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Show A POLITWAL TEXT-BOOK FOR 1860. 1 1 rt!\ not willing to go home without vot.ing · th:s I returns of the election made to the 0 overnor \fOre lost &D l 1e \\.' · 1 'tl I\" •rs Jttckson then c·llled 'u1,0 rl by the Committee of l!; lection:J of the Legislature at Paw- \\ a. ,. rcCl'l l'ec II'\ ' c ~c . . ' . I f . I I II I f · to l't•tl ' "tncls of liftccn or twent v which nee. The duphcate retunH e t m t 1e 1a ol·box wcro t ' '''" to o ·m 111 " c v. · ' I • · tl , , f h · 1 1 1 1 , nd wPnt to an ox-wagon t1llc<l with ~un~, taken IJ,v J:o . Ji •• Lal cy, on~ o t c J UI ge~ e ectcd by thl! 11~:1 .1 1 1 ' .'~ 1 .. 11.•1tJutcd among them unrl 111·o<"eeded to .\l i:~sourian~, and were etthcr lo:;t or de:>troycd In h:t lwo aIldl: I ~o"emcre o(fI ~l hem on ' the ground. I In pur~ll:tlll'e of house, so I c 'tt .. I . • I ' '·I I rat yo11r omm1 ec \,tve >~en UIHlv e \o J .. te· k ~on ' ::s 1. ,q ue!·>· t , tltt• y tlu~ d white t:l)Je <• r tihhons in in;:~titute a cIo .m pda'r l~·" nt bl'!J'tIw eet n tt'h e poll-1li sts an1l c·c nsu·a rhetr buttonholes, so a.~ to .li~tt uguisfl tlwm from the n;turns oft l iS 1~t nc: 10 e~ IIIIOny, towcver, IS lint· •· Abolilion ~t:o~." '!'hey again tlcnwndecl that t!le .Judge:~ form, that uo; even thtrty of U~ose. wh? voted there th~t t~houl<lr ~t~ ~-:n, nnd upon tht•ir 1 efu~ing to do ~o, ~m:~"herl day we.re cut ltle<l to .vote\ leavurg :31 L 1.llcgal vo~c~. \\ e 111 till.! wutrlow, ~a ·h tLtHI all, ami pr ·scntetl tl!etr pt.tol:; 1\re satl~fied from the t~s tlm?ny th.tt, l.r.td lhuactualset.- 1m1t guns to them, threatcuiug to sh,ot tflcu1. ~n111e oue ilers alone votco, the l!rec- tat~ c~ndalate~ would have 011 the 011 tsi<ll! c. icd out to th clll not t.o :,~hoot, a;; tl11•re be ·n elected by IL ltandsome maJonty. were l'ro ::ll:wcry men ill the rOOi ll w.th tl1c j :u l~.es. lllo I)I ,.TIUCT -'l'~r.Ct:~ts u. 'l'hey then put a pry untll.!r the corn •r or the l10u~e, wh11:.h wa.i a log hon;e, and liftc<l it up a few inches an<l 1 ·t. rt fa.ll u.g.t tn, !)ut de:-isted upon hett~!-( told tl_tere we re P1 J· ~lavery men in the house. Dunug th.s L: rn~, the cro.wd repeatedly demanded to be :tlloW \!1~ to V(Jtc without bc~ng sworn, and :\lr. Ellison, one of the Judge,, expressed hllll· sclf willing but the other two jud~-:e:; refused; thereupon a body of 'men, headed by" ::ih.cri!f Jones," ru:::hed iu.to the judgea' room with cocked p1stols and dmwn bowieknives in their hands, and approached Burson and !lam· say. J ones pulled out his watch, and said he would give \hem five minutes to re·ign In, or clio. When the five minutes h;t<l expired and the ju dge~ di<lnot resign, Jones said he would give them another mlnut e, and no more. Kllh!on told his a sociat.es that if they did r.ot resign, there would be oue hundred ~h ots !ired in the room in less than fift..:en minutes; and then, snatching up the ballot-box, rltn out. into the crowd, holding up the ballot-box and burrahing for .Mi~souri. About th1Lt time Burson, and Ramsay were called out by theil· friend!!, and not sufl'ered to return. As l\J r. llurSOll went out, he put the ballot poll-books in his pocket, and too~ th em with him; and as he was goin;; out, J ones snatched some papers away from him, a111l l:>hort ly aft e::rward came out hitnsclf holding them up, cryin:;" llurmh ror ~ii,,vmi !" After he discovered they wen: not the poll-hooks, he took a. party of men with him an1l started otf to take the poll-books from Burson. Mr. liurslln saw them