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Show l 86 'l 1'87] and changes, andjumblings ofall kinds of men at homem‘hich left no pollibility oforder,conlifiency, trigepi r, or even f0 much as a decent unity of colour in any one public meafure.--lt is a tedious, irkfome tail-1. My duty may call me to open it out lbme other time; *‘on a former occafionl tried your your firength, employ it to uphold you in {ome bOUOUFFiblC right, 01' tome profitable wrong. If you are apprehenfive that the concelhon recommended to YOU, "1011in proper, {hould he a means of_~drawing 00 YOU further but unrealbnahle Claims,-~-why then employ your forc e in {up- tempcron apart ofit; forthe prefent I {hall forbear. After ailthefe changes and agitations, your immediate tituatiun upon the queflion on your pa- porting that reafonable concefiion againfi thof e per is at length brought to this. You have an ail: of parliament, tinting, that " it is expedient to raife a probable concurrence of all the quiet and rati onal ," revenue in America." By a. partial repeal you annihilated the greateft part ofthat revenue, which this preamble declares to be {0 expedient. Yen have lubfltituted no other in the place of it, A fecretary of llate has difclaimed, in the king's name, all thoughts ref fuch a :{nbflitution in future. The principle of this difcl'aimer goes to What has been left, as well as what has been repealed. The tax which lingers after its'companions, (under a pre» amble declaring an American revenue expedient, and for the {ole purpofe of lupporting the theory of that preamble) militates wirh the alliirance au~ thentically conveyed to the Colonies .3 and is an exhanfi'lefs {ource ofjealoufy and animolity. On this (late, which I take to be a fair one; not be- ing able to dilcern any grounds of honour, ad: vantage, peace, or power, for adhering, either to the act or to the preamble, l {hall i'ote for the quelling which leads to the repeal of both. It you do not fall in with this motion, then. {cc-tire fornething to fight for, confiflcnt in'theory and valuable in practice. If you mull; employ i 4. f Refolutions filmed in My 1770. ‘ i i 31°?" unreafonable demands. You will employ it with more grace; with better effect; and with grea t peopde in the provinces; who are new united with, and hurried away by, the Violent ; havi ng indeed difiErent(lil'politiotis, but a common inte- relt. If you apprehend that on a conceilion you {hall be pullied by metaphylical procefs to the extreme lines, and argued our ofyour whole au- thority, my advice is this; when you have recovered your old, your thong, your tenable po- lition, then face about-«flop lhort~do noth ing more-reafon not at all-oppofe the ancient fo'cy and practice of the empire, as a rampart agai nlt the fpeculations of innovators on both fides of the quef'tion; and you will {land on great, manly, and line ground. On this lolid balis fix your machines, and they will draw worlds towards you. Your mindlers, in their own and his Maielty' s name, have already adopted the Americ an dif- tinc‘tion of internal and external duties. It is a diftinflion, whatever merit it may have, that was originally moved by the Americans them felves; and I think they will acquiefce in it, if they are not pufhed with too much logic and too little fenfe, in all the confequences. That is, if external taxation be u'nderftood, as they and you P 4. under:- |