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Show 80 A POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK FOR 1860. of boltinrr on the part of delegates from the Cotton Stotte,, unless their views in regard to PlatfOtm should be adopted. • . . On the 27th, th e' Platform Cormmttee, fathng to agree, pn~~cntt•d an a ssortment of Platforms, fro111 whi ·h the Convention was expected to make it~ srlt>ction. The mnjo r·ity report, prcticn t e d by. ~lr. Averv- ' of N. C. , was as fol-lows : R~Rol'"Oed, That the Platform adopted at Cincinnati be sflirrncd, 1\'ith the following resolut.ion: 'fha.t the National Democracy of the United States hold these cardinal principles on the subject of Slavery in the Territories: F'ir,t, tiHLt Congress has no power to abolish Slavery iu tile ' t' e rrit o ri e~; second! that the 'l'e.rrltori: Ll Lt•gi lalun: has no power to nuol1s ~ Slavery m tllC 'I'erril orics, nor to prohihit the introduction of slaves t herein, nor any power to destroy or impair the right of property in ~>laves IJy any legislation whatever .. R esolved That the enact meuts of HI ate I.eg1slaturcs to defeat u;c faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, suiJT"ersive of tl..le Constitution, and revolutionary in their effects. Resolved, That it is the duty of the J.'ederal Government to protect the ri~hts of person and property on the high seas, in the Territo ries, or wherever else its jurisdiction extends. Re.~olved, That it Is the duty of the Govemment of the United States to alford protc('tion to naturalized citizens from foreign countries. R e8olved, '!'hat it is the duty of the Government or the United 'latcs to acquire Uuba at the earliest practicable moment. ment to protect the rights of per·sons or prop e tty on the high seas, in the 'I'c rritories, or wherever c l e its constitutional authority 01• tend$. The fourth that, when the ett.lers in a Terri. tory have adequate population to form o. State Coostitutiou, the right of Sovereignty com. mcnccs, and, being consummated b,v their ad. mission into the Union, they stand upon au equal footing with the citizens or other States, ami that a State thus organized is to be IH.Imit· ted into the Union, S lave ry or no Slavery. The day was Apcnt in 6erce debate, without coming to n vote on aity of these vat·ious propositions. On the 28th, Senator \Vm. Biglct·, of Pr.nn. sylvania, moved that the majority aud minol'ity reports be recommitted to th e Conv e ntion, wi~h instruction to report in an hour·, the following resolutions : Resolmed, That the Platform adopted by the Demc· cratlc party at Cincinnati be allinncd, with the following explanatory r esolution: Redolmed, '!'hat the Government of a Territory, or· ganizcd by an net of Congrcst~, is provi:;ional and tempo. rary, aud, during its existence, all citiz •ns of the United States have an equal right to settle iu tlte 1'crrltory, without their rights, either of person or propet·ty, beina destroyed or impaired by Congressional or Territorial I.cgi!!lation. Re8otved, That. the Democratic party stands pledged The princ ipal minorit.v report, whic h was pre- to