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Show CXXX REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. rested on the Government to deduct the amount of properly-established claims from the annuities due the tribes charged with the depredations ; but only a few of these claims have been paid or otherwise adjudicated. The number so dlsposed of was stated in my last report as 54, aggre. gating $218,190.10, bnt this number included only such claims as had been paid by act of Congress and vere mentioned in the acts providing for their payment. A thorough examination of the offieo records shows that 220 other claims have been, at various times before May 29,1872, referred by the Department of the Interior to the Second Auditor for settlement, and it is presumed that these have been paid either directly from tho Treas. ury or from the annuities due the tribe of Indians charged wlth the depredation, so that the number of claims which have been filed and are no longer pending may be stated with tolerable accuracy as 274, aggregating $784,268.42, on which $434,570.93 was allowed. When the act of March 3,1885, was passed there were on file in this office 3,846 Indian depredation claims, involving a total of nearly $14,000,000. Between that time and the close of the fiscal year ending June 30,1885, there were filed Y3 claims, involving nearly $900.000, so that, as shown in my last report, there were on file June 30,1885,3,939 claims, aggregating $14,879,088. Owing to the great amount of work required to prepare the list of claims which are found in Executive Document 125, as heretofore ex-plained, and the fact that many of those repo~tedn uder the act of March 3,1885, as being '' barred " had to be re-investigated under the amended act of May 15,1886, the real work of reporting claims for submission to Congress in pursuance of the above acts did not begin nutil about Jnne 30,1886, and those reported since then have been sent to Cougressregn-larly in January of each year. The following tables will show the number ofclaims filed and disposed of; those snbject to investigation and those which can be rendered subject toinvestigation under existing laws; the number embraced in each of the fonr classes where the defects are curable only by statute, and the total amount involved in each class : Tdla 23.-Sho~oing nnmda of depredation olaims on hand and received &no6 March 3,1885. No. Amoontin-olaims. volvwl. -- Claims onale Mnmh 3. 1886 .................................................................................... . 4 846 $13,981 816 Claims file,! betaeen Xaroh 3 end Jone 30,1886 93 887: 272 clalrna Bled during Basal gear onding June30- 1886 ......................................................................... 168 674.939 1887 ......................................................................... 109 331514 1888.. ........................................... ..-...........-.......-....-.. ....................................................................... ... 769 1 907 085 18~9 SO9 1:38%: 104 ,800 ......................................................................... 659 1,695,608 Toid ......... k 6 053 / 20.92% 939 |