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Show 6() TRAVELS TUROUGII NORTH AMERIC A: the fl:at and Philaddphia. Thcfe waggons arc commonly drawn by four or five horfcs, four of which arc yoked in pairs. The \~aggon arc 1 I .r. r. ll d tl1e driver unm:::rciful; the conicqucnce of h c:IV)', t 1e 1C IllS H11a , an . . which is, that in cv ry team, nearly, there is a horii Cith.cr lame or blwd. The Pcnnfylva1 ·1a ns are noton·o us fio r· th c ba' d c ' re whtch they ta · e of t Kir hor[i·s. Ex cptinfj the night be t mpdl.uous, the waggoncrs never put t Il C·i r 1l Or 1·c un d er. {}1",· 1t"''l . , a' nd then it is only under a n.1e l; each t.wc rn 1· s u1r. ua 11 y p1.0 1·c i c· d with a' larro:- c one for . the purpofc. Market. or I-Iioh-flrcct, in Phibdclphia, the ilrect by wh1ch thcfc people comt wto thco town, is always crowd~ ' \ ith waggons and horfcs, that arc lt:ft fbnding t 1crc : 11 night. This is to ftwc mon y; the cxpcncc of puttin ,. them into n fl.ablc woulJ be too great, in the opinion of thtfe peopk. b Food for the 1\orfcs is al ways carrie l in the w..tgg01, and the moment they ilop they nrc unyok d, and fed whilll they arc warm. Dy this treatment half the poor animals are foundered. The horfcs arc f..:d out of a large trough c1rricd for the purpofc, and fi d on the Fole of the waggon by means of iron pins. Lancafl:cr is the largc:ll: inland town in North America, and contains about nine hundred houfcs, built chiefly of brick and :ll:onc, together with fix chur hcs, a court houfe, and gaol. Of the churches, there is one refpeCl:ivcly for German Lutherans, German Calvinifl:s, Moravians, Englifh Epifcopalians, and Roman Catholics. The :ll:rects are laid out re ularly, and crofs each other at right angl s. An aet of aJTcrnbly ha been paired, for making this town the feat of the :ll:ate governmen t in:ll:cad of Philadelphia, ;Jnd the aflembly was to meet in they ar 1797· This circum:ll:ance is much in fi1vo ur of the improvement of the town. The Philadelphians, inimical to the meafure, talked of it much in the iamc !l-yle that they do now of the removal of the feat of the federal government, .G1ying, that it mu£1: l.J again changed to Philaddphia ; but the neceffity of having the feat of the legifl atur as central • s poffiblc in each fiate is obvious, and if a change does take pbcc again, it is moil: likely that it will only be to remove the feat fl:ill farth r fi·om Philadelphia. On the fame principle, the affcmbly of Vir-guui. l. ) R 1 F L E 11 P l E L G U I s. /1·r I oiuia meets now at Richmond in uuJ of Vvil iamf1 .nr r·h, an.l th.tt o[ "'cw ~ ~) Y rk fbtc at .L\.lbany inficad of th city of New York. \:vcr.d diflcrcnt kind. of articlt: ~ rc rm.nuf.t.Cturcd at Lanc,1!1cr hy German mechanic <·, individu ally, pri1lcip.11ly fo r t 1c people f th(; tuwn and the neigl bourhoorl.. P itled barrel guns h weva arc to be e 'C<.:ptcd, whicl , althou n· 1 not < s handfomc a thole im110rt~d hOi.tl Erw- '--..., \. } bnd, ar more dl:ccmed by the hunters, and arc fent to cv ·ry pa1·t of the CO'l 11 try. T 1c ri cd barrel guns, commonly ufccl in .L\.meric1, : rc cru I ' of th length of a muJl· et, and carry I ·aden balls fr m the fiz·~ o thirty c) lixty in the pound. Some hunters prcf-.:r t w[c of a finall bore, hccaufc th ·y require but little ammunition; oth rs prcf<.:r fuch as have a wide bore, hecaufe the wound which they in1icl: is more ce rtainly ntlended ' ,·th death; the wound, however, made by a ball diC hargcd from o 1e of thefe guns is always very dangerou s. The infidt: of the b. rrcl is fluterl, and the grooves run in a fj)i ral direelion from one cnrl f tl1c barrel to the other .• confcquently when the ball comes out it has a whirling motion rounrl. its own axi ', at the fame time thnt it moves forwarc, nnd when it enters into the body of an animal, it tears up t 1c fkn1 in a dr aclful m1nner. The befi: of powder is chofen for n tiflcd barre] gun, nr)d after a proper portion of it i. put down the barrel, the ball is inclofed i:1 a fmal1 bit of Jincn ra6, well gre:1fcd • t the utfid , and then for d down with a thick ramrod . The gr ·afc and the bits f ra , which ar c:J.lled patches, arc carried in a littk box at the but- nd of the gun. The befl: rifles arc furni(hcd with two triggers, one of which b in,. firf1: pulled fets the other, that is, alters the fpring, fo that it will yield cv ·n to the flight touch of a fi ather. They arc alfo fnrnil 1cd with double i]ghts along the barrel, as fine as thofc of a furveyin 0 in fl:rumcnt . An cxpcri need mark.finan, with one of thefe gn ns, will hit an obj etl: not larger than a crown piece, to a certainty, at th difl:ance of one hundred yards. Two men belonging to the Virginia ri fle regiment, a large Jivifion of which was quart red in this town during the war, had fuch a dependance on each other's dexte rity, that the one would hold a piece of board, not more than nine inches fquarc, between his knees, whilft K 2 the |