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Show APPENDIX TO PART II. will ple<tse to observe that much of the fot·egoing rests on conjecture, and therefore will give it its due weight. But to him I uot only write as my general, but as a paternal friend, who would not make usc of my open communications, when not capable of being sub:,LantiatC'<l by proofs. 'V c have heard nothing- of the Potowatomies; hut should they come in a few days, they will meet with a warm reception, as all are ready to receive them. Since my al'l·ival here many Spanish medals have been sho.wn me, and some commissions. All I have clone on the subject is merely to <.tdvisc their delivery :)clow, when they would be acknowlccJ~ cd by our government. .:\1any have applied for permission to go to Saint Louis ; none of which I have granted, except to the sorl of S:ms Orielle, who goes down to make enquiry for his sister. I bavc advanced our express some things on account, and for· wanl his receipts; also, some tt•ifles to Barroney, who I have founcl to b one of the finest young men I ever knew in his situation, and appears to have entirely renounced all his Saint Louis con~ ncction._, anrl i!> as tirm an American as if born one: he of course is entirely discar~ed by the people of Saint Louii; but I hope he will not suffet· fm· his Hdelity. < >n the chart forwarded by lieutenant vVilkinson is noted the census which I caused to be taken of the village of the Little Osagr; that of the big one I shall likewise obtain-which are from actual enumeration. Lieutenant vVilkinson wi1l (if nothing extraorrlinary prevents J descend the Arkansaw, accompanied by Ballenger and two men, as the fo1·mer is now perfectly acquainted with the mode of takiug courses and protracting his route, ancl the latter appears as if he had not the proper capacity for it, although a good d.ispositioncd and brave man. I am, dear sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed z. M. Pua:, Lt. Gc 1. T1""ilkin,90t1. APPENDIX TO P RT l I. [ No. II. J DEAR S1n, '29rh A ugust, 1806. I 'VII.L continue my communications, hy l'Clatinf; that the lflz"nd has come in nnd inforrned me that the othct· two horses which he promised have been withcl1·awn by their owners. He appeat·ed really distressed, nncl J conceive I do him justice in believing that he is extremely mortified at the deceptions ,.,hich have been pa.,secl on him. It is with extreme pain I keep myself root amon~st the difliculties which those people appear to haYe a disposition to throw in my way; but I have declared to them that I should gn on, ven if J collected our tents and othet· bug-gage (which we will be obliged to leave together) and burn them on the spot. I have solcl the hatteaux which I brought up (and which was extremely l'Olten ) fot· 100 dollar·s, in merchandize, the price of this ph1ce, which I conceive was preferable to leaving her· to destruction, as I am afraid I do the barge ( fot· which I clemanded ISO dollars), although I leave her under charge of the ~Vinci and shall report hc1• to colonel1J unt. · 1 shall dispatch the express to-mOITow, as ~1e complains much of the detention, &c. and as I hope nothing worthy of note will occur· at this place previous to our departure. I hope the general will be. licve me to be) and should this be my last report, to have been, his sincerely attached friend and (Signed) Gen. T1/:lkiu:wn. D:iAn. Sn~, obedient sct·vant, z. 1\1. PIKE, Lt. -·-- [ No. 12. ] I HAVE brou ght l\1r. Noal, alias Mattg-raine, to reason, and he either goes himself ot· hires, at his t•xpcncc, a young man who i. here who speaks the Panis lan g uag-e, and jn many 1Jther respects i'> preferable to him!ielf; hut he will be the bearel' of the express to Saint Louis. • |