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Show EEPORT OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. LXVIl last,, with an urgent recommentlation fbr its speedy \,+Issage. This bill g r a ~ ~tthse right of wa,y upon the terms and cou~litionsp roposed by the Indianr and accepted by tile cornpang October 5,1SS3. Attention mas invited in the above report to the full history of the case printed in House Executive Dooume'nt Xo. 31, Forty-eighth Congress, second session, but so far as this office is atlrised, no fiual action has been taken by Congress upon the matter. Fond du Lac Reservatisn, ,11in11.-October 1, 1889, the Unitell States 111dian agent in charge of this reservation rras iustrocted, in accord-alicc with the ~lirectious of the President, to convene the Indians iu c o ~ ~ ~flocri tlh e purpoae of r e a c l ~ i ~ai~l gag reement with the Duluth and Wiur~ipegB ail\vay Compauy as to the amount of compensation to be l~aiitlh em in their tribal capacity for right of way, etc. The agent transmitted, with his report upon the matter, millutes of the proceetf-iugs of the council, settir~gfo rth that tliey lrad agreed to accept the sum of $5 per acre for the tribal land occupied by the company, which amount was to be exclu~iveo f compensation to be made for damages to individual owupants. A list of those whose indivi[lual holilings had austaineddamage, and showitlg the terms of settle~ne~wlitt h them, was also transmitted by the agent. As a0011 as the rate of compensation agreed to shall 11e.approred by the Department, the company will be called upon for the pa~-rnendt ue the tribe. The act of Congress of Oc-hber 17,188S (25 Stats., 55S), granting right of way,authorizes the com-paly to locate t ~ stoati or~sw ithin the reservation. These statious are indicated upon the mapof iletiuite location, which wa.s approved by the Department September 23,1859, but the company has been called upon to file separateplats of each station. Fort Hall Resereation, Idaho.-By the terms of the right of way, act of Heptemberl, 1888 (25 Stats., 452), the Utah and Northern Railway Com-pany is required to pay the sum of $8 per acre for all land occupied within this reserve for railway purposes and to pay for all additional laud occupied within the town site of Pocatello a ~1111p1 er acre equal to the average appraisal of each acre of town lots ontsicle of the portion so taken. The paymelit of $8 per acre has been made, but the amount of the additional payment can not be determined nntil tho report of the appraisers shall llave been received and approved. This work is under the direction of the General Laud Office. Great Sioux Reservntion in the Da76otas.-By act of Congress of March 2, 1SSQ (25 Stats., SSS), al~groved February 10,1859, which provides for the division of the Great Sioux Reservat,io~t~h,e Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Bailmay Com.pauy a ~ t~l ~deD a kota Central Bailway Uom~auy are granted the right to occupy, prior to any white person or corpora-tion, the right of map, etc., described in certain agreements heretofore negotiated by said companies with the Sioux Indiaus. (See IIouse Ex. Doc. No. 20, fortyeighth Congress, first scssio~~.T) he former colnpatiy has tendered a draft for 81,743.50 .to pay the Lower Brul6 S~uuxIn . |