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Show TRAVELS T JROUGII UPPER CANADA: dian frontiers w~..ar this kind orfhoe; but a pcrfon not a ·cuilomctt to \.tlk in it, or to ,a]k bardoot, c.;Jnnot wear it abroad, on :1 r 11E:1 r a i, wit11- out great in onvcnience, as every uncvcnnd; of f(u{lCc is f ·lt throu6h the J ·ath r, which is [oft and pli.lblc: in. houfc it is the mofl. ~_!;rceabll! fort of il1oe that can be imagined: the Indian wear it u11ivcrf.dly. Above the moccafin all the Indians wear what arc c.lllcd leggings, which rc.1 h from the infl:cp to th~ middle of the thigh. 1 h.cy arc commonly mad f blue or fcarlLt cloth, and arc formed fo as to fit clofc to the limbs, lik the modern p.1ntaloons; but the edges f the cloth annex ... d to the :((·am, infl:ead of bcin(r turned in, an; lt ft on the outfidc, and arc 01namented with b ·ad , rib.mds, &c. ''hen the l ·g gings arc intended for dn~fs. Many of the young warrior arc fo ddirous that their lc~gi1w fhoulJ fit them 11 atly, th:lt they make the fqLla\-\'S, who arc the tailor., ::tt d really very good one~, fow them tight on their limbs, fo that they cannot be t:1kcn off, and they continue to wear tlnn · conlbntly till thcy ::tre reduced to rags. The leggings arc 1·ept up by means of two fir:ng ., one on the outfidc of each thigh, which are .fi1ftcned to a t1 ird, that i · tied round the wai!l:. They alfo wear round th waifi: another firing, from which arc fnfpcnded two little aprons, fomcwhat more than a foot fquarc, one hanging down before and the other behind, and under thefe a piece of cloth, drawn clo(c up to the body between the legs, forming a fort of trufs. The aprons and this piece of cloth, which arc all fall:cncd togcthcr, a.rc called the bree h cloth . The utmofi: ingenuity of the fquaws is exerted in adoming the little aprons with beads, ribands, &c. The mocca Gns, leggings, and breech cloth confiit~ltc the whole of the drefs which they wear when they enter up n a campaign, e.'ccpt in<ieed it be a girdle, from which hangs their tob:1.c o pouch and fcalping knife, &c. ; nor do they wear any thing more when the vcatbcr is very w. rm; but when it is cool, or when they dref'l thcmfclves to vifit their friends, they put on a {h ort D1irt, ]oofc at the nec:k and wrifis, generally made of co1rfc fi rurcd cotton or callico of fame gaudy pattern, not unl1ke what would be uft:tl for window or bed curtain DR ESS 0 F T II E I N D I AN W 0 ME N. cmtains at a con mon inn in Engl1nd. Over the {hirt they wear cithe1· a blanket, 1 rgc piece r br Jad cloth, or elk a Iooil: coat m:1de fom ._ what fim ibrly to a common riding C·ocL; a b~ Ill ·ct is more C'Jtntll only worn than :-~ny thing cl!l:. They tic on~ end f it round thcir v. ai(l with a girdle, and then drawi11g it ov~r their ilwulder·, citlwr J~dl.Ln it ncrofs t Jcir bre:-~fi· \\ ith a .n -ewer, or hold t e corners of it toncthcr b in the left hand. One would in <lgi 1c that thi b(l: mode of \.VC.Iring it could not but he highly inconv ·ni ·nt to them, as it mufl: deprive them in a g rc.1t meafurc of the ufe of one hand; y t it is the mock j 11 wh:ch it is commonly worn, even vl en th · ar~· (hooting i11 th woods; they crener.dly, howt:vcr, kc p the ri( ht arm difcngageJ when they carry a gun, and dr.1 w the blanket over the left DJOuLier. The drcfs of the women differs but very little from that of the men. They wear moe nfi.ns, leggings, and loofc (hurt fh ;r t , and Jil c them they throw o\·cr their 01oulders, ocqfionaUy, a bLtnk t or pi cc of broad cloth, but mofl: generally the latter; they do not tic it round their waifl:, however, but fuffcr it to l1ang down fo as to hide their legs; infl ·ad alfo of the breech cloth, they wear a pi ·e o[ cloth ·oldcd cloil:ly round their middle, which reaches from the waif1. to the knees. D. rk blue or green cloths in general arc prefcrrctl to tho(e of any other colour; a few of the men arc font! of wearing fc:•rlct. The women in warm weather appe.l r in the villages witlwut any other covering above their waifls tl1.1n thdi' 01irts, or D1ifts if you f klic {( to call the·n, though they difter in no rci}1cct from the fhirts of the men; they ufu·11ly, however, hlfl:cn them with a uro.lch rounu the neck. In full drcfs they al(o appear in thcfc fhirts, bu· then thcy arc cov rcJ entirely over with lilver broaches, about the fiz..: oC a fi xpenny piece. J11 full clt·cfs th-:y likcwill: hfl:cn pieLc of riband<; of various colours to th ·ir h:lir behind, v hich arc fuftl:red to hang tlo vn to their very he ·Js. I have fccn n young fcJUaW, th: t has been a fav uritc with the men, ome forth at a d,tncc with upward of five guin,·as worth of ribnds fln ... an ing from l1er h.1ir. On th eir wrifl:s the women wear filvcr bracelet when they can pro. cure them; th y alfo wear filver car-rings; the latter arc in general of a very |