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Show APPENDIX TO PAHT Ill. Eng-lish in their late descents at La Plate, with the clist; t\lt:e of thct.· arms, has turned their "icws frorn th at nation. Tht'IJ thcn:forc /uruc tiLrw·d th<"ir cyc:s to7t•u.rd.•; flit• Unitrtl .)'tatr.l·, as brethren of the same soil, in their v iciuit y, and w Ito has wit hi 11 her power ample resources of arms, 1.1mmunition, ,,nd e \'cn men to assist in securing thcit· independence, and '' ho in th ,lt event ~ccu rcs to herself the almost' exclu::,ive tt·<Lcle uf the 1 i c h c~.t countl'y in tl1c world for centuries, and to be her carriers i.IS lung· ,1s the two nation:-. exist ; fot· Mexico, like China, \\ill llC\'el' beCOllle a nation or llllll'i 11ers, but receive the ships of all the world into h er pon s, and g·i\(; het· bullion in exchange for the produc tions of t heit· di fTc rcnt countries,-when, what would not be the advantag-es the lJnitccl States would reap from the event! 0 tr numerous vessels would fill every port, and from our vicinity enable us to catTy ofT at least nine-tenths of het· commerce: even on the coast of the Pactfic no Europe::m nation could \'ie with us :-also, there would l>e a bi'b k inland trade carried on with the S. P. \ia Red ri' er, and Inning a free entrance into all theit· ports, we would become their factors, agents, guardians, and, in short, tutebr genius , as she fears, but hates France and all French men and mea ~urcs. I t therefore rc~ mains for the government of the lJilitcd States to dcc. id,:, " hcthct, if Bonaparte should seize on the cro\vn of ~: pain, they would hol,l out a helping hand, to emancipate another portion of the " cstctn hemisphere from the bonds of European tyranny and opprc~sion, ot· by a c\ifl'erent policy, suffer G,ooo,ooo of people to bccomr , in tlu hands of French inu·ig uc, enterp ri se and tt,c tics, a scourge on our south-western boundaries, whic h would obli!;C us to keep u Lu·g~; and respectable military force, and continually lay us liable to a wur on the weakest and most vulnerable part ol our fron tierll. Twenty thousand au xi lim ies from the United States, unclrr goocl officers, j'oined to the indejmulents o[ the cou11try, arc at any time sufllcicnt to create and ef1'cct the re\olu tioll. These troops can be raised and of!iccred in the United States, but paid ~tnt! sup plied at the e xpense of Mexico. It would be rcqui::,ite that, not only the general commanding, l>ut that every o!ftccr, down to the youngest ensign, should be impressed with the necessity of supporting a strict discipline, to prevent marauding, which should, iu some instances, be punished with death, in order to evince to the citizens th<-tt you come as theit· friends and protectors, not as their plundere rs and tyrants :-also, the most sacred regard should l>e puid not to injure the institutions of theit· religion; thereby shewing them we had a proper respect to all things 1n any w~y connected '•' ith tltc .\PPENDIX TO Pj\HT Ilf. ;) l \\ or ... hip of the Dt·ity, at the same ti n1c we permi tted every m an to :·don: him a:'; reeably to the di ct:l tCS or IIi!, own jucl g- rn cnt. The cku,iJ.; rcqu i-;ite for the equipment, org-anizat!on , &c. of t l1c cor p-;, s1> <t<; to he.; ad ,qHccl to the locality of the country and the 11 ature of the service, could be easily formed, but would be imp e r~ t in cnt hC'rl'. Should an army of A mnicat 1<; e ver m a rch into the count ry, lllld he g· nidcd and g-ovc' rtH'cl by t hese m a:.: in1s, they "ill only h,tve to ma rch from pro"inrc to p ro\'ince in t1·ium ph, and be h.tiled by the united voin:s of j.:;ratcl'ul m ill ions as t heir dclive t'C\'S and saviours, w h ~lst o11r tntion,d charactc t· \\ ou ld be resounded to the most distant tt,ttions of the earth. z. M. Pnu~, C'J pt. 1st lT. S . rcgt. infantl'y. ., |