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Show [ [10] the Americans would not take pot": on this II l have fhaken the folid flrut'ture of this Empire to its deepcfi foundations. _ conceflion, . in order to make a new attack on the next body of taxes; and whether they would not call for a repeal of the duty on wine as loudly as they do now for the repeal of the duty on tea? ,Sir, I can give no fecurity on Of thcfe two propofitions I flaall, before I have done, give fuch convincing, fuch damning proof, that however the contrary may be this fubjeé't, ButI will do all that I can, and all ,that can be fairly demanded. To the ex- whifpered in circles, or bawled in news-papers, perience which the Hon. Gentleman reprobates in one infiant, and reverts to in the next; to that experience, without the leait wavering or in this Houfe. I fpeak with great confidence. I have reafon for it. The Minifiers are with me. Tiny at leaf: are convinced that the re- helitation on my part,-I fteadily appeal; and peal of the Stamp .x-"tét had not, and that no would to .God there was no other arbiter to repeal can have, the confequences which the Hon. Gentleman wlzo defends their meafures is fo much alarmed at. To their conduct, I refer him for a‘conclufive anfwer to his ob- decide on the vote with which the Houfe is to conclude this day ! When Parliament repealed the Stamp Aél in the year I 766, I affirm, firfi, that the Americans did not in confequence of this mea- fure call upon you to give up the former parliamentary: revenue which fubfifted in that Country ; or .even any one of the articles which compofe it. I affirm alfo, that when, departing from the maxims of that repeal, you revived the fcheme Of‘taxation, and thereby filled the minds of the Colonifis with new jealoufy, they never more will dare to raife their voices jection. I carry my proofirrefif'tibly into the very body of both Minif'rry and Parliament; not on any general reaibning growing out of collateral matter, but on the conduct of the Hon. Gentleman's miniflerial friends on the new revenue itfelf. ' The ABC of 1767, which grants this tea duty, lets 'fOrth in its preamble, that it was expedient to raife a revenue in America, for and 341$?" of apprehenfions, then it was that the fupport of the civil government there, ts they quarreled with the old taxes, as well as Well as for purpofes fiill more extenfive. To this fuppbrt the Act afligns fix branches of duties. -Ab0ut two years after this Act paffed, the Minif'try, I mean the prefent Minifiry, the new; then it was, and not till then, that they quellioned all the parts of your legiflativc power; and by the battery of fuch queftions . ,4 have thought it expedient to repeal five of the due tleS, |