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Show miles each of t.he line of the Fort Smith and El Paso Railway were approved November 14,1889, and maps of the third and fractional . . fourth sections are now awaiting approval. There is nothiug on file in this office to show that the company has begun the work of construc-tion. A draft for $1,500 tendered by the Gulf, Colorado and Santa FBRail-way Company as the annual payment of $15 per mile required io the right-of-way act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat. 69), on 100 miles of its line of road through the Ohiekasaw Nation, was received November 9,1889. Since the date of the last annual report seven plats of station grounds along the line of the Kansas and Arkausas Valley Railway have been apl1rored, and the company has tendered a draft for $4,000.50 in paymeut for1.igllt of way through the Choctaw, Creek, and Cherokee Nations. The payment for right of way upon that portion of the line within the Cherokee Nation is held in the United StatesTreasnrx, to the credit of the Oommiesioner of Indian Affairs, pending the decision of the court as to the amount of compensation to be paid, the natiot~ having exercised itsright to dissent from the allowance provided in the , act. April 30: 1890, the compa~~alys o tendered a draft fur $3,164.51, as the annual payment of $15 per mile. Five drafts, aggregating the sum of $2,902.08, which were te~~dered by the Southern Kaosae Railway Coulpany as the annual paxnleut of $15 per mile prescribed in the Act of Congress (23 8tat. 73), were re-ceived August 2, ISSO. The plat of Perry Statiou, referred to iu the last annual report of this office, mas approved October 2, lSS9. This office is not advised whether the Kansas Cit,y and Pacific Rail-road Company, the Paris, Choctaw and Little Rock Railway Company, or the Fort Smith, Paris and Darrlanelle R a i l ~ a xC ompany have as J-et done any work of cox~struction under the acts of Congress grauting them right of \Tax, respectively (25 Stat. 140,205, 745). Puyallup Reseruatio?~, lVm'a~~gton.-On the recommendation of this office the following item was inserted in the Indian appropriation act, providing for a coulmission to visit the Pnyallup Reservation: Thst the President of the United States is hereby authorised to appoint a. eotttmis-sion to consist of three nersons. not more than two of whom shall be of the same DO-litieal party, and not more than one of whom shall be a resident of a o o~ne State, whose duty it shall he to visit the Puyallup Roservation,iu the Stale of Washington, ~ - ~~ ~ sud t , make fnll iuquiry zud investigation regarding auch reservaiion; the nature of the title to and value of the lands illlotted in severalty; mhether there are auy common lands which have not been sllottetl, aud if 80 tbe value of the same, and of the interest of the Iodisus therein; whether such reservation embraces the land on Pug-et Sound hetweeu high and low water mark; whether any rastriotiolls now existing upun the power of alienation by Indians of their allotted lande should be wholiyor in part removed ; as to tho manner in which lauds shall he disposed of hen the Indian allottees shall bevested with power to dispose of their individual tracts; in what maouer, if at all, individual Indiansshall beindemoitied for damage to their individual holdiugnif railroads sbsll he granted a right of way through the reservation; in wbat manner the tribe shall he compensated for the damage conss- |