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Show [54] [55] refpeflablemerchant, a member of this Houl'e, " IVsr was the z‘z‘me left fammvzélg to the equity affix/2 a lmmtiotz. , I don't mean ie (if/pzr/e l/Je rmfmzaficwe/i q/_ [ff/1262703 conirrdulmg to the danger 0 Great Bum/72 when the IS able ; 7207', I believe, would [be flare/17.652725 them/231w: have {typified if, at a proper time and feafon. Whom I am truly forty I do not now fee in his place, when he reprefented againf'c this proceeding, that if the {lamp-duty was difliked, he was willing to exchange it for any other equally produétive; but that if he objected to the Americans being taxed by Parliament, he But it flow/d fie toga/cred, that the American might fave himtelf the trouble of the difcuf- garter/meats them/elves have, m the prefl'cuz‘zonef fion, as he was determined on the meafure. This is the fact, and, if you pleale, I will mention a very unqueftiouable authority for it. the [are war, contrafiw' very large deals; fw/chb it wi/Z lake fame years 150 pay eff, and m {be mam time Mfg/[072 very burdenlomc taxes for that purpoii‘: Oil/)1. For inflame, that governmrm‘, which is as mac/9 Infore-bafld as any, mfj/és every year 37,500 /. flerling for finkmg their debt, mm' my com‘iflue it fsr jam" years longer at [erg/i éefore 2': will be dear." Thus, Sir, I have difpofed of this fiilfehood. But falfehood has a perennial fpring. It is faid, that no conjecture could be made of the diflike of the Colonies to the principle. This is as untrue as the other. After the refolution of the Houfe, and before the paiiing of the Thcfe are the words of Governor Bernard's flampeaét, the Colonies of h/Iaflachulet's Bay Letter to a member of the old miniflry, and and New York did fend remonftrances, object- which‘he has lince printed. Mr. Grenville could not have made this propofition to the ing to this mode of parliamentary taxation. What was the confequence? They were {upprefled; they were put under the table; not- agents, for another reafon. He was of opi- nion, which he has declared in this Home an withfianding an order of council to the con- hundred times, that the Colonies could not trary, by the minii'try which compofed the legally grant any revenue to the Crown; and that inrinite mifchiefs would be the conte- quence of fuch a power. When Mr. Gren- ville had patiedtlie iii-fl: revenue a€t, and in the lame lbfiion had made this Houle come to a relolution for laying a Ramp-duty on America, hemeen that time and the paiiing the {tampaé‘c into a law, he told a confiderable and molt retpcc't- very council that had made the order; and thus the I'loufe proceeded to its hufinefs of taxing, without the leaf: regular knowledge of the ohjeé'tions which were made to it. But to give that Home its due, it was not over deIirous to receive information, or to hear re- monftrance. On the 1 5th of February, 1765, whilf't the {lamp-act was under deliberation, I.) 4. ‘ tley |