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Show CXXlV REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. For Indian education Congress annually appropriates certain sums in addition to those provided for under existing treaties. The total amounts of such appropriations for the fiscal years 1889390 and 1890-'91 are fonndin above table, under the head of '' Support of Indian schools?' For contingent and incidental expenses of agents and their employ&, for aid for certain tribes in Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, etc., Congress annually appropriates certain sums, the totals of which for the fiscal years 1889-'90 and 1890J91 are found in the above table, under the head of 'iIncidental and contingent ex-penses." For pay of agents, interpreters, Indian police, additional farmers, Indian inspectors, superintendent of schools, for the erection and repair of agency boikliugs, surveying and allotting land, advertising, tele-graphing, transportation of Indian supplies, and for a number of other purposes, Congress annually appropriates certain sums. The total amounts appropriated for these purposes for the fiscal years 1889-'90 and 1890-'91 are found in the above table under the head of &'Current and ruiscellaneous expenses." Uneqended balance.-In addition to the appropriations named in 'Pa-ble- there were available for expenditure, at the commencement of the fiscal years 1889-'90 and 3590-'91, the following unexpeuded bal-ances of permanent Indian funds: TABLE 17.-Shot"ing vnezpended balanom of m a n a t funds available for 1869-'90 mad 1690-$1. Balances. / 18%'80. ( U 1 I . ( h m m ( Umaae, -- Of funds sppmpriated, treaty stipol~tions of a OFe rmanent aharnoter. .......................... fa nda appropriated for sreotion of sohwl boildillgs at ~ariousp oints .................... Of appru riations for negotiating treatiea Kith 0ertlinPndian fribea, surveying and allottin Iudian Lands, digging ditohsa, and proceeds 0% sale of Indisn ianda ............................ Of Indian moneys, miscsllaneoua ................ lL14,553.24 I. Total ...................................... xet i n a m ............. Trust funds.-The total amount of trust funds, in bonds and otherwise, held at the beginning of the fiscal years 1889J90 and 1890-'91 were as follows : TABL* 18.-ShMUing truat funds held at mmsnoment of 188%'90 and 1890-'91. Principal,. ............................................. Acerurd i ~ l - r * ~nIu, u oal ............................... Aecmed i"!err*tl, bllB"ce .............................. -- - ~p Total ............................................ 1 '2% 754,402 54 1 23,270.50L 60 1 $516,098.15 |