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Show , . REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. CIX The logs are to be scaled by expert scalers, the expenaea thereof to be equally divided between the purchasers and the Indian loggers. Yon are also authorized to expend not exceeding $3 in advertising said timber by mesne of postera conspicuously plaaed end distributed among dealers in timber; the sale and disposition of the proceeds to conform in all other respects with the role& appn,ved by Executive aathority of September YO, Ism, under whioh the timber raa cut, and whioh you will find quoted in oEce letter of September 30, lES9. You will besr in mind that all expenses of every nature, except servieesof regular sgeney emploj6s where necessary, and when they can be spared, must he paid hrn the proceeds of the sale. I think it would be well f3r yon ta address a speoial letter, inclosing a eopy of the advertisement, to each of the lumber dealers who have heretofore bid, and to EK others whom yon know are in the business and so situated as to be able to hsndle thelogs, transmitting to me a list of the persons jon have so notified, which may be verifi~d if necessary by reference to your press copy book. By this means any com-plaint of fsvoritism can be met. ba soon as you fix upon the day yon advertise far opening the bids, inform meof it. In view of the fact that the several kinds of timber other than pine are inconsid.. erable. both as to quantity and value, and that bidders heretofore who have not obtsin'ed the pine expressed themselves i s strongly opposed to aeceptingeither or all of the other kinds, yon will insert in the present advertisement a statement to the effect that bidders not swarded the pine timber shall not he reqniredto accept either of the other claases. April 30,1890, he reported that he had advertised the logs and for the time specified, in the following terms : Menornonee Indian logs for sale. Sealed propoeals marked "Bids far Menotnonee logs," and addressed to the under-signed, will be received until 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, the '29th day of April, 1890. These lop, aggregatiog 12,000,000 feet, more or less, consisting of pins and a few thousand feet of baas-wood, rock-elm, hemlock, and cedar, are banked and are to be delivered where they lie, partly on the south branch of the Ooooto River and partly on Wolf River and its tribntsries, on the idenornonee Indian Reservation, Wieconsin. Each olass of log^, andalso the quantity banked on each river, will be sold to separate biddera, or eaoh class on both rivere will be sold to one bidder, as may he for the best interest of the Indisos. The logs are now being sealed by experienced scalers, the expense of scaling to he equally divided between the puraheser and the Indians. The lo@ to be paid for in oash before any are removed bv- the -u nrchaser. Bids to be considered must be moompanied by certified cheek for $500 op some national ]bank or United Statesdepository, drawn to the undersigned ssUnitedStates Indian se-e nt. The bids will be owned bv the ondersi-mxedin Dresence of the bidders in t,he office af the Green Bay Agency, at Kesheoa, Wis., st 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, the 29th day of April, 1890, and the highest and best bidder to get the logs, provided no sale in to be confirmed until approved by the Secretary of the Interior, who re-serves the right to reject sny and all bids, if to rto so is believed to be for the best internets of the Indians or the Qovernment. Bidder8 not awarded theplne timber shall not be required to accept either of the other classes. Dated Keshena, Wis., April 7,1500. Tnos. Jamms, Cnifed States Indian Agent, Grren Bay Agency, Wis. |