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Show t66 Tl A ELS TilROUGII NORTH AMERICA! Can:u.h thi ·..: days 1 e'( rc any of the other boats, that did not vcntur to move ti 11 the' ·illl' ,;as CJ'litc 'ltl. \ Ve. fct t n· abont on.: (/clock; hut fro } the channel being very nar-row, it was in polliblc to m::l c ntltclt way by tlcking. We got no farther than fix miles b ·fore fun [ct. \le then Hopped, atid having land 'd, a.JJ...nl up to fome f.trm houfl·~, which appeared at a di.flJ.nce, on the Y crmont !lwn:, to procme provilions; for th buatman lud told us it was quite unnccelhry to ta.~e in any at Skcneiliorough, as there were xccllent houfcs clute to the Jltore the whole way, where we coulJ get whatt:vcr we wiD1cd. At th~ t!ril: ''c went to, which was a comfortabl~ log-hoLJ(c, ncith r bread, nor meat, or milk, nor cg~·s, were to be had; the honfc W<lS crowded with children of all ages, and the people, I fuppol~:, thounht they had but little t:nough for thcmfelvc:.. !: t a iccond houi~, we found a venerable old m mat the door, reading a newspaper, who civilly oftl.rrd it to us f(x our prrufal, and began to t:\1k. upon the politics o the day; \ e t!Dnkcd him for his oli~r, and g. ve him to undcrfhnd, at the l~une time, llut a loaf would be much 1 ore acceptable. Dre::td there \ V:1 none; we got a new V u·mont chedl:, how-::ve r. A third boule now remained in fight , and we made a thirLi attempt at procuring fomcthing to cat. This one w~lS nc .. rly half a mik off, but ahs! it afforded ll:illlds than the lail; tlw peo 1 l! 1ad nothingto difpofe f hut a little t 1ill:. \Vith the mtlk and tlt· chct.:(c, th~rcfore, we return d to our bo;lt, and 2.tlding thucto f.Jtnc bifcuits :wll wine, wh· h we had lucl ily on bo< n.l, the \' hJle :t!Tonlcd LCs a frugal repa!L The people at the American farm houfcs will cheerfc lly li three in a bed, rather than fu.ficr a !hanger to go away who come& to fcc I for a lodging. As all tbcfc houfls, h wever, wbi ·h we h:·d ~ilitcd, were .crowc.kd with inlubitants, we fdt no grlat inclination to afl for accommodation at any of them, but dr.!tcrmincd to flcep on board our littl veOd. We accordingly moor J her at a conv nicnt part of the Q10n.•, and each of us having wrapped himfclf up iu a blanket, v:hich we had been warned to provide on leaving New Yorl , we laid urfclves down to flcep. The boat was decked two thirds of her length forward, and ' . - h~td T A V E R N S. had a commodious hold ; we gave the preference, however, becaufc more aity, to the cabin or after part, tl.ttt:d up with b,_11 hes, an l covercJ with a w odt:n awning, under which a man could jnfl: .fit upright, providcLl he wa; not very tall. The benches, which went lcngt~wifc, acc~mmodat<.d two of us ,; and the third w::ts bligcd to put tl }~ w1th ti.H.: ca 111 floor; but a blanket and a bare board, out of the way of m tfqlllt )CS, w re luxuries afrc.r ou r accommodations at Skeneiliorough ; our c:us were not aifJilcd hy the noiic even f a .fingle one the whok night, and we enjoyed founder repofe tl1an we had done for many night prccedino·. Th~ wi11d n .mained nearly in the .Gtmc point the nc.{t morninO', but the lake b ing wider, we were enabled to proceed Edler. \Ve .fl~pped ~t one lwufr~ to l>reakf.lfl:, and at another to dine . At neither of thefe , althon()'h they bore the name of tavet'ns, were we able to procure much more than at h.._ houfc · where we hJ.d fi:opped the prcc ding evening. At t1 e fit fl: we n·ot a little milk , and about two pounds of bread, abfolutcly the hole of wlut w~1s in the houfe; and at the fecond, a few eggs, and fome coll £1ltcd f.1t p rk; ut not a morfcl of bread was to be l1ad . The -vvrctch d appcan,Jce al!o of th is bfl: habitation was very :flrikin r; it conC fled of a w od n .fi·a ne, merely with a few boards nailed againfl: it, the cr vice between ·which w re the only apertures for the admifijon of lig 1t, c,·cept th~ (loor; :md the roof was fo leal<y, that w \vere fprinkkd with the rain even as w · (at <1t the fire fide. That people can live in fuch a manner, who have t 1e necdTat ics and convcni ncics of life within t 1tir reach, a mnch as any others in the world, is really moft at1:oni(bin6! It is, however, to be at.cour ted for, by that defirc of ma ing money, wllich is the predominant k1tt re in the ('haraB::cr of the Am ricans in gcn·.·ral, and k.1ds the petty fa rmer in particular to fufrl: r numbcrJcfs inconvcniencit:s, wh n J e can gain by fo doing. If he can fell the pro.lucc of hi land to advantage, he kct:ps as fin all a part of it : s po 'blc for him!Clf, at (l liVLs the wlw1c year roun :1. upon f.tlt proviflons, bad bread , and the fiih he can catch in the riv 'rs or lakes in the n i0bbourhood ; if he has built a comfort.lblc houfc for himielf, he r~,;ad"ly qu "ts it, as foon as finiilicd, for money, and ~ goes |