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Show [ 17·! J 31~ 1\lECO'\I;t.L C LJFOB 'TC.\. TmT. onrl Frf.m Lr.avl's nbnvate-srawlate; stame11~ 11-J 2. On tit<: , \llJC'I'l~"i.l.ll fork oJ'tlle St~f'l'i.UIJCIJI.,) river. Tlti~ spC'C:i('S is itltl'rrnrdiatn hetWI't'll J\IcrottPlla i.llld Plutvstio-ma. It • • '") I.\ a shmder anntral, ~j-4 inches l1igh, w1th the r:~clicalleavc1:> i11 rosulctlcclu .. lt..'rs, and more dilated ut the extren1ity than ir1 1'./. ONgrtlla. The Hower. niRo arc tuuclllargcr. Tile tonts, whirll is like liJat of }},cltsdtotziu, is vcrr listi11ct. · A IU"l'O\lECON. '] 'o n·. onr/.. ]1'J t'/7 Jl .--n. gen. Calyx or 3 smooth irnbricatec1 cadllC'OllS srpals. Petals ... ,, nhnvatc re}. ltlar. Stan1e11s numerous; anthl'rs ohloug-liuear: the <.:ells opeJJiJIO' l~n~tndill< dly. Ov;ny ohovoid, cotnpl)S()d of() carpel:-;, with [lS many ~1arr~w i11tervalvular placentte: styles uoue : ::it igrnas coalescing i11to a small hcmi~ pllrrical o,-au~led ~essil_c h?nd, t.llc i.lll~les of w.hi ·It are opposite the placcutm. notfon1~1~r~ <1 JHOJC!C~lllg tlt~k. Cupst.ile (munature) ovoid, the pla<: eutm altltost .i1ltfonu, opctllng n.l the ~ umnttt hy ()valves, which separatt lrotu thu pcrs1stuu1. plncc'lltw. Se('th; oblong, ~nJon!lt, st roplt iulate.--A pC'f<' lll1ial ltcrb, witl1 a tlticl woody root. Lea\·cs ttlltttcrntt~, nwstly crowrll'd ahonL Uw root, flahel.li{()rtll-ctntcate, densely clotlwcl with lotJ!5 o-ray up· wanlly h:trlJcllal<· lJairs, 3-5 lobed at tht• sutuntil; tltc lobes with 2--·> teeth, wllich arc tippc<l with a rigid ptwgcnt npwanlly scabrous bristll. c..;lem sc;rpe-IJiw, about a fi)()L ltiglt , fumio.;lied about the 1niddiP with one'or two Slllilll bract-like leaves, SlllOOllt al JOVe, rotrgh toward: tile uase. Flowc. rs ir1 a lonsc,sonwwllat nmbellatc,simple or somewhat con1ponml panicle: tne pcduuclt•s elot,gatcd, erect. Petals about an inch loug, yellow. A H rTo l\IE CON C J\ J.I FOHN I<' u l\1. T(rrr. and Frf. m. This rcmarlwhle plant Wit · fouml irr nnlv a sino·le t-~!ation in tile CaiJ(or- . . ., 0 111 ;.: 1! mot tntn~lt ~, ou the bat1ks of a cn~ek; J!owcri11g t'arly ir1 1\I:.ty. 'f!J,_. soil w:t~ ster.tle allll gravelly. 1\ ltlJI)llgll vcJ"y 11c.tr Papaver, it dill'cr ~~~ Blllcl.l 111 hahtt and itt tile ~t ropltiulatc seeds, as well as in ot!lf'r character~. tllat It mn, t be a tli. ti11ct gcn11s. Kn Al\T ~o: nrA. , . A sltrnhby species of this rrc·uus wus found 011 the Virgc11 river, in Califor· IJHt. , It sectll!-; to. he A~. paruij(Jfia oC Bc~ntlwru, dr.scribed ill the Voyage o1 the :--iulpf~ur. llts plant, however, W[lS only in f'r11it, while our specimen~ arc only I.n flower. Onrs grows itt tlrick lnwclws 1 --~ fc(!t high, of a gray aspect, wtth nnrnerous very ~trng.qliug a11d somewllil t spiucsccnt br:wche~. Leave:.; scal'C<.:I y OIJC third or <111 inch long, oho vatt'-Spat u late. The JJowers arc scarcely m?rc than half as large at• ir1 ]{. tancrolala. Sepals 5, ~lllequal; claws of the 3 rtppcr petals t11litecl into a column below; larmna more or less ovate; the two lower petals short awl truncate. Stamen.: slwrler than lhc npper petals; the filaments uuited at the base with the column of the petals: anther:-; nne-coll(•cl wjth a membranaceous snrnmi:. th~ orifice c~C wlticb is somewhat dilatod, atHl Jiually lacerutr~d. Ovary hatry aw.J spltlulose; style rigid, dedi ned. OxYS'l'Y.crs. TorT. and Prcm.