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Show [52] [53] plan been purfued, it was evident that the pro- own months, that our Colonies were b:E~;1c ward to enter into the inelent vexatious and ruinous controverfy. vincial affemblies, in which the Americans felt all their portion of importance, and beheld their {ole image of freedom, were iffofafio annihilated. This illlproipect betere them teem- There is alto another circulation abroad, The ({pread with a malignant intention, WhichI cannot attribute to thoie who fay the fame Mi11iftry valued tl1emlelves when this :18; thing in tnis houle) th atiMir Grenville gave pafled, and when they gave notice of the the Colonyagents an option for their afiemblies to tax themfelves, which they had re ed to be boundlets in extent, and endlets111 du- ration. Sir. they were not mifiaken. Stamp Aft, that both of the duties came very ihort of their ideas of American taxation. Great was the applaufe of this meafure here. In England we cried out for new taxes on fufed. America, wnhilt} thev cried out that they were nearly crufhed \Vith thoie which the VVat and lVlr. Grenville never thought tit to make this their own grants had brought upon them. in 1764, i111poiii1g the pot dnti es) la'led the bates that were had noon the iiibj ecc. He might have propolcd to the Colony aoents, that they fhould agiee in tome mode ot taxation astthe ground of an Act of Parliament. But he never could have propofed that theV Americans did not 0hieét to the principle fhould tax tnemfelves on requifition, VV hich is Sir, it has beer hid in the debate, that when the tirrtt American reVentie act (the act It I find that much fireis is laid on this, as a fetét. However, it happens neither to be true nor potlible. I will obierve tirflt, that apology for himfelf in the innumerable de-r is true they touc1ed it but ve rV7 tenderly. It was not a direct attack. They were, it is t1 ue, the :13ertion of the dav. as yet novices, as yet unaccuitomed to dir1 at attacks upon any of the 1i hts of iarliament. The duties VVere port duties, lil'e thott they have 110 General powers to content to it; and had been accuf'romedto bear; with this 1111111cnee, that the title VVas not the tame, the preamble not the fame, and the fpirit altogether unlike. But of VVl at {ervice IS this Obiervau tion to the mute of thoie that make it.1' ItIsa full refutation ot the pretence for their prelent cruel:v to 11m rica; for 1t.l1ews, out ot their . own Indeed, hit. Gren- ville VVell knew, that the Colony agent13 couid they had no time to confult their atlbmblies tor particul ai powers, before he patied his {1111' 1evenneait. If you compare dates, you will find it imnofii lzle. Burthened as the agent: knew the Lolonies were at that time, theV could not give tl1e lealt hone of inch Grants. His own taVourite g'oveinour was of opinion that the Americans were not then taxable DbJeéts. |