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Show I A POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK .FOR 1860. YE.AS-113. FROM TilE FREE STAl'ES, ~IAINE.-1\loscs 1\IcDonald- 1. NlnV-liHtPSlliRE-Ilarry lliubard-1. CONNECTICUT.-Colln M. lngersoll-1. VERUONT.-Nons. Il!ASSA.OUOSETTS.-N01t(J. Ruoor.: I suNo.-None. N..:w-YonK. - Thomas W. Cumming, Francis ll. Cutting Pet.et· Rowe John J. Taylor, William l\1. Tweed, m1·,~m Walbridge: William a Walker, Mike Walsh, 'l'hco. R. Westbl·ook-9. PENNSYLVANU.-Samuel A. llrldges, John L. Dawson, Thomas ll. J!'lorence J. Clancy Jones, William H. Kurtz, John McNair, Asu. Packer, John Robbin~, jr.1 Christian M. Straub, William ll. Witte, Henurlck ~· Wnght- 11. NEw-hnsn:Y-Stuuuel Lilly, George Va11- 2. , Ouro.-Da.vid '1'. Disney, .l<'rcderick W. Green, Edson ll. Olds, Wilson Shnnnon-4. lNDIANA.- John G. Davis, Cyrus L. Dunha}TI, Norman Eddy, William H. English, Thomas A. llendrrcks, Ja.mes H. Lane, Smith Miller- 7. lLLINOrs.-James C. Allen, Willis Allen, Wm. A. Rich-ardson- 8. 1\liCIIIOAN.-Samuel Clark, David Stuart-2. I owA.-llernhart llenn-1. WISCONSIN.-Nont. CALU'OHNI.A.-Milton S. Latham, J. A. l\lcDougall-2. Total-44. l<'R()M TilE SLA YE S'l'ATJo:S. DELAWARR.-Oeorge R. Riddlc-1. MAnYLAND.- William '1'. Uarnilton, llenry 1\fay, Jacob Shower·, Jos hul\ Vansa.nt-4. V!HGINIA.-'l'homas ll. llnyly, 1'homas s. n ocock, J ohn S. Caskie, llenry A. Edmundson, Charlt!s J . .l<'aulkner, Willla.m 0. Goode1 Zedekiah 1\:idwell, John Letcher, Paulus Powell, Wilham Smith, J ohn 1<'. 'nodgrass- 11. NORTil CAROLINA.-William S. Ashe, llurton Craige, Thomas L. ClingLOan, John Ken·, 'l'hol!. Rutl.in, Henry l\1. Sh:tw-6. SouTU CAROLINA.-William W. Boyce, President S. Brooks, James L. Orr-8. • ) G&oitOIA.- David J . Da.!ley, Elijah W. Chastain, Alfred H. Colquitt, Junius Hillyer, JJuvicl A . Ree8e, Alex. ll. Stephens-6. ALAn.uu.--Jrtmes Abercrombie, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Jnmes 1•'. Dowdell, ampson W. Harris, Ucorge S llouston, L'hilipl'hillips, William lt. SuliLh- 7. l'tll~:>srssiPPJ.- William S. llarry, William Barksdale, Otho It. Singleton, Daniel n. Wright- 4. LoursuNA.-\Villiam Dunbar, ltoland Jones, John Per· kins, jr.-3 K~o:NTOCKY.-John C. llreckinridgc, .Tames S. Chrisroan, Leander M. Co'JJ, Olem£~nt S. flill, John M. Elliot, Bt nj. E. Grey, William Pre11tun, lticharu H. Stanton --8. TENNKSSI\1'..- William M. Churchwell, George \V. Jones Okart611 Uealiy, 'amuel A. Smith, .l<'rederick 1'. Stanton; 1/eli'JJ Zoltic<!lfer-6. l\1H;soo1u.-Aifred W. Lamb, James .r. Lindley ,Julm G .. Miller, .Jfordecai 0lil'8", John!:!. l'helps-5. ' AlliCASNAS.-Alfred D. Greenwood, Edwin A. Warren- 2. FLOnm.~.-Augustus K l\laxwell- 1. 'l'KXAB.-Petor U. llell, lleo. W. ~myth-2. Total-6!). Total, Free and S la ,.e Sunc~-11 :). XAYS-lUO FlU: ~ STATE~. l1AINF-.- Swnnel P. Benson, E. lVitcler F(£1'lC?J Tho-mas J. D. J!'uller, ~amuel 1\Iaya..l, liJrael Wu-~Jhb·ur;t J'r --6. ' . Nr;;w IlAMPSIIIRR.- George W. Kittretlge, Geoq;e W. Morrison-2. MASSACUtJSETTS.-Natl1:uaiel P. D a nk!~, jr., B1tmnel L . Orockor, A1.rcx. D11: WITT. 1!