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Show i\PPENDIX rf() 1:> AH.'T III. v EOGUAPU leAr., STATISTlCAL, AND C:ENRfiAT. OBSERVATION', MADE ny CAPT. z. 1\1. l 'IKF., ON TfH~ INTBJUOR PrtO\' !N<.:ES OF NEW SPA~N, l~ROJ\1 LOUl~IANA TO TilE VleiO: ROYALTY, A ' J) DE TWEEN Tll ~ r AeiFlC OCl!:AN, CUI. Pll 01•' <.:A LJFOllNIA A :-iD 'fiiF. ATLANTIC OCF.AN OR GULPH OF 1\IEXlCO. TIH. kingdom of New Spain, lies between the 16° and 44° N. lat. and 96° and 118° vV. long. is divided into two sep~rate and independent governments, and these again into various ~ ub-clivi~ions. The vice royalty includes the admmistt·ation~ of Gnadalaxara, which lies between 18° 30,' and 24° 30' N . latitude, and 104·0 and 109° W.longitude, and is bounded ~outh and west, by the South S ea, nonh by the province of Biscay and Sinaloa; N. L•:. by the admiuistration of Zacateca~; E. by the admimstration of G uanaxuato and S· E. by that of Valladolid, and is 3 50 mile~ in length from north west to south cast, and 250 in width, cast nnd west. It~ population may be estimated at 1001000. lt is one of the most luxuri.111t and rich administrations in the vice royalty; and is watered from cast to west by the great t•ivcr de Santego, which receives most of its waters from Lac de Chapnla. G uadalaxara the capital, w<1s built by one of the Gusman family in 15 51, and in 1570, the bishopric was removed from Compostcla to that place. It is the scat of the audicll ce of Guadalaxara, which includes Guadalaxara and the administration of Zacatecas. The population of thi~ city may be estimated at is,ooo, and standa in N.latitude 20° so', \V. long itude lO.S 0 , ~(i |