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Show . . . . . . . . . . ... ~ -~<., , . . . . . . . CVI. .REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. $4.50 for all, and the Red River Lumber Company $5.10 for all. On receipt of this, he was by telegraph directed to award all to the latter, and May 12,1590, he wrote that the sale had been completed, and that he had received the money. Nothing having been heard in the mean time in reference to the logs at White Oak Point, on May 6,1590, Charles Losh telegraphed this office that the prices bid by F. 0. L. Orean were not sufficient, and that 1 . he (Losh) could get more. Therefore on the 6th of May, 1890,I tels graphed the agent : If award for White Oak Point logs bas not beenmade, euspend action until further advised. . . I n r e p l~c,h e agent on the same day wrote that Orean had withdrawn his bid, and I immediately (May 10,1890) telegraphed him : CoverOreanls ahsak into the Treasury to credit of United States. Aseeftain and report by wire highest prioe you can get for White Oak Point logs. May 17,1890, he telegraphed that he had sold the Losh logs for $4.60 per thousand feet, and the Fairbanks logs for 85 per thousand feet, to whioh I replied, under date May 19, 1890, directing him to close the sale at the prices named, if satisfactory to the owners of the logs. May 20, 1890, I reported the matter in detail to the Department, ad. ding : It will beseen that the transsctiona in connection with the sale of theselogs have not been strictly in acwrdance with the authority of the Department to sell them on sealed proposals ; hut, under the oiroomstancee and in view of the limited time within which the sales had to he effcoted in order that the logs could be moved in eeasan, I feel that this deviation was wsrranted as in the best interest of the log-owners, and I trust that the action of this office will meet vith &pprov&l. The exact amount received by the Indians at this agency from their logging operations during the past season is not known, as the acconnts of the agent for the fourth quarter, 1890, in which settlement was made, have not as yet reached the office, but it will be nearly as follows: ~ Meeban contraat, 6,000,000 feet, at $8 per thousand ............. $36,000.00 Lash logs, 1,217,000 feet, a t $4.50 per thousand .................. 5,480.10 Fairbanks logs, 400,010 feet, s t $5 per thousand. ................ 2,000.05 White Earth and Red Lake, 8,063,510 feet, at $5.10 per thousand 41,123.90 $54,604.05 From this the scaling and other expenses are to be deducted, leav- . . ing as net proceeds about $81,000 or $62,000. GREEN BAY AGENCY, WISCONSIN. As I explained in my report for the year 1889, page89, the President, nnder the power conferred on him by the act of Eebrnary 16,1889 (25 Stat., 673), granted the Meuomouee Indims, on March 2 and 8,1889, |