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Show [ 32 l [33] the Royal Faith for a renunciationof all mites for revenue. Them you mull punifh, or t 11: faith you mull preferve. The prefervatron 0- that you will take off {omcthing oppreflive to this faith is of more confequence than the du-i ties on red lead, or white lead, or on broken glaji, or atlas Ora'z'fldi'y, orjemz-fizze, .011" blueroyal, or lug/lard, or fool s-cap, VVlllCl you their minds. Sir, the Letter firongly enforces that idea; for though the repeal of the taxes is promifed on commercial principles, yet the means of counteracting " the inlinuations of have given upl; or the three-pence on tea which you retained. The Letteewent {tampt with the public authority of th1s kingdom. " men with faftious and {editions Views," is The inflruétions for the Colony government go under no other fiané'tion; and America cannot for regaining their affection and confidence is, by a dilblaimer of the intention of taxing for revenue, as a Conflant invariable fentiment and rule of conduct in the government of Anne- rica. believe, and will not obey you, if you do not preferve this channel of communicationfacredi I remember that the noble Lord on the floor, You are now puniihing the Colonies for acting on difl'inetions, heldoout by- that very not in a former debate to be fore (it would be (liforderly to refer to it, Iliippole I read it Miniflry which IS here fhmmg _1n riches, fomewhere), but the noble Lord was pleafed to in favour, and in power; and urging the pu- fay, that he did not conceive how it could enter into the head of man to impofe fuch taxes nilhment of the very offence, to which they had themfelves been the tempters. as thofe of 1767 ; I mean thofe taxes which he voted for impoling, and voted for repeal- commerce, which is your own convenience, ing; as being taxes, contrary to all the principles of commerce, laid on Bray/J Malayan were the {ole grounds of the repeal of the hye tuner. Sir, If reafons refpeé‘ting limply your own duties; why does Lord Hillworough, m dilclaiming in the name of the lung and Mllllf {try their ever having had an intent to tax for revenue, mention it as the means" ‘ofre-efta" blilhing the confidence andhfleétron of the " Colonies?" Is it a Way of foothmg others, to allure them that yiou will1 take1 gooddcare for u , ticon' y me rum,otyomf/j.«'9 The* me i-m I dare fay the noble Lord is perfeétly well read, becaufe the duty of his particular oflice requires he {hould be f0, in all our revenue laws; and in the policy which is to be collected out of them. Now, Sir, when he had read this aét of American revenue, and a little re- covered from his afioniihment, I fuppole he made one Prep retrograde (it is C but one) and |