?f the Colorado of the West; June. About a ,pan high. Leaves about an rnch Hlld a half loug, and more than atl iuch wide. Flowers few, very larO'c, apparcutly yellowish. Fruit not "c·cn. EnroGoN U::\-f IN F LATUJ\1 . To'r?·. an/! Frhn. .n~ooth, l!i-fricltotomous; th? lowe r part, ::~nd sometime .. the two primary utvtstons ol thr .stem, t~u~l~ mflat:e cl atH.1 clav~ te; pedmtcle, clivaricatcly branched, the nltnnate dtvts tott · fi!Jforrn aud solttary; involucre few-flow ered, smooth; the teeth l'qual, ewct. 1_'hc spccimett of this plan~ a rc imperfect, heing de ·titntc of leave~, winch arc probably wholly radtcaL It 1s a foot or more IJiolt. T l1e .first ~~int of ~l!e. ste.m., or. rather en pe, is remarkably dilated and fi lular npu ·ard. I Ins dtv~des u_1to three ~H more brattchefl, the two primarv onrs of which are sornctJtncs wilatcd like t ltc first · the snbcl.i vi ·ions arc· dichoto - mo.us, .witl.l a pedicellate iuvolucre itl each iork. The iuvol ucrrs arc about altne. 111 d1ameter, smooth, 5,--:;-G-IJowercd; au.d, in all the p<.!ci utcrts that r exammcd, ouly 5-toothed. 1 he plaut was fo11nd on barren J1ills in tiJe lower pat't of North Califoruia. EnioGONUl\1 HJ~NH' O lU\fl~. Ton·. and Prem . Annual; lcnves radical, on long petiole , reniform, clothed wtth a den c noary tomeuturn; stem scare-like, naked, 3-forkcd from the base, o-laucous and uearly smooth; tltc divisions divaricatcly 2-3-forkcd; in voln~rcs 2-4 together, 011 sleuder peduncles, smooth, campanulate 5-toothed the teeth nearly equal, obtu~ c; perigouinm ~uwoth . ' ' On the Sac.ramcnto ri vcr; lVlarch. Allied to E. vimineum. of Bemham. Asmallspccre·, with very miuntc iJowcrs. EnroooNUM COHDALUl\1. Torr. and 1/rhn. I' Annual; leaves all radical, on long- })Ctioles rouudi h-ovatc cordate very bt 1· 1 1 u ' ' , 1 ° usc, s tg lt y pubescent above, hairy underneath; ~cape naked b~nder,smootll and ~laneons, divaricutcly l>rand1 >d tlw divisions slet1clet·: mv I 1· u · · ' ' ' ' ' h 0 ucrcs so llary, on filiform j)CJ Ultllclus, caml>annlatc mooth 5-toothed I e te.e tl 1 ncar 1y eq.na1, rather oiJtnso; pcrigoJJium hairy'. ' ' its~Vllh the precedm~, from which it is easily distinguished by the form of eaves and color o{ the pubescence. )~any other species of this <reuus were collectod in California and the 1~1a ·e country, some of which a re probably new, a11d will be d scribed in e next report. FuEMONTIA VERMICULAni~. Tm-r. in F'r(rn. !st report. sp;1~;~si~t~·io_ns plau~ i~ alway~ _foun~l it.J saline soils. or where tf~e ~tl!lotureoftl ~almc. ~ts greatest Jwu~ht 1s etgltt feet. It~~ a cllaractcnstiC teafornia ~lvegctat10a tlrro11gl tout a great p:nt of Orerson autl ~orth Calithe 00'u )Out Browt.t 's Hole, on Green river. it occupius all no. t cxcnt ivcly oms of the 11c1gh bori ug strcatus. 1 t is abundant also on rhc ~horcs •• .. . |