/<lu:ctrd J)ickinJ~on, J. Wiley /i).);m,wnds, 1'/iomaB D. Eliot, John Z. (.;oodrich Ohai'loB W: Upham, 8Lt1Jt~tel Jl Walley, 'l'appMt JVonbwurth- 10. B . .AIOt'(!Mt, William Murray, Andr·ew Oliver, Jnrea '(, l)eck, Hufus W. Pec kht~m, llishop Perkins, B enjam.in Prin(lle, RuMell &l(!e, Georos A. Simmons, 01;;.ka17 SMn·u, J ohn Wheeler-22. N tcw -J to:RSEY.-A leal. 0. ltf. Pt77211Lin(J t01~, Charles Skcl. ton, Nathan 'l'. Str:\l.ton-8. }lJS.NNSYLVANJA.-Joseplt R . (Jlw;ndlel', C1\rllon D. Our. tis, John IJiok, Augustus Drum, William Everhart James Gamble, Galusha. A. Grow, Ieaac E. lliester; Thomas M. IIowe, John.AfcOulloch, Ncr .JJfiddleswarth, IJa;vid Ritchie, Sanntel L. R ·usaoll, .Micha\!1 0. 'l'rout- 14. Omo.-E<lward .Ball, Lewis IJ. Campbell, Alfred P. Edgerton, Andrew ~llison, J OSIJUA It. 0IDDINOS, Auron llctrl((;n, John Scott !Iarrison, H. H. J ohnson, Wllllam D. I~ Jrulsey , M. H. Nichols, Thomas ltichey, lVWiam R. Sapp, Andrew Stuart, John L. Taylor, EDWARD W.&os -15. 1NJl iANA.-An\lrcw J. llar·lan, Daniel Mace, Sa:nwel W: Pu rkor-3. Ir.uNoJs.-Jltmes Knom, Jesse 0. Norton, Elihu B. Was!Lburn e, J ohn Wentworth, Richa~·d YateB-:5. liiiCIIIOAM.-David A. Noble, ll c~to r L. Stevens-2. Wr~CON8IN.-llcnJamin C. Eastman, Daniel Wells, jr.- 2. l OWA.-Nc:me. CALIFORNIA.-Nvn e. Total-01. SOOTIIURN STATES. VIRO!NIA.-John S. l\lill~ o n-1. NOHTH CAHou:u.-Richard 0. P .wyear, S ion n. Ro(fer~-2. 'I'KNNr.:~:>s..:Jo:.-.Robort AI. Btt(J(l,lViUia,m OullomEm6r· 807t .Ethol'ki(le, Nath(llniel G. 'l~tylor-4.. L OUISI AN.A,-1'heoclOi'(J (}, Jitvnt--1. l\tl::!l:!OUHI.-Thonmtl 11. llcnton-1. 0TUI!:ll SoururmN "TA1't:s.-None. 1'otal-O. Total, Free an<l lave States-100. Abseut, or not voting-21. N. E:>OLAND ElTATES.- William .Appl6lon, of 1\fass.-l Nrcw·YOIIK.-Oeo. w: Olwee, James Mauricc-2. l't.:Nlti~YLVANIA.-None. N ~o:w · J ..:11s1w.-Nvue. Ouro.-Oeorge lniss, lt.loses .B Oorwi11r-2. lLJ. I~OIS. -Wru. II. llisscll-1. CAI.lf'OIINIA.-None. lNulANA .-Eheu 1\[. Chamberlain-1. 1\lrCUIOAN.-None. IowA.-Jolun 1'. Oook-1. Wn;coNSIN.-John ll. Macy-1. 'l'otal from .Free Stn.tes-9. J\IARYLA:so.-Jokn R. Fr<vnklin, AU(JIJ.Btu.s R. Sctl~rs -2. VIHGINIA.- lt'ayetle l\I c ~lullen-1. NonTH CAnol.INA.-None. DKLAWAitK.-.J.Vone. SouTH CAnOLINA .. -Wm. Aiken, Lawrence l\1. Keitt, John llfcQneen-8. ()a.;onOIA.-WIII. n. w. Dent, James L. Seward-2. ALAD.UfA.-Nono. ~JISti iSSIPPr .-Wil ey P. llarris-1. 1\:r<NTUCKY.-Linn Boyd, (Speakci·,)Preslj7?J Ewin(J-2. 1\J rssou 111.-Sctmztel (}nruthertt-1. ARKANSAll.-None. Jl'LOIHDA.- None. 'l'rcus.-None. 'I'KNNKS.."!KK·-Nonc. LOUISI AN.L-N07lO. 'l'otul from Slave Statcs-12 . Whigs In Italic,,, Abolitionists in SlULL OAPrTAL8. Dl!mocrats In Roman. May 23d.-Thc bill being thus sent to the Senate (not as u. Senate but as a llouse bill), was sent at once to the Committee of the Whole, and there brictly considered. .Afay 24tlt.-Mr. Pearce, of :Maryland, moved to strike out tho clauqe in section 5, which ex· t('nds the rirrht of suffrarre to 0 0 - 2 R.noDE l SLAND.-'l'laolllltS Davis, llcPjalll ill B. l' liur~ton tlao~e who shall have declared on oath their iolen• CosNECTICOT.