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Show TRAVELS TIJROUGII UPPER CANADA: four b:1!1ions. It w:1s ereCl:e hy IVL lG Comt .. ck Fr ntinac, as early as d:e year 1672, nnJ w.ts for a time called afu.:r him; but infcnfi )]y it loft hi name, and rccei,·ed infl_ead of it that of Cadaraqui, the name of a cn.c which falls into _the b.1y. This name rcrnain•..: c.l comm r~n to the fort and to the town until a few years ago, when it was changed lo that of Kingflon. From fi. ty to one hundred men arc u[ually quartcrL'd in the h·Jt-r:lcks. Kin -r£l:on is a place of very confiderab e trade, and it i confcquent1y incr nfing moil: rapidly in fize . A11 the goo 1 brought up the St. La vr nee for the fupp1y of tl c upper country arc lH.:rc depo!itcd in fl:orc , preparatory to their being {hipped on board vc fi~ls fuitablc to the uavigation f the lake; and the fur from the various pofis on the nearer ]a kcs are here likl,.;wife colleCl ·d togeth r, in order to be laden on board bateaux, :111d fct t down the St. Lawrence. Some furs arc brought in immediately to the town by the Indians, who hunt in the neighbouring country, and along the upper parts of the t. Lawrence, but th quantity is not large . The principal merchants rcfi lent at Kin n·l1on arc partners of oll fl:abli!hcc.l houu·s at Montrc2.l and ~cl cc. A il:r<tn:;cr, c!pecially if a Britifh fubjc:Ct, is fure to meet with a m fl: botpitable and friendly reception from them, as he paflt:s through the place. During the :wtumn the inhabitants of Kingfion fu£fer very much from intermitten t fevers, owing to the town being fituated on a low fpot of ground, contiguous to an extenfivc morafs. The bay adjoining to J in~fl:on affords good anchorage, and is the f.t[lfl: and moO: comm clions harbour on all Lake Ontario. ' he bay of Great SoJus, on the fouth fid of the lake, and that of Toronto, fituated on the north iidc of the: lake, nearly in the fame meridian with Niagara, are faid to be the next beit to th at of Kingfton ; but the · ntt·ance into each of them is obfl:ruCl:cd by fand banks, w bich in roug we a t!1er ectn not be cro!ftd without imminent danger in veikls drawing m 1 c than five or fix t et water. On the borders of the b y at Kingfton there is a 1 ing's dock yarJ, and another which is privat property. Mofr of the Briti G1 veifels of bur then on Lake Ontario have been built at thefe yards, Belong-wg M E R C H A N T V E S S E L S. ing to his 1\lbjeO:y there were on Lake Ontario, when we croffe tit, three vefiels of about two hundred tons each, carrying fi·om eight to twelve guns, b fides fcveral gnn boats; the Jail:, howcvet·, were not in commillion, but laid up in Niagara River; and in con1equcnce of tl1e :·.ttific:ltion of the trc'tty of am ity and commercr: between the United Sta tes and his Britannic Majcfly, orders were ifrucd, {hortly a0 cr we left r .ingfion, for laying up the other vcffcls of war, one alone c.:xccptcd *· h)l· one I ing's D1ip there would be ample employment on the lake, inc nveying to the upper country the prefcnts for the Indians and the il:orc for the troops, and in tranfporting the troop aero(<; tbc lake when they changed qunrtcrs. Every military officer at the outpofls enjoy~ the privilege of having a certain bulk, according to his rank, carried for him in th~,. King's vcikls, free of all charges. The naval officers, if th.:ir vcifels be not otherwifc engaged, arc allow d to arry a carg of merchandize when they fi1il fr-om one port to another, the freight of which is their perq 1ifitc; they likewife have the liberty, and arc confl:antly in the praClicc, of c:1rrying pafl(;ngc:rs acrofs the lake at an e!l:ablifhed price. The commodore of the King' vcl1ds 011 Lake Ontario is a French Canadian, and fo lik.ewifc arc moil: of the olE cr ut dcr him. Their nni·form is blue and white, with large yellow button , i1:ampcd with the figure of a beaver, over whi h is infcribed the word, " Canada." The naval officers are unJcr the controul of the military officer commandant, at ev ry poil: where their veficls happ n to touch; and they cannot leave their veffels to go up into the country at any time without his pcrmiffion. Scv ral decked merchant veifds, fchooncn·, and floop , of from fifty to two hu ndred tons each, and alfo numberlcfs large failing bateaux, are kept employed on La kc Ontario. No vdlCls are deemed proper for the navigation of thdc lakes but complete fca boat , or clfc flat bottomed veifel s, fuch as canoes and bateaux, that can fafcly run aD1ore on an emergency. At prcfent the people of the United States ,have no other veifels than bateaux on the lake, and whether they will deem it proper • Subfcquent orders, it was (.,iJ, were i[)"ued, duling the. fummcr of 1797, to have one or more of thefc vefiC!s put again in commiffion. to |