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Show TRA\ LL3 ll U G-il l. C l T JI 1 IF.RICA: "ill become t 1c gr.tr. t cunori·•m o th w~ , a . l riY. l in nagnitu t'"' a nll !!)lend or the ci ti-:s of t 1e old wor d. 1 he city i~ Lid out on a neck of land b tw(e the forks formed by the ea£lc rn <U1Ll wc11crn or !llain ,)ra:·ch of P .. towmae I i,·er. This neck of land, t r-rcther vith an ad_jKeJ t territory, '"hich is in the whole ten mile [quare, wa· ceded to conar .Js by t 1c <late ~ of Maryland and Virginia. The ground on whid1 th , city it •mediately flands was the I roperty of priva c individu:1.ls, who reat' i y rclinqui(hcd their cbim to one half of it in [tvour of con rrrcfs confcions that the value wlut was left to t> them would incre:1fc, and 'lmp y compenfate them for their lof:·. The profits ariflx g fron thc f.tk of lhat part which has thns n ce 'cd t congrcfs will be fuflicicnt, it i expeCt d, to 1 ay for t e publi building , for the wat ring f the cit_", and alfo for p<wi 1g :md lighting of the fireets. The plan oft 1e city was drawn by a 'renchman of tl1c name of L'Enfant, and is on a fca c well fuitcd to the extent of the ountry, one thouf:.tnd t\VO h mdrcd miles in length, and one thou.Gnd in breadth, of which it i'1 to be the metropolis; for the ground already U\ ·ked out for it i no lcfs than £ urt en miles in irl...llmfcrcnc . Th Hrccts run north, fouth, call, and wcfi:; bnt to prcv nt that .Guncnefs nccefbrily enfuing from the fl:rects all croffinr-r each other at right angl 'S, a numhcr of avenues arc laid out in differ nt parts of the city, vhi h run tranfverfely; and in fevera1 places, where thefe av JlllCS interfee ca h other, are to be hollow iquares. The £lreet., which cro(s each other at right angles, are from ninety to one hundred fed \vide, the avenues one hundred ai1d fixty feet. One of thefc is named after each fiate, and a hollow fquare alfo allotted to each, as a fuitablc ph e f(;r il.atue~, columns, &c. which, at a future period, the people of any one uf thefe £lates may wi(h to ereCt to the memory of great men that may appear in the coun ry. On a [mall eminence, due wcfl: of the capitol, is to be an cqucfl:rian fi:atue of General Wafhington. The capit l is now building upon the mofl: elevated fpot of ground in the city, whi ·h llappcns to be in a very central fit 1ati n. From thi ~ fpot thcre is a ompktc view of every part of the city, anJ alfo of the adjac ut country. In the capitol arc to be fpacious apartments fo~· |