coming, aucl he gave the books to M1·. UmlJer~-:er, and tol.l him to ·tart off in another direction, so as to 11\islea<l .J one!l and his party. J ones anti hi!:! p a:'l.y caught. :'llr. Umber ger, took the pollbooks away fro111 him and J one:; took h 111 np behind him on a horse, and carried him hack a pl'i ·oner. After .J ones and his pnrty had taken limbeq;er hack, they went to the house of Mt·. H:tmsay IUlrl Look .Ju<lge .John A. Wakefield prillone1·, and carl'ic11 ltitn t.o tltc place of election, and MUlde him geL up on a wagon and make the Ill a ·peech ; after which they put a white r1bhon in lti~ button-hole and let him go. They then chose two new j udgl!,;, aut! procccdecl with the election. '!'hey abo threatened to kill the judges if they did not receive lt1cir votes without swealing them, or else resign. They said no man shoulcl vote who wonl1l ~:~ul.>mit to I.Je sworn- that they would kill nny one that would otrcr to do so-" shoot h im," .. cut h:::~ guts out," etc. They said no man should vote tl1i:1 tlay unless he voted an open ticket, and was" a ll right on the gou;;e,'' an1l t.hat if they could not vote hy fair 111ean::~, 1 hey would IJy foul mean~:~. 'J'hey said they hac! a:; much right to vote, if they had been in the Territory two minutes, as if they hacl IJeen there for two year~, and they would vote. [:;oltle of the citizens wi<O wure al>o11t til..: winuo11'1 hut had not voted when t.h.e crowrl of .\li:;i:!oudnns umn.:hed up there, npon attemptmg to vote were dri vcn ba ·k hy tire mob, ot· driven orr. One of th~m, .\l r. J . ~l. .\Jaeey. was a~keu if he woul1l take the oath, and upon hi.; replying that he would if the judge:; require<! it, h<: IVa:! dragged tlu·ough "lle crowd I~ W<Ly frou1 tt1e poll~, ami.! ,·r il.!!l of •• Kill the d- d nigge:-thief," •· Uut his throat,"" ' I'~ Lr his h eart out," etc. After they ha1\ got him to the outside of the crowd, they stoorl around him with cocked revolver~:~ and drawn bowie-kuive3, oue man putting a t.:nife to hi:; h eart. so that it touche1l him, another h oltl. n~ a coclit::t.l pistol to his ear, while another· struck at hhu with a club. 'l'he Missourians ::laid they had a right Lo vote If they had been in the 'l'erritory but five miuut«.."S. 'ome said they h1Ld been hired to come there aod voLe, and get a dollat· a d:ty, and, by G-d, they would vote or die there. 'l'hcy said the 30th day of M:~rch was an impol'tant day, as Kansl\S would be made a Slave State on that day. 'l'hey began to leave in the direction of Mis~ou ri in the afternoon, after they had voted, leaving some thirty or forty around the h ou~e whet e the election was held, to guard the polls until after the election was over. The clti&eos of the :l'erritory ,,.ere not around, except those who took part m the mob, an<l a large portion or them dlci no~ vote: 841 votes were poll ed the re that day, or whtch but some thirty werc citizeu~. A p rote11t agalru!t the election wart maue tQ tbt: Gon!ruor. The !<'or ~O tll C c\ayt~ prior to the elecLion, companic.; or men were organized in .Jackson, CasH, an!l Clay cou ntie~, ~l o. , for the pu rpose of coming to the Territory a11 rl l'nting in 1 his Vth dif!tr ct.. 'l'lte (}:Ly previow:1 to I he clt-etion, some -100 or 500 l\1 bt~ourian~, Milled with gnn!i, pi~ to I~, and knivc::~ came into the Territ()ry :111d camped, some a~ llull Creek, and others aL L'otawat autic Creek. 