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Show case to that date, and a discussion of the requirements of the act. A draft of the usual directions for obtaining the consent of the Indians was transmitted therewith for the signature of the President. The sng- .gestion of this office with regard to snbmitting thesernaps totlle agent for report was adopted, and July 24th they were sent to him with defi-nite instructions for a careful investigation and report. The directions -of the President as to obtaining the consentof the Indians mere inclosed . . with this co~nmunication,a nd when the maps of definite locatio~a~n rl plats of station-grounds hare been approred, further action will be taken. GRANTS REPERRED TO IN LAST ANNUAL REPORT. Bad River Reserve, 1Visconsin.-The Doluth, Superior and Michigan Railway Oo~~lpauaycq uired right of way through this reserve u ~ ~ d e r the treaty of Selrtemher 30, 1.884 (10 Sc.aC,. 1109), and April 12,1857, the Department granted them authority to begin their work. The Indians refused to agree to the amount of compensation, dema~~din$g25 per , acre instead of the $5 offered by the compaoy. The railroad has been eoustr~~ctethtlr ough the reservation, and theagent reports that the In-dians are dissatisfied and anxious for a settlement, but that they still l~ersistin their demands. In order to avoid such ~lificultiesi n future, this office prepared a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to fix the amoant of compen- .sation to be paid for right of way for railroads through Indian reserva- %tion8 in certain contingencies," which was transmitted to Congress, -January 4, 1588 (see Senate Ex. Doc. No. 40, Fiftieth Congress, first -session). This office is not advised, however, that any action has been ;taken by Congress in reference to the matter. ; Crow Reserae, Montana.-Five mays of the definite location of the Xine of the Big Horn Southern Railway were filed with the Department, and September, 1889, referred to this office for examination and report. Before this mas done they were transmitted to the United States Indian agent for the Crow Agency, with i~lstructionsto examiue and report as to whether the contemplated line would damage the individual lloldiugs of any of the Indians, or whether there were any other objections to their approval. He replied that he knew of no objection, and the nlaps ' with his report were submitted to the Department December 9, 1889. Three of them (the first, second, and third) were returned to this office January 25, 1890, with a commuuicatiou indicating certain objections to their approval, and they were formarded to the president of the com-pany April 19,1890, with a statement of these ohjeotions. The corn-, pany was further advised that the grounds desired for station porposes should be represented nQon plats separate from the maps of defiuite location, and these plats be filed for the approval of the Department, which, up tothe present time, has not been done. J)evil's Lalie Reserue, ATorih Dakota.-A bill (8. No. 667) granting right of ~v\.atyo the Jamestown and Northern liailway Company through this reservation was returned by this office to the Departmeut February 5 |