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Show [ I7 1 1 :6 1 hilation out of American Commerce, would that, either your objection to a repeal from have been conipaiatively as nothing. But is the article of Tea luch an obi e& 111 the Trade thefe {uppofed confequences has no validity, or _ that this pretence never could remove it. This as not to be felt, or felt but commercial motive never was believed by any flightly, like White Lead, and Red Lead, and man, either in America, which this Letter is meant to foothe, or in England, which it is meant to deceive. It was impofiible it fhould. Becaufe every man, in the lead: acquainted lainte‘rs Colouis.P Tea is an obi'eé‘c of fit other importance. Teais perhaps tlie molt11np01tant objeét, taking it with its nec'efiary connectiOns, of any in the mighty ciicle of 011r Commerce. If commercial principles had been the true motives to the Repeal, or had they with the detail of Commerce, muf't know, that feve1a1 of the articles on which the Tax was repealed were fitter objeé'cs of Duties than almoft any other articles that could pofiibly be been at all attended to, Ted would haVC been the laft article we {hould have left taxed for :1 chofen, without comparifon more fo, than the Tea that was left taxed; as infinitely lefs liable to be eluded by contraband. The Tax upon Red and White Lead was of this nature. {object of controverly. You have, in this kingdom, an advantage1:11 infliué‘tive a leflon, as the condué‘t or Minillry in this bufinefs, upon the mile hief of not hav- Lead, that amounts to a monopoly. When you find yourfelfin this fituation of advantage, you fometimes venture to tax even your own ‘__-_«...;.-_.~L-; . WP7» of England, Sir, it is not a pleafiant confideiation; hut nothiiig in the world can read lo aw ful and f0 export. You did {3, foon after the lafl war; when, upon this p1inciple, ou ventured to ing large and liberal ideas111 the management of great afiiirs. Never have the fervants CT the {late looked at the whole of your compli‘Cated interelts in ‘one connected View. They 11 lofe a duj on Coals.111 all the articles of have taken things, by hits and lcraps, fome at American contraband trade, who ever heard of the fmuggling of Red Lead, and White Lead? You might, therefore, well enough, without One time and one pretence, and lbme at anothe1, jun as they piefletl, 'ithout any {Cit of regard to their relations or dependencies. They danger of contraband, and withoutinjury to 11eVer had any kind of fyfiem, right or wrong, Commerce (if this were the whole confideration) have taxed thefe commodities. The but only i11Vented occafionally tome miferable tale for the day, in order meanly to fiieak out of difficulties, into 11hieh they had proudly flintted. And they were put to all thefe fame may be faid of Glafs. Befides, fome of the things taxed were {o trivial, that the lofs of the objeéts themfelves and their utter annihilation B fhifts |