the doctrine that it Is the duty of Government to scnted by .Mr. Ilemy ll. Payne, of Ohio, and maintain all the constitutional rights o f property, or signed by the m embers of the committee whatever kind, in the Territories, and to enforce all the from Maine, New-ll~tmpshire, V c nnont, Rhode d ecisions of the Supreme Court iu reference thereto. He8o/;ved, 'l'hnt it is the duty of the United States to I sland, Connecticut, New-Jersey, Ohio, India na, an·or(l ample and complete protection to :lll its citizens, Illinois, Michigan, Wi~co nsi n, Iowa, Minnesota, wh· th er at home or abroad, anu whether native or New-York, and Penns.dvanhl, (all the Free fo1;·~ig n, 7 Tl t ftl .,. r tl l (l.~o.ver , tn one o 10 nc<:e!' 1 1cs o tc age, 1n n States except Califol'l1ia, Oregon, and Mnssachu- military, commerc1al and postal point of view, i~ Hpecdy s-etts), reaflirmed the Cinciuun.ti Platform; de- communica tion between 111..: Atl;wlic an<! l'aciflc l:Hntcs·! clarcd that nllri0c.hts of property arc J'udic ial in and the Democratic Party plcdgv "ll<'li ('onslitu tiona Uovel'llment alu ns will iusure the cot•~tr .. ..:lion or a their character, nnd that the Democracy pledge railroad to the l'aciilc coast at the carlic:;t pruclical the mselves to defer to the decisions of the period. Supreme Court on tho s u bject; ample protec- Re&olmed, That the Democratic Party are in favor ot · t 't' · I' d b the a cquisition of the Jsland of Cuba, on such terms aa t10n o CI tzens, native or natura tze , at ome shall be honor:~l..tle to ounwlves anu just to pain. or abroad; aid to "a Pacific Rn.ilroad ;" the R e11olved, '!'hat the enactments of State Legislaturee acquisition of Cubn, and that all State rcsi · tance to defeat the f:dthful execution of the .Fugitive Slave to the Fugitive Shwc Law is revolutionary and Law, arc hostile In character, subversive of the Constl· subversive of the Con titution. · tutiou, and revolutionary in their effect. Gen. Benj. F. Butler, of .Massachusetts, pre- Mr. llig ler moved the previous question. Rented another minority re~ort, reaffinninrr the Mr. W. Montgomcry (M. C.), of Pennsylvania, Cincinnati Platform, and dcclariun- D e mo~mtic moved to lay .Mr. Bigler'::! motion on the table. principles uncltangeable in their 0 nature when lle did not regard as a compromise a proposi· applied to the same s uhjcct matter, nnd only tion for ft Congressional S lave Code and the t·ccommenu~ng, in addition to the Cindnnaii rcope11ing of the African 'lave 'l'ra <lc; but, Platform, a resolution for the protectiou of' all le arning that the adoption of his motion would ti ttzens, whe ther native or naturalized. have the efl'ect of tabling th e whole subj ect, he .Mr •. Payne stated that his report, although a withdrew it. A u i \·ision of tl1e quPstion was mmonty one, r cprc e ntc d one hundred aud called for, aud the vote was tirst taken on the seventy-two e lectoral votes, while the mnjority motion to rl'commit, which wa~ carried, 152 to r e port r epresen ted only one hundred and 161; but the proposition to in ~truut the com· twenty-seven electoral votes. mittec was laid ou the t:\b lc, ~·1 ~4 to OG~, as Mr. J1uneo; A. Bayard (U.S. Senator), of Dela· follows: wat·e, pre. en ted a11other series of rcsolutious ns YRAe.