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Show ( ) "' APPENDIX TO PART 111. The :ulrn inist1·ation of Valladolid lies between 22" JO' , <1!1<118° 12' . longitude, ancl 102° ::!nd 105° \V. lon gitude, and is uounclcd south by the South sea, and part of 1\Icxiro, cast and north cast by the latter, and north by th at of Guanaxuato. I ts ~ r eatcst lrng·rh from north ca!)l to south we~t is 230 mites, and its greatest width cast and west 190 miles. lts population may be cstin ~<Hed at 3(;0,000 . 1ts capit·1l or the sarnc nalllc, i !; situat ed in about the 20" N. latitude, 10 :~ 0 25" \ V. l n n ~ itudc . Population unknown. T he admillistration of l\I xico lies hctw en 2 1° 30', ancl16c 30' N . latitude, 9~0 and 105° \V. longitude, and is hound 'd south by the South Sea; cast by the g·ovcrnmcnts of La Puebla and La Vera Cruz; north by that of St. Loui s, and west by Valladolid and Guana.>. twto. Its g reatest length noJ·th and south, may be 360 mile~. and its great 'st width, which ic; on the\ V estern Ocean, is 200 miles, Jts population r11ay lJe estimated at 1,soo,ooo so uls. The capital of thi 'i aclrnini'ltratinn and of the wlwlc king·dom, is Mexico; a pal'li· cular dcsniptioll of \\' ll ich i ~ deemed UIHH!!'<.'ssary. F rom e\·cry in· formation [ cou ld obtain rrolll persons\\ ho had resided in it for , cars, it doeo:; not contain mor·e than ~00 ,000 ird r·1bi tan ts. 1ts being ~he rr~idcn ce of the vice 1 o~, whose court is II l Or e splendid than that of l\ladricl; its central position as to the ports of Acapulco ancl Ycra C'ruz, together with the ri ch anti luxmiant vale which Sill· rotHH.1s it, \\i ll whrne\'cr the Spanish Americans burst the prcsr11l bonds of slav rr i11 "hich they arc bound, give to 1.\lexico all those advar1tagcs wbirh great wealth, a large population, •'lrHI a command ing situation concentrate and assuredly make it one of the greate~t citic!::! in the world. In point of' population, it is now in the second rnuk, and in beauty, riches, maguilicencc, and splendor in the firs t. The administr•ttiou of Oxaca lies between 18° and 1G0 N. lntitudp, 98° an<l 11 2" \V.Iongitudc, aud is bounded &outh by the South Sea, west by the govcmmcnt of La Pueula, north by 1\lexico and La \'era Cruz, ancl ast by the province of G ualarnalia. Its greatest length cast and west 230 miles, and its width north and south 17 j miles. Its populat ion may ue estimated at 520,000 souls. Its capi· tal is Oxaca in 17° 30' N. latitude, 99° ~51 ,V. long itu de. The acl n1ini stration of Vel'a Cruz lies between 17° and 22° 1\ . latitude and 98° and 10 1° \V. longitude, and is bounded north nnd cast by the g11lf of Mexico, south by Oxacn, west by Pucbla and Mexico. Its g reatest length N. \V. and S. E. is 4·30 miles, ancl its width .E. and vV. nol more than GO miles. Its population muy be estimated at 220,000. I ts capital is Vera Cruz, which is the ·ole port of entry for all the kiug·dom on the Atli.lntic ocean, a-; APPI·.NDIX TO PART llT. ,... that of J\ cap11 lco is nn th r \V ·stern. Its popu 1a u·o n may l>e ~""t i- 111ated nt 30,000 ~ouls, and i~ in 19° 10' N. Iatitu ck and ~) H(' 30' \\ long-Hude. This city was taken and sack~ d l.>Y the Englio.;h on ~~~ t: 17th 1\fay, 1683, si11ce which the works for 1ts der· nce have l~ ccn made so very strong , as almost to bid ddiaucc to an atli.\ .k Jrom the sea. Tht:: ad mini stration clc b Puebla lies bctw en 20° and I no N· latitude and 100° and l02° \ Y. long itude, and is bounded south by the South :; ·a, cast by ()}.,\ea <~ r ill \ ' c 1·a Cruz, north and west by Mexico, anrl is ncar :300 rnilcs in its g"~' at ·st i<'n gth fro111 north to sou th, and 120 in its gr eatest width frurn ca'it to w~st. I t: pop.' dation may be estimated ut 800,000 soul s. Its Cilpital ts the city <11 La Puehla, ct.timatcd at 80,000 souls, which is in I ~ o I '2' N. h\tituclc, 100° 501 \ v. long-itude. T ile atl rlli ll iSl l'ation or Gtntnaxuato lies between 2 1° 30' and 22° 30' N. latitude und 103° ancl 105° \ V. long-itude, and is hounded south by Vallndolic\, ,ast !>y 1cxico, nonh by St. Loui-> Zacataca, and west by Guaclabxaru. Its g reatest extent, fl'om north to sou t l~, is 75 miles, and from cast to west 8 5 . Its popul .tion may be ·sumated at 500 ,000 so11ls. I ts capital city is G uauaxuato, in latitude 2 1° N . lon ~itudc 103° \V. The ,,dminist ration of Zacataca lies between 2 1° !:20' and 21Y 52' N. latitude and 103° and I 05° 30' \ V. longitude, and is bounded north by the internal province of lliscay, cast by S t. Loui s, west by Guadal:lxara and south by Guunaxuato. I ts g reatest len~th is 2 10 miles, north and south, :.lllcl its greatest wid! h j..., 145 miles, ft 1 n cast to west. Its population may he estimated '-It 25 0,~50 soub L'hc capital, Zarataca, stands in 23° N. latitude and 104° \V. lo• ~ ~itude. The admini..,tration of ' t. L ouis lies between 2 1° 2(/ ..tnd 28 ' 50' N. latitude and ~9° and 102° \V. longitude, and irH.: lu dt·•l Texa!:i ancl St. Anclc t· in this dime nsion, and is bounded north by New Leon, cast by the j)l'OYincc or St. Ander, ~o nth by Guanaxuato and Mexico, and west by Zacataca. Its g reatest length from north to south i 200, and its width from cast to wcsl is 170 miles. lls population may be csti mated at 3 11 ,soo sou Is. lt5 capital, St. Louis d Potosi the population of which is 601000: it stands in 22° ~ . l atitude, 10 3Q Vv. longitude, and was founded in 1568. The p1·ovincc of N ucvo San Ander is bounded north by the province of Texas, west by Nuevo Leon and Cogr1uill o, south by St· Louis, and cast by the Atlantic occ:m, and from nol'th to south is about 500 miles in Jcngth, but from e<tsl to west not more than 150· Its population may be csthuated at 38,000 souls. The capital, New |