'l'helr camp!! wcr • nhont !llxt ccn mile:-~ a p:u t. On the evenin~ before the election, .Judge II amilton of thl! Cas~ County Court l\Io .. c:une from tire Pota watamic C. eek camp to llull Creek for sixLy more 1\l issouri:tns, n:1 they harl not enough there to ren•ler the election certuln, nnd about thaL number went down there with hirn On the evening before the election, Or. ll. C. W c~tfu.ll wM elect· ed to act us one of the Judges of Election in the llull Creek precinct, In pl rtcc of one or the j u,lgt'~ appointed by the Governor, who, it was s aid, would nut he there the next day. Or. We t fall was at that time a cit izen of Jackson County, 1\to. On the morning of the election, the polls for l.lull Creek precinct were opened, anrl, wltlr· out swearing the judge~ , they proceeded to receive the votes of all who offered to vote. .For the sake of ap)}Cara nce, they would get some one to cumc to the windo1v and olfer to vote, and when a ke(l to be swom he would pretend to grow a ngry a t t he judges ancl would go away, and his name would be put dowu a~ having offered to vote but "rejected, refusing to be sworn." 'l'hi! arra~gement was made previously an1l perfectly under· stood by the j ttdges. llut few of the rt.'sidcut~ or th• district were present at the election, an<l only thirteen voted. '!'he number of votes cast in tho prl!cinct was ll0\1 One 1\lissourian voted for himself an1l tlten voted for his little son , but 10 or 11 years old. Col. Cotl'er, Ut'I\.'Y Younger and Mr. Lykinll, who were \' Ot.ctl for and elected to the Legislature, were resident~ of M :~~ouri nt the time. Col. Coffer subsequently marrier! in the Territory. After t.he polls were cl o~ccl, the r et um~ were marie, ttnd a man, claiming to be n. magis I rate, _certified on th.em that he had aworn the jnclgc::~ of electiOn before opcmnc the polls. In Lhe Potawatamie precinct, the l\1i~so u riaoa attenrlcil the election, aml after threatening ~lr. Chc~nut, the only j udge present appointed by the Governor, to induce him to resign, they proceeded to elect. two other j u<lge:~ -one a l\tis!lourian and thc othtr •~ res1dcnt of anot.hcr t>recinct of that distl'ict. 'J'Ite polli were then opened, a nd a. ll the )Iissouriam:l were allowed to voto: without heing sworn. A.ftPr the polls were closerl, and the retums m<tde ou~ for the l!i);llaturc of the jud~cs. l\Ir. Uhc.~nut refused to 1:1ign them, as he did not consider them co.Tect returna or le~al voter::!. Col. (Jotfer, a resident of !\1issoud, hut elected. to the Kansas l. cgi~ latu re from t h at district at that clectwn, eo· deavored with ot!Jcl'S to ln1luce l\l r. Uhe:~nut by tlrretlfll to sign the r etur u1:1, which he refust·u tiJ llo, and left t~e house. On his way home, he was Hreu at by !lome Mts· sou ria ns, though not injured. 'l'here were thr~e Illegal to one legal vote given there that day. At the lJtg l.ayer precinct, the j ucl~-:e:~ appoi nt cd by the 0 o 1·ernor rneL at the time appoiutcd, nnli proceeded to open t.he poll!!, after hei11g duly swo: n. After a few vote.; hu.ol b('~n re· ceiveu, a party or !\li!~::lou ri ans came into the yard of the house where the election wa:~ hclu, an1l, unloading II \fttgon filled with arm!!, stacked tl~t::ir (\1111~ in the yard, and came up to the window and ueunndctl to h~ <Hlmitted to vote. 'l'wo of the judges det.:id~:tl to rucctve the.r votes, whereupon the third jurlge, l\lr . .r. l\1 Arthur, re· signed, and another wa::1 cho!len in his Jllace. Col. Young, a citizen o r Mi~!!ouri, but a cauditlate for, and elected to, Ute Territorial Lcgi.;lati ,·e Council, wa~ prej sent and voted in the precinct. lie cla imer! tha~ ,111 Mlssouri"ns who were p re:~en t 011 th t! day of P.l.ectiOn were entitled to vote. Dut thirty or f•Jrt.Y of the ct,t.zen: or thl.! precinct were present, and lllally of them dulno vo~e. AL the Little Suga r precinct, the elect.on se~med to h ;~ve been condncttd r .. drly, <Llld there a !