--n. gen. Sepals linear; petals ovate, so mew lw t u ngnicnlate ; ovary 2-ccllcd; tl.~ :;ells subglobose, each with two. ovules: style pyramidal, much larger tha · 313 [ 174 ] the ovary. Silicic didymon:: the cm·p(·l~ obovoid-nlobosc, onc-seeued, (or rarely two-s?eded,) mdcluscen~, separatwg from t.hc base of tile pcrsis~ teut subulate spmcscent style: pencarp crustaceo-conaceous. Seed ovate somewhat compressed; te~ta ntcm hrat~aceon. , the l iuing much thickened and fleshy. Cotyledous mcmnbent, lmcar-oblong · radicle opposite the placcnltc.-A smooth ann un.l herb. Leave~ tenm.tel y parted, 011 long petioles; th~ leallcts ovate or obl~n ~, entire petJOiulatc. Flowers iu nn111erons nxdlary crowded ~hort C~lptlatc racemes, small and yellow. OxvsTYLIS LU'J'I•;.\. 1o?' J'. and Prim. On the ~Targoza riv,e,r, at th e.foot of a sanely hill; only seen in one place. but abnndant Lherc. 1 he spccin.wns were collccwd on the 28th of April: and were in both flower and fn11t. A rather stout plaut; the stem erect a foot or 15 inches higlt, simple or a little branchin~ below, leafy. Lrafl ets l-1 ,~ inch lottg, obtuse. Heads of flowers about half itll ittcll i11 dia tn (!ter, not clouo·ating in frnit. Caly:x shorter thnn the corolla; Lhc ~cpal s acnle, y •llnwish, tipped with orano-c. Petals about l wo line~ long. Frll i l consisting of two roun(l ish indehisc~nt corpels, which at nHtturjty sPparate by a small bnsr., leaving the indurated pointed style. The epicarp is thin , rnemhranarrons, and slightly corrugated. This remarkable plant ~cems to c0t111ect Crncifcnc with Capparidace~. The clm;tcrs of' old Hower ~talks, with tl1eir llttmcrntls crowded ~pine cent styles, present a singular appearance. Tn MNO. 1\11\. Torr. ruul Prcm.-n. Ken. Flowers hermaphrodite, (or polygamous?) Calyx 4-cleft. Corolla ttpetalled, mnch longer tltall the c:1.lyx ; the msti vatiou val vate. Stamens , in a double series, all fertile. Ovarie~ z, sessile aud connate at the summit of u stipc, each with 5 or () ovnles in 2 series; styles nnitccl into one: sti~tmt rapitntc. Carsnles 2, $cssile at the snmmit of the stipe, snhglobose, Hmtcd helow, (one of them somctiillfJS abortive,) coriaceon , 1-3-secded. Seeds cmvcd, with a short beak, hlttck and minntelv wrinkled; the radicle inferior. Embryo curved; cotyledons broad ly linc~1.r, incumbrnt. TnAMN0'5 LA MONTANA. 1~Jn· and Frcrn. / . A shrnb o(' the height of OIW or two feel, branching from tile base, with Simple, vcrr snralllinear wedge-shaped leaves. Tltc flowers arc apparently darl~ purple, in loose terminal cluster.. The whole plant Jms a strong aromattc odor, and every part of it is covered with little glandular dots. Although. nearly allied to Xanthoxylum, we rerrard it as a peculiar crcnus. It gro:vs 11~ the pns .. cs of the mountains, anc.l on the Virgen river in Northern Caltfonl!a. The o-rcater part of it was already in fruit in the month of May. • PnosoPJ::; onouATA. Ton·. and Frcm. Brat~ches aud leaves smooth; spines stout, mostly in pairs, straight; pinnm a stn~lc pair; lcaJlcts G- pairs, oblong-linear, slin·lttly falcate, somewhat conuccous, rather obtnse · srikes clougatccl on short peduncles· corol! a three times as loug as the 'cal vx · stamens e~serted; legume spi~·ally tWisted into a compact cylinder. · ' br·A tree abot~t 20 feet high, with a very broad full head, and the lower unchcs dcclllliug to the ground; the thorns sometimes more than an inch •• • I |