-Malne, 8; New-llampshlrc, 5; Vermont, 6; follows: ' Maasachusetta, 12t; ltbode I slaud, 4; Connecticut, 15; '1'11 fi ffi New-York, M; l'ennsylvaola 8; Delaware, 8; Mary· C t·st n. r·med the Cincinnati Platform land, IH; Virginia, 15 ; North 'carolina, JO ; South Oaro· The ccoud dL·d:u·cd tlrat Territorial Gov~rn- lina, 8; Geor~ia, 10; l<'lorida, 3; Alabama, 9; Loulal-m cm s nrc provi:>ioual n.nd tempomrv and th·lt ana, 6 ; Mississip pi, 7; l'cxas, 4; Arkansas, 4; Missour~ d r· tl > · t II · · . · ' ' 4; Kentucky, (); Oh1o 2~ · Indiana, 18; lllinois, 11; stu tlcllsg ll l Clr ex ts c n ce a CtLlzeus of the United Michigan 6 · Iowa 4· 1 1\li~ncsota 4• California 8l- a. ·"~ '· e a· n cqun, I l'.t g I1 t to st:ttl1• m· the T e ni- ' 242!-. ' ' ' ' ' , ' torteS Wlth~ut Lbcit· rig hts of either pCI·~on or .N~TS.-Mass~chusetts, r; Counecticnt,_l; Kew-J.ersey~ property bet·rc. destroyed or i 1 • · •1 1. C 1, l ennsyiVRDia, 1:>; Maryland, 2i; Mll:!~ourl, 9, Ten . I ' 0 • • 11 paircu uy on- nessec, 11; Kentucky, 7; Indian:.\, ti; Wisconsin, 6 i ~l'e?stona. or Terrt.tO~lal legislation. California, •; Oregon, 8-56i. 1hc thrrd. that tt ts the duty of the Govern- Subsequently, on the same day, Mr. Avery, NATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND PLATFORliS. :n from the majority of the Committee on Platfol'ln , / trict. or Columhi~. Now, we. maintain that Oon~ hll8 r r.pol' t e d tile follo wing: no n gh~ to p!·oi1LIJrt OC' aholr.?h .SJ:lvcry !n the Distn.ct ot G'olumbJ:\.. "\\ hy? Dl'Ca.u.:~e lt IS an c~"lstlng iu8tiLutwn.. Re. lXfM<!, '~httt t~l· p!a.tf~rrn :trlopt_ed b.v the nc~o cr:\tic I H becomes Ule duty of C~mgrcss unde[' th~ Cou.sULu!lon to p~t·ty at mcauna ta lte u.ltirme(i, w1W1 Ute followwg e.\:- Jlrotect a.ud chcrlsl1 the nght of pror>ert.y lll sW.vcs lu Wl:lt plan:.t.()ry Re~o lulion!': J)lsl,rict., because U1e QQnstituUou docs zwt give them th6 iiTir~(.. Tb~t tl~t! government of a. 'l'erri!.<lry org<~.nkc<l l>y power to pro hi hit Ill" cstahlish Sl:wery. II: very s~ion of an ~tct of Conb'res.s, is Jll"i>vbion al <tnt! tumponu·y; u..nd, Oougreas, North •rn men, Southern men, men of aU parduring it.~ I:'Xi!:'tence, all citizeo.s of the Unitc<l StatCil h;LVC t!es, are leK~hd.in~ tno protect., c!J~t·i.sh s.nd upllolrl t..bc l.u.sUnn •quuJ rl ).(ht t'l settle with thclr property In the 1'crrltory tutlon of SJ:tvcry 'n the JHstrict of 01luwhia. _ . • • without tlwir ri~hts, t•ithcr of person or pl'<lpcrty, IH·Inl.( des- H hi a:l.I.J th.ott the Ciud.unati (llntfonu is a.mhiguous and trO.\' Cllori.tup;iirL"LIJycon,l{le.•l:liouaJorterdtoriatlegi.slatlon. that we mtlst. explai11 it. At the ~utJl, we lwve n'w.in. .:it' l'UIHG. 'I' I lilt it is the du.ty of the Jo'cdcral Oovemmcnt., taincd th1tt it h:t<l no azuhiguity; that i.t. di<f not uwau En all i.ts (h>purtml'JIL~, to Jtrot.cct., when nee 'S..