<' tee· tate mi\jority wa;J p olled. I<'rom the t e:llimouy, the whole district appean1 to have been la rgely lo'rce..:!Late, and, KANSAS-NEIJRASKA. STRUGGLE. ll<'\d none hut a.ctun.l SPtt.lers voted, the Free-Sin.t.e cnndi- / the Council and n. Rcprescnt:ttive 11.0! It t . d<tl c:l would h:tve he ~n ~lccted hy a IJ:~- rgo mujorif,y. trolled by tho illcgnl vote ca~t th~r, c 'fl 8 vo e was Icon· From tt <·ar~ful cx:Lm·mttlon, or the testtmony and the /39 votes in it-87 votes were caste.of "~~0~1;nsus·sj'~re records, we f111il th:tt from 20~ to 225 lrgal vote!i were I voted the l!'ree- tate ticket ' a nw 01 ty polled out of ,S.i, the total number given in the pr •cincts · or the Vth DiHtrict. Of the legal votes cast, the .Free- IX1·rr DISTitrCT. State can<lidate:~ received 152. Fort Riley ancl Pawnee nrc in this Distri ct. The i ar,. ter place. was selected by the Oovernor ns the tempo- VI1'11 OtSTHJCT-l?oaT SCOTT. mry ca~ttal, and he designed there to expend the Slltri:J A contpany of citizens from l\Ji souri, mostly from approprtated by Congress in the construction of Huitallle Bate~ County, cume into this District the <lay before the houses ~or tltc Lcgi!;lature. A good deal of buildi 11g wau election, srJIIIt' c:wrping a11d others putti11g up at the then bcmg done nt the fort ncar hy. For these reasons puiJiic-housc. 'l'hl'Y 11\llllbercd ft 0111 100 to 200, and eame ~L numl!<'r ~ f n~echauic~, mo~tl.v from Pennsylvani a, cam~ in wagons a11d on hon;ehack, carrying their provi:·dons Into l.hts cl t:;tnct In Tllarch, 18~5, to set•k employment. and tents with them, 1~1HI were generally tU'IIIed wlt.h pis· Some of tt;e~e voted at tl'l' l'lcction. '!'he construction tols 'L'ht•,v d(•darcd their purpo e to vote, an rl ct:.imed of the cnp1t:.d was firAt p11- , oncd, tiH·n abandoned, and t.hc right to <In ~o. They went to the poll8 g •nerally in finally the Stte of the tCtwll was rl t•clarcd by the ~ecn.. ... sn•alll>odi es, with ticl..cts in t.heir IHtrHls, and many, if r:try or. War to be within the military reservation of not :til, vuted. In some case!!, tht•y <lccl;L, ed !lutt 1 hey ~ ort lltley. Some of tl 1~· lnhn.IJit ants returned to tho h:id voted, and g:tvc ll1cir rca OtiS for HO <loin!{. M;·. ~,fates, and .some went to other parts of the Territo ry. Anderson, :Ll' ro-Kia.very candidate for· lite I. ·gi,;latme ·' our Comm;ttee find that they CH111e as settlers, intcntlendesti'Orl! d r.o di,;sua~le the notl·resiclcn ts fr(l lll voting-: tng to remam as such, aud were entitled to vote. because he dtd 110t w1 h tl•e election contested. 'J'his perbon, IIOWeve r, in~isterl upon vot i11g and upon Ids right to vote, anrl did flO. l\o one wa~ challt>llge<l or sworn, and all voted who de,.,ired to Out of Jj!)l) vote;; c:Lsf., not over HIIJ were legal, and hut G 1 of th1·se named in lh' ccu~us taken one month before hy f>lr. llu rbe•·, the candidate for Council, voted. !lluny of th l• J!'rec-~ tate t11cn did uot vote, hut your Cornrnittt:e is satIsfied tlmt, of the ll-gal vor.es cai't, the L' ro-~lavcry candidate~ receivclfll lll:tjo, it.y. J\lr. Andcn;ou, one of lht'S(: canrli <bttc·~, wa~ an unm·1rried man who came into the Dist rkt f ""' ,\lb~o uri a few d ays 'ucfore the election ami ho:mlul at the puld ie-hou~e until the day after tlto: t:lectiOII. Jl <' r h('ll took wit.h hirn the poll-lit'ls 1111d did uot return :o F•1rt :'colt unti l the occa;~ion of a Jmrbac11e the w~·ek hef•·r•· ~he t·lcct ion of Octobt·t· 1, 1 55. 