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Show [ 50 ] over-earnefi zeal. [ 5I l Much greater happened policy of this country with regard to the Cm afterwards when it operated with greater The bonds of the act of navigation lorries; by which the fcheme of a regular plantation parliamentary revenue was adopted in theory, and fettlcd in practice. A revenue were firaitned {0 much, that America was on not {ubliituted in the place of, but fiiperadded the point of having no trade, either contraband or legitimate. They found, under the confirué'don and execution then ufed, the 9.61 to, a monopoly; which monopoly was enforced at the lame time with additional {triti- nefs, and the execution put into military hands. power in the higheft department of the finances. no longer tying but actually {trangling them. All this coming with new enumerations of commodities; with regulations which in a manner put a flop to the mutual coafiing in~ ter‘Courfe of the Colonies; with the appointment of courts of admiralty under various im-s proper circumf'tances; with a fudden extinction of the paper currencies; with a compul- This aét, Sir, had for the full time the title of " granting duties in the Colonies and Plan" tations ofAmerica ;" and for the firf't time it was aflerted in the preamble, " that it wasjzg/Z " and mafia/fly that a revenue {hould be railed " there." Then came the technical words of fory provifion for the quartering of foldiers; " giving and granting ;" and thus a complete the people of America thought themfelves American revenue act was made in all the forms, and with a full avowal of the right, proceeded againfi as delinquents, or at belt as people under fufpicion of delinquency; and in fuch a manner, as they imagined, their recent equity, policy, and even necellity of taxing the Colonies, without any formal content of fervices in the war did not at all merit. theirs. of thefe innumerable regulations, Any There are contained alfo in the pie-- perhaps, amhle to that a€t thefe very remarkable words would not have alarmed alone; fome might be thought reafonable; the multitude {truck them with terror. --the Commons, &c.-- " being delirous to "make/01126 provilion in the prefix: Sefiion " of Parliament toward; railing the {aid reve- " nue." By thcle words it appeared to the But the grand manoeuvre in that bufinefs of Colonies, that this act was but a beginning of new regulating the Colonies, was the 15th 216: of the fourth of George IIl.; which, befides forrows; that every fellion was to produce fomething of the fame kind ; that we were to containing leveral of the matters to which I have juft alluded, opened a new principle: and go on from day to day, in charging them with fuch taxes as we pleated, for fuch a military here properly began the fecond period of the force as we lhould think proper. ' 4. policy D2 Had this plan |