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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. CLXV 19. Ploaae give me ~ o ners timateof qnsliaeatiwa 4. Disposition, la~c eo f chartoter, dignity. andprofioienoyof apnlioant on the following and srlP-control. point?:, 6. What idiosynerasiea, if any, hra appli- 1. Ahxll* and slloeers in managsmmt and oaotl oontml of ohiidreu. 6. Business and executive ability. 2. Aptness to teach. 3 Perrcrnrlap~err~nceaadd~~~~r~whether pleasing allll ittiaottre, or otherwise. Date: - --. Signature: - -, PoatoSee addreas: -- 0coupat.ion: -'-. A prrrcso w1.o nt.,k~r a atat-mmt ron.orninr an :xppliranr mnar have known him prram:dls one yeqr I r luttccr, vvcl n ~ t bb~et a leeol r~ridrvIl f ,La Stat*. Trrri~rpo.r U~a tne rc frl~irhcl le sppltravc clams tu I c a Iec.31 rosllmt. nn.1 one c.1 lue two perrons ( u ~ k i n xa rntatnrnrs ronrarrning au appllcsnr muat re,idc in t h ; eitp, tomd mnnry, or pnri%h in rllal. tlte appllonnt rlamnlr a hai<lones. - -. (Signatore of party making statement oanoernlng sppliosnt.) INSTRUCTIONS TO IlXDIAN AGENTS INREGARD M WILD WEST SHOWS. OFFICE OP INDIAANFFA IRS, Washingtoa, D. C., Ootoae. 1, 1890. -- Uuited hate8 Indias Agent, - Agency: SIR: Thia Departalent ie infortned that a company is preparing to obtain Indians from some of the rsnervatians to join the "Wild West Shows" in Eprope, and will probalsly apply to this oBoe for the necessary authority therefor. Shonld application far the purpose indicated be made the same will be promptly refused, as i t is now against the polioy of thia Department to gwnt permits for soch purposesunder any circumstaoees whatsoever, and I am directed by the Seeretnry of the Interior to adopt immediate measures to prohibit and prevent Indianafrom being taken for exhibition purposes. Your attention is invited to office oircnlar of March 8, 1890 (copy berewith), advi.. ing agents of the ruinous evilsgenerally resnlting to Indians who leavetheir reserva-tions and sneage in enterprisesof the character indicated, and instructing them to i8nprass upon the Indians the dangers of such practice and to nrge them to remain at liame end engage in more oivilieiu avocations. You are instructed to again ley t%e matter plainly before your Indiana and advise them that if any shoold hereafter attempt to leave their reservstion for exhibition purposes it \rill be regarded an an open Sefiancnoe of the snthority of the Government and that prompt measures will be adopted to detain thcni. |