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Show EN(' l\11'\11'~ . "I' ON TITI: ~OIJTJI l'OHI\ OF Pl. \T n; IUVJ·~It J)1•f(' 1• 1ninfllion t~j/o.-·~:·i/,u!t·, .lu('} .·, l~ 1~>-ullilrults r~( ll1c SIUl. I !liST s•:lt II~. l>PIIhlt· :rltitud ·.()[the Tilll bllll·. ltt\\1'1" lirnh. I Jp : . )If • I I, ('. 1 { 11 f, () I I f) f) Ill JR .J;-, 10 l!l o:-, ' !) I !I :w I ·> I I • {) Ill "· • 'r. r,o 11.0 f; /, :t I !) ~~ t ;,(i 5 r.!'l !", I 0 II .. . ,) I o:.: 0;) ''"'''' ,.,, 11r J), I I h',• •t il j 1 II! [1' • nf' llrt• ' f'1'1 [' l " · o r H1tl lUllll'!n, ' II 1' • [O\\ I' I Jllldt. j) r //II I, .~rr I ' J(i .. :; :.:o Ill) !1(1 :.!I• I~ ,) ) ~· w .'.. . ) :.. I :!, :.!\) - ~q !t. (j 7 1: II f\7 . I f>l) :i!l (,() .,t (t\ ' I 'I :!Iii) Olol no 11.0 1: r:~I'I.T (ll' ('. I. (' I !. 'I' I 0 . . • 1 c.t 1 tin c>. "· 711111. ·', f'. 5 :~tj () .) 1' /. I \d\ ll ltl', o< { ('. :, .. l !Jc/rri)Jill"l inntf/unp,i!udt·, ./ut':'J II. 1 S 1'1-altilllllt \ td' lhcslur. l'lllS'I' St-:1111.'4. SI\'U:\11 <; J.Il l ~:··. J)oultlt• :dtitudi'S of tlH' llllll' or t:hruti\Hllt'l!'ro niH!ltlt- a 11itlld1''4 of the Titll(' of rhn,nomrtrr. Hull's lowt>r lu11l>. sull'o, l••wt•r litnlt. JJrg. min. • "!fl'. 4'1 :J!) !)() 41 14 50 44 00 40 4:l 4H 20 .tt;l 26 30 "· 1111, • o~ rc. }Jrg. min. ,\'(c. ;,. min. ur. G :H) 2:Jo 0 l I :3f'l lll 6 38 1 °6 :H 1700 <ll 15 :30 39 10 0 :n 5500 .til 00 •Hi :39 4902 32 27.7 110 11 20 40 33.5 33 2Go0 40 3l :30 41 07.4 --~--- In.ucx error = - 31 sec. RESUL'I' 0~"' CALCULA'l'IO • Mca.n time. Advance. 1 J.,ongitude. --~--~--~-------!~---------~----- Houhln altitudes of Pol:11 it~. Dr:~· 71 ,. .. j I 'l'ruo n lt i twl<·. ')//Ill. H •I !J Sf'r ]() :w f11d1 X 1 l'fl r - :'!Oiil'(', M<'all tinw. [ 1 i·:i ] 'I'iml' of cllmnotll!'ll'r. ;, 11ti11 . !) ·IH .wor.. !'d Lat:tud . Determina t wn (~lion!; i tutft>, Ju ~'I 1 :3, 184 ~~-all it uric,\ n;· o. c:~:;ni. () B'H. H V :\'1' I 0 N ~. Doul1lo ultitwles of « Cyg11i. Time of l'llrotlOllll'kr. Drg. min. 8~ 2"! 8S IS 85 {)() A6 32 87 19 Mean time. .\It' 40 !)() 10 4J 60 Index cnor ... " - 30 sec. RJ~~ULT OF CALCULATI0'1. Advance. lO lrtill, fi1 fl7 {)!) 00 03 ,';{'('. 550 3t.O 17 5 69 0 13.0 Lun;itud . |