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Show LXVIIl REPORT OF THE COMMISblONER OF IXDlAN AFFAIRS. diaus for their improvements on a tract of six hundred and forty acres west of the Missouri Rirer. The company was required t.o file with the Department, within nine months from said date, a map of the definite location of its line and plats of ground desired for station purposes, which has uot as yet beeu done. No maps or plats hare been filed by the Dakota Central Railway Compauy, aud, so far as this office is advised, there is nothing on file in the Department to show that it has taken any steps towards complying with the conditioas of the act. The act of Congress of March 2, 1889 (25 Stats., 852), granted right of way for the constructiou of the Forest Oity and Watertown Railway from a point on the west bank of the Missouri Rirer, in Dewey County, S. Dak., opposite Forest City, to the city of Deadwood. Au. thority was granted in April, 1889, for the survey of the proposed line of this railway, but no maps of definite location have been filed, and it is not known to this office that any acdou has been taken looking to the construction of the road. Indian and Oklako?na Territories.-A portion of the line of the Chi-cago, Iiansas and Nebraska Railway, represented upon the map of definite loeatioa of the fourth section, is within the Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation, Oklahoma. September 23 last this office was formed by a telegram from Agent Ashley, of the Cheyeune and Arap-aho agency, that a force of railroad employ6s was grading a liue of railway iu dose proximity to the Cheyenne industrial school buildings and betweell the school buildiugs and "Oaddo Spriug," from which tho water-supply for the school is obtained. The railway company was required to file a snpplemental map covering that portion of the line near the school, which should be so deflected at that point as to leare the springs, school.builrlings, and improvements on the same side of the railway aud at such a distauce from the same as not to prove a source of disturbance and dangerto the pnpils. The map of the fifth section of this line mas approved October 15,1889. The act of Congress approred March 2,1887 (24 Stats., 44G), provided that the railway coml~auy should pay the sum of $50 per mile for right of way through the (then) Indian Territory, and that any tribe through whose reserration the road passes shall have the right to dissent from the allowauee for right of way prescribed in the act and to.have the amount to be paid for right of way determined by a board of referees. It is further provided that &her party being dissatisfied with theawurd of the referees shall have the matter decided by the United State8 aoort for the western district of Arkansas or the district of Kansas. The Oherokee Nation having so dissented, the matter was referred to a board of referees, who fixed the amount of the compensation at the same Bgure allowed in the act, but the Cherokees again dissenting it has probably been carried intothe courts. The award, of the referees was returned to the Department by this office March 12,1890, with drafts aggregating the sitm of $3,250, which had beeu tendered by the |