11 e voted at tiLL! <·l<·rt ton, and after it left, and lras not since been in the !) strict. :-:. A. Williams the other l'rol: llavery caudidate, ac the time of th~ election lnd 'L claim In the 'l'erritor.v, but h is legal residence \I' Ll ' no't there until nJte,· the election. v liTH DISTRICT. !•'rom two to three h11ndred men from the ~tate of ~lbsou ri, Ca llie in w :l):~ous or on hors'ehack to t11c cl ctton grOIItHI :Lt ~wit zer's Ureek, in t.he VI I t h1 District, and enca ~n p~d n •ar the polls, on the day )Wcc·cdin•• tit~ elc<"LIOII. They WC! e armed with pistols and olher"'wctt· pons, :llid deelMed their f'Urpose to vote, in ord1·t· to secure tlte election of P ro-Slavery members. '!'hey said they 11 ere di~app(Jinted in not finding more Ya11l.e•!S there, and lhal they had ur.,ught more men than were nece,;~:~ry to couuterbalance their vote. A nuu1hcr of llrt:tn wore hadgo·~ of hlue rii.Jhon, with :t motto, 111111 the company were und"r the dil·ection of leaders. 'l'h<'Y declared tit ir it.llentiou to conduct tlrcmsclves pcacei'ully unless the re~11lenl::. of the 'l'crritory attempted to slot; the111 from vntin~. Two of the judges of election appo. nted IJy Governot· ltced~ r r('fllsed to serve whereupon two oth ers were nppointecl in th••ir stead by the crowd of M issourian~ who sunounded the polls. 'l'he ~~~~~~ly·appointcd j tHigeH rcfuRe<.l to take the oat h prescnhe< l br Uovernor ltccd.cr, but made one to suit tlt cntselve:-~. A!ld :cw J ohnson re r1ue~ ted each voter to swear If he lla<l :L chitn in t.hc 'l'erritory, nnd if he had \'Ot.ed in :~~1 ?thct· district. '!'he judgP.s did not take the oath pre~ cnhcd,_IJut Wl'l'e ~wor11 t.o receive all l eg~Ll votes. 'l'he i\JI~scurmns ~?I •<l without IJeing sworn. 'l'hey suppot tell I!. J .• ttcklerfor Council and .l\1. W.l\lc(l ec for l{eprcsentatt vc. They left the ~vening of the election. S<>me of the Ill ~l1trt cd on horseback fo r Lawrence as ~:~~.v ~a1d they conlrl he tl1cre before ni;;ht, ancl all 11 ~ut . It way they ca 1110 The census-list shows 53 leg· II voters 111 .. the Di~trict. ~5!3 votes were cast; of these' 25 were re tdutt~, 17 of whom were in the UiHtl'ict \\hen the ceu- 8111S ~a.s taken. l:'ome of t.he residents present at the 1. ~11~ rltol not vote, decl:trinr,- it usel es~. Uandidall!s de- . 111 ~d .to t·un on the l<'rce-Rtatc ticket because they were .unwJllllt!; to run the risk of so unequal a. contest- It betng kuown th:Lt <L great m:tny were coming up from Missouri to vote. !\early all the settlers were Fr ec-~tate tUe n, R~1d \:!>3 of the t5 leg<d votes given were cast for the 01 1 lly hce·~latl~ calldidate running. Mohillcr l\lcOce . ~ IO w:t~> rlet·larcd elected ltcprcsent:ttivc had a claim- a. s~w-ml l l <1111! •• hou~e in the 'l'erritory-a.~d he was there l:·lrt of the I une. Hut his lc~ul residence is now and WIIS ' len, neat· \\' ·~tport, in Missou ri, where he ~wns a111l r.onduct~ a vatuahle farm, an1l where hi:; family res ides. \'lihu DISTRICT. 'Phis W<tl' attach~:d to the Vlltb District for meml>er of 7 XTH n rsTJUCT. .Tn this dis~ri ct , ten per:,OII>l uclonging to t.he W.vandot tnhe of lnrl tans voted. 