<\ary, tl1e Popular Sovereignty· hut our Northern fzi.cwL'! ~;ay that· rights of J'l'n· t•JJS un1l )lropcrty lu the 'l'er-rltf'lrie:;., awl lt t!ol!S ruean l'<rJ)luiar Soven?lguty. Now, it we are wlll•reve1· tl~~ iL!i constitll!Jonal otuthority extends. goi11g w expJ~i..n it awl to decl:uo il.6 [lrindples, I say 'l'lti,·<l. 'J'IJ;I.i. , .... 1.1\:a tlw scl..tlcrs it~ a. ~'c['rit-ory having an let us el.Wwr declare U1em ()peuly, lJo](LJy, squardy, adcr,uu.!.l· JtO)lul:d..ion (Qrm a St:tte OouHtJtutlou, U1c right, or let U.'i le<l.Ve it a.'i it ls in the Cincimw.ti PlaJ.Jorw. I of over ·i~nt.v wwn1cucc..~ ll.n(l1 hcinl{ cont~umrua~ •d IJy wa.vt, a.n'1 we of U1e &lutll wrwt, no mare douiJiful l•lnt: tllmi~siou lut.o the Union, tl!<'.Y sww<l. on :tn C\lUU1 Coot- forms upon th~ or any other quc.stJon. \\'e desire that lug wllll the !ICople of other States; a.utl tJae&ate thw; thi'l (X)nvcntion t~houlu take a l»hl., S{JU;u-e Ft.:u)(L Wl1at organized <lug-lit to l•e a.dmit,ted into the J..'edcra.l Union, do Ute minority o f tlte oommitiee PNIIO'!e!' 'J'hclr€ l:Jtiou ""!Jethcr it.s C'dJ~Utution pl'ohil>its or rocogllizes tJ1c iustitiL- ii to l e~lVC the <ltlCSllon U> the d<'ci.-.ion of U~ Supreme t.lon of .:la V<'ry. Court., antl a~e to abide l!y a.ny declsi.an Uut W.'ly bo Puurf/1.. 'l'haL the Ll ~mocmtlc Jlltrty a.re in favor of the ma.de hy that t,ribunal bel ween the citizens oC a 'fcrriV>ry ac•l u.. bit.ion of the ! ~land o f C_uha, on such t.crms ll.'l sl.tall upon the suluect. 'Why, g n t.:l men oC the ruinrJdty, you be IJO.uor:tble to our:elvc..'! and. JUlit to Spalu, a.t UAe earliest CIUUlot llcl(l SOILrselvcs.. 'na~ is &J o::w~.cssil)1l w Wl. pmcllra.IJJc ll><llll"'ll!.. _ 'f llerc i.s no ueccscit.y for putting tb.at in. the J'I:J.tfarm, hf~- JI',fl/"'- 'l:lwt t IJ~ CVl,'_diUCUt.S oC ~t~~e.lc~.i<laturcs to{[(}- C:.~'ie r t<Lke it (Qc #)'l"WU.'d Uw you ue a.JJ J.'tl\'·~l;iding fl.'llt .UH·. fartllftll l' ~ ec1ttlon of. the lt 11gi.iive Sia~e Law, &re CJUr:cns. 11:\'ery ~entJetu:vl ll'ecc l.'ron.1 .?. oou-sJa.~diOltliJJg lto~ttl • .111 ch:J 1:u.ct('r1 suln•er.s~ve o f t.he Olti.StitutJ.on, ~AD<l Sta.t.e l.s a J~tw-a.IJ!uiug cilheu; and U l1e he oo, " 'IJy \\'6 t'f!I'Oll.ltr<.>r rar.v w tiH~r clfcct.. know tha.t when there Js a. <lecislf!n ~f t..he SuJu·ewc Oluct., Si~tlt .. 'l'li ;t~ U!e Vc~ocmcy of th~ U~ited States rcoog- even .WveJ·I:!e to his vJcws, lte wW submit to H. _ • . _ nit..: ~t as tl~e lllll~f•r:J.ilv.e dttty of thlS Govemw.ent tro pro- You Ra.J tha.t tills 1.s a judicial quc.t~ti()Jl.. We M.y Unt Lt•··t tbc . u,d,un~ l1r.ed <:ll.izen in <~oll his rigltts, '~hethe: at it is n ot.. Hut if it be I'- judida~ qu:csti-on, it l~ immJ.telhl to lJorue ?~ 1u f<ln:l!£1l latH.!&, ta the s:une ex~nt liJj Us nwUve- you b·(H7 tile pla4form is made, l1ec~e .:Ul you wlll l.t.:t.'.it' !1,) bom Clt.lzens. .say is " tbis is a juliici.U qucstioo · UJ.e m:\jorlty of tJu.• O>u- ~t_lu:rt.<t.~, or-e <": t IJ·~ ,:;rea.test ne~e;;siti.cs o~ tl1e a~e., in a. venti;u were of otw opinion ; I Ul;,y cnter1,;!i.u my ow a o;.:uiJOIJtlca. J., 0011ltnerciotl, ~lal nud ru~hta.ry powt o f Vlew, is ion Uj)(ln th'.! flu.cstion; lut tbe &.l.prerue Ct~rt.seWe it.." __ H ~pet:Jy 001ll tll1111il.:atiGa between t11e l!:J.clfic ~wtl .AJ.lan- Let ILS make .a rJ.atftmn. 