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Show XLII REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFk'hIBS. . , . - . to just what portions and how much of the land Within the several ,. . ,. ,. . reservations (except the Red Lake and White Earth Reservations), \,-,; ~. , . will be subject to appraisement and sale under the provisions of seo- ~, .... tions 4 and 5, or to settlement and sale under the provisions of section ;i 6 of said act, nntil the Indians shall have selected their lands for allot- . . ment public notice mas giveu by the Department March 5,1890, wam- . ing all persons from going upon any of the reservations for any pur-pose prior to the formal opening of the lands, for sale and settlement by public advertisement. The notice is as follows: . , DEPARTMEXT OF THE mERIOR, Washingtom, D. C., March 5, 1890. The act entitled "An act for the relief and oiviliestion of the Chippewa Indiana in the State of Minnesota" provides for the negotiation "with all the different llsnds or tribes of Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota for the oomplate cession and relinquishment, in writing, of ell their title and interest ilr and to all the reser- . ,: . vstions of said Indians in the State of Minnesota, except the White Earth and Red Lake Reservations. and to all and so much of these two reservations as in the "ja de..- ment of said Commission is not required to make and fill the allotments required by this and existine acts and shall not heve been reserved by the commissioners for said pnfposea for thepurposes and npon the terms" therein stated. The aot further provides for pllotments of lsnd in severalty to the Chippewa In- , ' , dians in Minnhsnta and for the reservstion of su5cient land for that purpoae on the . . Red Lake Reservation for the Indians residing and belonging thereon, and also for all . . : . , . the Indians residing and belonging on the Leeoh Lske, Cass Lake, Lske Winnebe-gashish, White Oak Point, Mille Lac, Fond do Lac, Boiae Fort, Deer Creek, and Grand Portrrge Reservations. It, bowever, provides "that sny of the Indians residing on any of said reservations .: may, i n his diaeretion, take his allotment in severalty under this act on the reserva- tion where he lives at the time of the removal herein provided for is effected, instead of being removed to snd taking such allotment on White Earth Reservation." The Commissioners appointed to oondoot the negotiations sforesaid have reported that the Indiana generally hitve indiaated their desire and porpose to take allotments under the act on the reservation where they resided at the time of the negotiations . . and the ameements entered into br them with the Indians so provide. Said agree-rnnntR hasye been sgpruwd by the President in accordnore with the provisions of the act "thnt ail agrecmuota therefor shall bc approva<l by the i ) r e~i d~onft llle I'nited States before taking effect." and thnt "the acceptance sod approval of anoh oession . .and relinquishment by tie President of the united States shell be deemed full and ample proof of the aeaent of ths Indians, and shall operate as a complete extinguish-ment of the Indiantitle, without any other or forther act of ceremony whatsoever, for the purposes and npon the terms in this act pmrided." It can not he ascertained or determined to what portions and how mnch of the land within the hoondaries of the several reservations, exoept the Red Lake and White Earth Reservetions, the Indian title will be extinguished by and under said agreements nntil the allatmenta provided for shell have heen made. When the portions of the reservations oeded shall have been ascertained and deter-mined, the act provides for the sorrey and examiuation of the ceded lands by 40- , acre lots for the porpose of asoertaning on whieh lots or tr.zot.s there is standing or nrowine timber. whioh traats. on whioh pine timber is standing or growing, for the Y. purpose-s of thiinct, shall 11" termed lsuds," and all urhcFlon#ld arqoired frou, aald Indinoa un said reservation8 other Illan pineland$, arc, for tile pnrpoias of this act, termed " sgrionltural lands," and that after the survey, examination, and ap-praisals required shall have heen fully completed the "pine landsn shall, after due advertisement, be offered for asle as in said act provided, end that the "agricultnral |