'l'hey w1•re of that class who unclt•r the law wcr·e Clltitlecl to vote· but their re idcnco was in W,vanclot Village, at the m o~th of Kansa~; River and they h ~t<l no right to voto in this district. '!'hey ,·o tccl the Pro-~lav c ry tirk(•t.. Eleven men recrnt ly frotu l'euu;:y lvani<t voted the Jt'rce-Ststte Ticket. From the t.estimony, th •y lmcl not., at !he tirne of the election so c~taiJli:,;hed their residence :L!:! to have entitled them' t.o ~ote. In both t hrse clas~es of cat~e~, lhe j u<lges cxawmecl the voters under Oltlh and allowe<l thc111 to I'OH'. and in all r espects the <'l<·ct:on st·em8 to have been conducted fairly. 'l'he rt•jectiotl of lwth would 1101 ltav (l changed the result. Th:s aud tl·c \'J li th Electiot1 D stricL fo rtll<·cl one repn.'S('Illath·e district., aud was the only ouu lo which the innsion from .'ll issouri did not extc11d. XIIII DISTS:! ('T, The JXth, Xth, XT!h a n<l Xllth Election l)i ldct-. IJeing all Spar,..el_v Settled, II ere ILI.tached tO~ethcr a~:~ ;i Council District, :Lnd th • :.\.I til ll.ll<l Xllth IL!i a I:(,Jlle· Rentative Dist ri ct. 'l'h:s l•:lt•ction llil;t rict is ()0 111iles uortlt from Pawr1ee, and l[)U miles frnm Kansa!l City. It is thl! nort hwc t settlcme11t in the Territor-y, a11d couta:ne<!, wlren the census was take11, hut 30 inhabitant,, of 11 hom 24 wc1C voters. 'I'IICI'e wa~ on the U<ty of clcrtion 110 white sdtlcntcut about .l\Jarysvi llc, the place of votiug, fur 40 miles, ex cep t that 1\J :, r::-h a ll nncl JJ! ~hop kept a store anrl fcr r.v at the cros;.in~ of the J~ig lllue and t.he 'alifor111:1 r ad. Your Comtuittee were unable to procure witnesses from this distri ct. Persons who wac we~ cnt at the electio11 \1 ere duly surnmoned by an olliccr, and a111ong th em WILS F. J. J\larshall, the member of tlte llou·e from that distri ·t. On hi~ rerum, the otliccr 1~as lllTestcd and d etained, rtn<l persons heariug the tw.mcs of some of the w itu c~ses SllltiiiiOiled were stopped 1 cB r Leco111pton, and did not appear b efot e the Conunittee. The returns sl10w that, i11 defiance of the (i o\'e.uor'"' procbmlttion, the voti11g was viu" ·vor·e, iu teud of by ballot. Sot names appear upon the p oll-Looks a., 1 otiug, and by comparing the:<c niLIIll'S with those on the census roll;.~, we find t.IHtt but scv en of the !at t er voter!. 'l'h<· persou voted for as ltt!presentativc, Jt' • • J. 1\lar,ltul l, wa::~ dticf owner of tire store at . .l\larysvillc, <tllll 11 as Llrero soHIClimes, but his fan.:ly Jived in Weston. J ohn .Uol.).o :dflson, the caudidate voted for the Council, then I ved i11 Jackson County, l\1 issouri. On the day after Ute election, ~rr. Marshall, " ith 25 or 30 m. n from \Veston, i\lo., was on the 1vay fro111 :tlarys\' ille to the State. Some of the Jlltrty told a witnc,s who had formerly resided at "'e~to n, t!1at they were up aL .\la. rysville and c:trried the day for 1\Ii l!Ottri, anrl that 1 hey had voted about 150 votes. lil t'. J\lan;hall paitl tho btl! at that point for the party. There does not appear to have been any emigration into that d i:~tricL in Mltrch, 18M, after the cen:.us was taken, and, judging from the be!!t test In the power of your Uommittee, tl1~ro were but Hevcu legal vo tcJ s;:~.St in the d ibtrict, and 3~ l illegal. XllTu OrSTHIC1'. '!'he election in this dil;trlct was oonductcu fairly. complaint was made that illegal votes were ca.st. XlllTH DIS'I'IUCT. No Previous to the dny of election, several hutHlt·el!s of Mi~>sourians from Platte, Clay, Boouc, Clinton, and llow: trd counties, came inlo the dl.striet In wagons and on hors~back, and camped there. '!'hey were armed with guns, revolvers, and bowie-knl\rcs and had badges ot |