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Show L 56 ]- [ 57 J they refuted with {corn even to much as to :10 confequence, fi‘iitable to the mediocrity of my talents and pretentious. But a fituation receive four petitions prefented from to relflpeé'table Colonies as Connefiient, Rhode lfland, Virginia, and Carolina; belides one from the traders of jamaioi. As to the Colonies, they had no alterna ire left to them, but to difobey; or to pay the taxes impofed by that Parliament which was not limited, or near enough to enable me to fee, as well as others, what was going on; and I did fee in that noble perfon fuch found principles, fuch an enlargement of mind, fuch clear and {agacious fenfe, and inch unfhaken fortitude, as have bound me, as well as others much better did not hide:- itfelf, even to hear them lemonfiltrate upon the {ibJQc than me, by an inviolable attachment to him This was the {late of the Colonies before ham very early in that fummer received. a thong reprefentatiori from many weighty his i‘v/laielly thought lit to change his minifl'ers. It {lands upon no authority of mine. It is proved by uncontrovertible records. The Hon. Gentleman has detired fome of US to lay our hands upon our hearts, and anlwer to his (13.161 ries upon the hiftorieal pt rt of this contidera- tion; and by his manner {as well as my eyes could difcern it) he feemed to addrefs himiilf IO . . ‘ Sir, I will. anfiver him as clearly as I am able, and with great openneis: l have nothing 'to conceal. _ In the year nary-live, being in a very priv. te Ration, far enough from any line from that time forward. Sir, Lord Rocking- Englifh merchants and manufaéturers, from governors of provinces and commanders of men of war, againf't almofl: the whole of the American commercial regulations: and parti- cularly with regard to the total ruin which was threatened to the Spanith trade. Ibelieve, Sir, the noble Lord foon {aw his way in this bulinels. But he did not rafhly determine againft acts which it might be flippofed were the rehilt of much deliberation. However, Sir, he ibarcely began to open the ground, when the whole veteran body of office took the alarm, A Violent outcry of all (except thofe who knew and felt the mifchief) was raifed againft any of bulinefs, and not hav'ng the honour of a alteration. teat in this Houfe, it was my fortune, unknowing and unknown to the then miniflry, 'by' the interv-ntion of a common friend, to become connected with a very noble p‘erfon, "and at the head "of the Treafiiry department. It was indeed in a fituation of little rank and a direct violation of treaties and public laW.-- On one hand, his attempt was On the other, the Act of Navigation and all the corps of trade laws were drawn up in at» gay againfi its The 30. 1 |