3-00uL WIJic.b there <:lUI be llv tit: Cl)aSis: The rcfore l>e it doubt., !M Ul!l.t every m;.w., North :.uu4 Se.1ih., maJ' !Jt.uld fll',,<.(.~·erl, 'l'hat tllt: Dt•uJOcr~lc p~rty do hereby pledge slde by sAlle on a.U i<\.'lUCS OQnnccto:l with Slavery, anti :vJtlJI• m>'ell•c.:~ to u ·e ~ve1·y 1ne<~.n.s lU the1r )lOWer t4 se.cur~ the vocate U1e s:unt• llr.i..adplcs. 'L'113.i i.<J ull we ask. Allll-'c pt1N'il.l{e of oouH; IHU, to the exteut of the constLtutiozuJ dem;m;J ai. your ha.n<ls ix, that. there sha..ll be no equivOC''I.autllorit. y M CGu~rC>.'fl, for the CQimtrll-ctX!n of I\ l'aci llc tio11 and no douut )u J..lJe popular willa D.s t4 wha.1 aur lCLilm:td, ~l~tD. tlw ~Jil:ltU>!sil)Jli m ver La tJ~e J!;J dfic OcelW., [Hiucip/es a.n~ .. ~t U!c e.:trlit:>t lH ...tcltc:tb.\c uwmcut.. u [I n o f 0 I - I" .1 r i m.r. • u. 1.. ayn~ o · ao, rep leu <\t ten!!'t t, . j~r- A. ve~.\- ~ook t he fioor, .a.ud epokc at k~~~gt_h and in the cotR. r~e of his arrrumcnt saiJ: ""' tn fa \'($r ot In~ I'<'PG I't., antl w the cou~'Se o1 Jus r' " ' 0. ·k ..:• 0 ~ • he quCSV.Gn Gf Slavery n ... d distnd.ed Ute Oourls <P~ltl ~ t.: IHIU • .th • the J!:.uty EinC"e 1 20, :u1<1. we hl)ped liy the Couupl':}mise; l have sta.1e(! iltd we den.~<a.nd at the lumus of our mca.:;ur<.-'5 of l8a<l, the K&nRfi.S W.w <J{ l r4, and Ute PJ.atNllrLhl'l'U hrdiJI'\:u upou this lloor that the g reat princ.iJllC funn of I.~ and lBiYG., t l12.t the {WUc.y 0! tlte Demr.).C.I'&fic "" hid! we ch ·ri.,h ~>huulll he reoogni.zc<l, aml l.a t.hat. view I (Mrty wa.s a united wrl Dctt.J.ocl {IQiicy in reS/j)oot to .ilCris; l\!ak tl1\! camrllOil ~ •uW.u.tcn.ts of our constituents :Lt. bl)me; <:au slavery. • • • • 'fhe DelllQc['uy ()( tLe Norc.lt ·tiJilliutcnd no r ..:llection upon thMc who cuter.ta.in adilfer- lun·c., iltroughQu.t, sto<.~d hy t..be Soutla iu vin<l1c:.l.tian of ent OJtiui<tu, wh.:n I say th:Lt tbe results and u ltimate CQDt>e- their oonstitu.tiauaJ ri~\tta 1•\a.r this o~ey d;Jm :.-o ' lllt.:Uct'tl tG tit· . l UUlem St~.t.es of Uilil cottfe<l.eru._v, if the aedit. '!'hey ha.ve Iitnitly d~harge<l t.hci< c..1astU.utW.,nu l'OJIUI;tr · va~:i K JI y !loct.r.ine be a.dopte<l ~s tJje d~ctlinc <lu.t.y; and., C.hot.tgU. me Sou..U.tccu &ooJ.ors ma:.r rise i.'l of Ll -c Helll~cra t i..: p:{rty, IV\luJ,f be a.s ttwgtraus :wd. s ub- their pl u. 'Oil and s.tigm2A.ir.e us a.s ttWN~twJ M<l mUen , 1v..: t·er ·in~ !!If t.h~ir ril{ht~· as the a!IOJ)t~oll of the zlri.nciJJie of sa.y we l,~,·e d'lltte i.t in good fw ta., ~.nd we dlallcJ;e ~o(ra.Con~ rt' t-iiHJ<tl iutcrvcvti<tn or Jll~hi!Jition.. We .say t ha.t, in djeti.oll. We h:Lve euztpoeell tlu.t t<hi.s do.('.trine f1( PQZJULu ~ co1~tt~t f~n·l(.ht oo;u{t:tA.iou of t.lle 'l'erriltod.es of the United Saveroi[,rnty w:u; 1t final scWemeutoC the SI:A-v~r:y diiliculty. S(.;tLc~, tlte ~lll ht' m ·IIJL'll C·UCUmbcred wub slaves UW14t You so wulc~d it iu the S~>UUt. We n.re oot d .airuht.g COIUjJCte \lltl·l the l(rnigr&.Jtl. Aid Socie:t,y at tue Nortli.. We <LttyU.tlug i.It ou.r PlU!<lcm out. bat the fucl.nn.4.ti Pl.a.ifona ~•L.V tlt:ti tlte f'~rtigr.lo~tt A(,l ~:>ciety ca.tt send tt. voter(.