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Show REPORT OF THE COXMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. XCI formed, I aupend a f& extracts taken from some of the reports for 1889, whioh are a fair sample of all: [Agent Jones, Fort Berthold. I?. Dak 1 The police f m e at thisagency oollsistsof onecapt,aiu aod seven privates. They are influential menamong their people, and donot shirk duty, no matcer how unpleasant. [Agent XcLaonhlin. Standing Rook, B. Dak.] The police force of this w.e noy. oonsieted of two officers and twentv- -ei.c. ht n. rivates thru<tglrour rile pnrt yrnr. 'Cltuy l ~ a r~i>rre r f~~nl1l8>sl irmn~prlyc xeeute<lc .vrry order issaed i n cuuueerion will! tlicir ritil~o,na, u i hnvn c o n ~ ~ t ~ ar~ho~rrdnepe~rrl uf sli rrlliteu familiar with their duties as well as of %he Indians. They are esoh assigned to aoer-taio district, over which they have supervision, which, together with their detail st regular intervals for duty at the agency, end special duty fr?quently reqniredof them, makes the service rendered ver.7 great for the small pay received. From the verj nature of their service theyare obliged to keep a horse, which they must fgrnish end feed st their own expense, and a. ss1rsl:y of $15 per month would, therefore, be but mbderate pay for the privates and 820 per month far the officers. [Agent XoChesoey, Cheyenne Riser, S. Dak.] The police force of t.hiri sgeucy consists of one captain, one lieutenant, and twenty-five privates. This numberia barely suEcient to preserve orderin theva r io~csa mps, prevent the introduction of liquor on the reserve, keep out intruders, and properly perform the mang other duties required. The force has given several pleasing evi-deuoes of efficiency xud devotion to duty in the year pant, and carried out to the full extent of their ability ail the orders given them. This class of employ&deserve and should receive an increased eampeusation for their aerviees. [Agent Anderson, Crow Creek and Lower Brut&. S. Dak. I It is difficnlt to say too muoh in praise of this eflcient thongh poorly peidarm of the service. Their psy was advanced by the last Congress $2 per month enoh. They llow receive, officers $12 per month and privates $10. For this pittsnoe they are ex. peoted to furnish their own horses, preserve order, go on long ooorier services, and numerous other duties, besides being examples or models for the tribe. Their psy is not commensurste with their work and usefalneas, and our Oovernment ahould be ashamed to deny them fair compensation. [Agent Gallagher, Pine Ridge, S. Dak.] Thepolioe have maintained throughout theyear the high point of effloienoy reached by themin years prsst. They are i.aluable aids to the anent and alldeserve honoreble mention for their many 8aorifioes made in the dischargi of duty. [Agent Spencer, Rosebud. S. Dak.1 The alacrity xith which they respond to the callsof duty and a readiness to arrest their own kindred, if necessary, is indicative of the responsibility assumed when donning the clothingprescribed by the Government far their use. The police force conaists of one officer and five privates. From my short acqnaint-anoe and observation I fiud the force to be rery 88sentiaI'and really indispensable. The Indians have learned to obey the police, and a l olio em an only has to notify any Indian of what is wanted and he obegs promptly. I really hope their pay will be inorewed to at least 4neh an amount as will furnish then, with the neoessariee of life. |