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Show CXXVI REPORT OF THE COMMI8610NER OB INDIAN AFFAIRS. TABLE 21.-Showing bust fund8 of the $ve civil%ed tribes. Tribea. / Amonnt of Annoal principal. 1 interest. I I !Che interest on the principal of these ftinds is placed semi-annu-ally with the United States assistant treasnrer at St. Louis, Mo., to the credit of the treasurer of each nation, and the expenditure of these funds is entirely under the control of the nation and its council. This office has uo corltrol whatever over these expenditures. Cherukws ........................................................... Cllioknams ................... .,... .................................. Choctans ............................................................... Creeks .................................................................. 8sminolos ............................................................... Total ............................................................. TRUST BUNDS OF OTHER TEIEES. The balance of the before-named slim of $21,244,818.39, amonntmg to $13,?60,685.63, belongs to a number of tribes, as stated below, and the iuterest thereon, at 4,5, 6, and 7 per cent., as the case may be, is either paid to or expended for the benefit of the respective tribes. P? 624 842.37 1,308,695.65 540,591.74 2 000.000.00 -1-, ~ o-, a a ow. 7,9&I.132.76 TABLE 22.-Nzowing trrcat funds of tribes other Iha* the $96 civilized tribes. $137 469.33 d404.95 34 341.13 160 000.00 V~:WO. w 413,219.01 Tribea. I PtinoipaL /I . Tribes. Cbippewaa and Ckiatlan Indians. Delawares ....................................... . Eastern Shawnees 10waa ............................ xanaas ........................... Xask~ekin. Peorias. Wsan. and usago9 ............................ Omahas ........................... Otaes and Nissootias ............. Paaneea .......................... Punoiw ............................ The balances of accrued trust-fund interest, as shown in table 20, amounting to $967,406.43, are applicable for such expenditures as from time to time may be found to be proper. Indians have depredated on the property of white people and of other Indians from the time of the earliest settlements. Many of the Iudian wars which disturbed the frontiers and threatened the existence of exposed villages in colonial times originated in this way, and early efforts were made to prevent or remedy the evil by legislation, |