() ouc W3..S t.<.lmlUoo to lu.v~ es.tLIJfi£1,e<L • • _ • of tilt: 'fernt rk;; nf t lto UniLcd St;~,tcs., to determine & What was Ute doctrine of lSS& !' Nron~utnV'!"..nt..Mn fnr fJilt.'t-lli<m r dati n,..: t.o ~;l:tvcry, for t.he rutu of t420(), whlle it (AmJ!;re...qg with tbe (lUICStl-on of Sl:u;rer,y., aBrJ t.lle s•r bm~i."u ·~ould oosc the 'outheru m:.~.n t11e SIL!U {)f $L50!t We Bli.y, or tlie qucstJ1ln. of Sla.\rery in t.Lie 'l.'czrit.orics, uuder Llr~ ~h e n., that wht revc:r tkt!r-c is ~mpc:.iliou JJetwoou tl1c Oot\StlUil.ion, 14 tlte l:'ooplc.. ;-;ou t.h and 'orth, ihat the North ca.n aucl will, at leP.e ex- His said that erne oonetrllct.ion bas b~ iin!D. tn Vie SJcu~e atHi ltiflit·ultr , Hecure IIGWer, oontrol ;.o.nd dolllinion Phl.tfonn 3t t.he Sout.lt a.u.d allGt.ller at tbe North.. lle •>vcr thrt: Tcr~i.I.IH"h"S Qf Ute l<'cderal Govemment; wcl if, could pl'\)vc fNm the Cougyessional deb~ Ut.:tJ. from titer1, ynu est :thU:.IJ th~:. doctrine tiJa.t a Ten·itodu.l I..eg.isla - 1800 ~ '856 there was n'llt a d.issw..t.iJa.g cpwlon. es;p['ease<f turl! v;hi, It m.1.y In! establislt ed. by Oangress itt a.11<y 'ferri.- ill Congress Olt thla suQjcd.. tor.r l1<t.S the 11~11:., d~rectly ar i.u,fuectJy, w a.trt:Gt tue itASli- To show that Q,..u.atter Sovcreie:nty h<..l.d been f u~iu n af t-h'"~rr, ~hett yoa ean sec tli.a.t tbc l ... t:~;isl~tt-ure by ~ ~ Its ~tctiort, cith~.: r diructly or Indirectly, ma..v finally ex- gcuet"al!y acce (Jtcd as the tr«e D"mocratic docdullc l! l <:ry n.·u~ C'ront tlte sla.vebollling St~tcs ~s ef- Ll'iue, !Ur. P:tyue q11otcd f1'0m eminent SoiLthera FL·dually ~. .1 :! if r Jt IJ<i',<l ~<1o1•ted the Wilw<1t Proviso out Democratic Stateswea a f.oli<Jnvs: tLII<l (\Ut. • • • • H·.lt -.r;e &l'e U'rlll that., itt ~LI!vocAA.tnK the ~~cttine we now d11, 11·e :uc vi ~~atiui; the prirtcipleil of Ute CiuciruutU pia~ rc~(LlL ·~ tu.ey .SII,t' tl·l<U the Ci.ncl:uu.t..i pla.tf.anu is a J><JpuJar S 1 l'aci;,'1•Jy pl;tlfl)nll; t!Ja.t it wa.s intctt<led to present .a.11!l pra.cticaHy u farce th.at J!;reu pri.nci.}Jie.. Now, w~ wilo tu;<.((c tliis "~I' 1rt llt"By tltat this L~ the tme construc-tion of the Clhciun;tti Jll~ttl'orm. We of (he &tu'.;h e~,y C!ha.t wl1eu .... e 1'01 «. f!lr u~e Cincitmati l~hl.t.f<HILl w~ lm<ler"i!(,(,G<I, from tht" fact t hat tlw Tt•ni(•lrit•s st;~.n <l in the sz.r.ae poo!Uo·n ae Ill." u~~\11"\l·t of c ,~ hmth.ilL, that non-intedere acc and 0011- illl.:l 1·cntiou in th~ 'L'emitorics w.a.s that same SQrt of oonwtt... rlut.J.lc.e a.DU IW.tJ-jntcrvCJili.on f4rl.JldJlen J.u 1he l)i,s. FI\Qll( A srtnrom ()F BG'J1. nownr. coan, of' Ol!X)ItG:U. ,, r sta.ud U~.ll a princil)le.. I hold th~t the will or tb.e majority oC th~ poople or KVlsa.s shou!d decide tnls q u ef>tion., and I say here to-n~t, before th~ pe1)pke and befor~ this oountry, U1&t ~ ror one, shall abide U1e deci· slon ot the people U~ere.. I h old tAl the ri81lt o! the People t() self-governrn..ent. [ ltm wmiug foe tbem to dechle tbD question." FllO:IC t'lf.ll: S.lXR.. "I would not pL-mt ~lavery upon the eoil or a.ny por· tiou o! Go!.l.'s u.rt.h ag:M..Dsc. the will oC the pe9ple. Tl.t• |