-~ath •m Ddchcr, J 1tmes 1'. Pr:tlt, Origcn lion to becomo such, (citiaons] and shall have taken ar. 8. t3eymour-3 <>nth to support the Constitution of the United States, and Vto:KMOliT.-JameiJ Meacltam , .AlvaA &tbin, And,·lYW the provisions of this net. Tracy- 3. N cgn.ti veu- Y cas : Bayard Bell Brodhead, ~l!:W YOiiK. - Jfenry B ennett, I){l1Vi8 Carpsnter, Gil- B. Cl p 'd 1:''~ of h"rt Dean, Caleb Lyon, Reuhen K .1<\~nlon. TkouwtJ T. I own, ayton, ea.rcc, an uompson Flapl,6r, Oe~·r~(!, II a · tin~t~. olomo;~ G 1/ivven. CiuLrles I Kcntuck.y. Nays, 41. \luglled,D,Lut~l 'I. J vncs, Orsmnuij B . J.l"ttUJon, .Ewwin The b11l was then ordered to l>c engrossed TilE KANS.A.S-NEDRASKA STUUGGLE. 87 for i\ thir<l r enJing-Y cas: 35; Nays, 13, follows : as I (Dec. 3 1st) ~lis Annual .MN~ age, and ucxt {Jan. 24tlt) a spcciu.lmessagc with rcgn.t·u to tho oon- Yeas-:For Engrossing : • essrs. Atchi~on, 1\lo • Mason, Va., JJc:ul(ler, N.C., N o;·t011-, Fla., J](}nju.1n~n, L<~. , Norris, N.ll., llrodlreutl, !Ia., P earce, 1\Ill., Brown, 1 is:. , P ettit, I nd., llutler, !:!. C., Pratt, l\lu., Ca~~. Mich., Rusk, 'rexas, Clu.v, Ala., Sel.mstian, Ark., ]JawHun, Ua., Sllields, Ill., D <~ ugla~ , 111., Slidell, La., J<' itzpatrick, Ala., Stuart, 1\lich., Uwur, UHI., Thompaon, l{y., Hunter, Va., 'l'homson, N.J., J oh u~o n, Ark., 'l'oombs, Ga., Jo ne::~, Iowa, 'l'oucey, Ct .. , J 011e8, 'l'enn., Weller, Cal., Mallory, .l<'la., Willia.ms, N.H., Wright, N. J.,-85. Ntrjs-Against Engrossing : Messrs. Allen, H. I., GILLKTTK, Ct., JJdl, 'L'enn., Hamlin, Me., CHA~to:, Oh io1 J ames, Jt. I., Oluyton, Oct., Se1.011rcl, N. ¥., .fi'·ish, N. ¥., ~u~Nto:H, l\Ja:lS , .Foot, Vt., Wade, Ohio, Walker, Wi.;.-18. Democrats In Roman; Whigs in Itc£li~ ; l<'ree Demoorals in SMALL CAl'S. The bill was then passc<l withou t furth e r division, antl, bl'ing approved by the Prc~i<l ·nt, became n.law. The clause in the 14 th t>L'ctio11, which rept•nled the Mi ·souri Corupro111ise , with the lladrr,•r Jl' uuiso, is as follow·: That the Corrslitution and nil tho laws of the United State~ which arc not locally irrapplicable, ~!•all have tire sarue force ancl effect within tht: said territory of Ne· braska, u~ clsewlacre within tire United Stutes, except the eighth section of the act prepamtory to the atlrui~:;r o n of llllSSouri into the Union, approved March l:!ixtll, ciglltccu hundred ancl twenty, which being incomsistent witla tire principles of non·intervent.ion by CJongrcss willa 'lavery in the Stutes a.nu Territories, ns recogn izecl by the lcgi~la· tion of eighteen huudrcd aiHl fifry, cornmouly called tire Compr'Ollllse 1\le:tsurcs, is lrc reuy declared inoperat.ive anu void; it heing the true intent and me:~nlug of this act not to legislate Slavery Into any Territory or State, nor to exclude it th creft·om, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form Iliad regulate their donae:;tic in· stitutlons in their own way. subj ect only to the Con~titution of the Uuitetl States; Provided, That nothing herciu contuiuctl slrallbc conl:!trucd to rt!vive or put In force any law or regulation which rua.y have e.x illted prior to the act of sixth of March, eighteen hundred and twcnt.v. either prolt!cting, C'!tali!Jshing, prohiuitiug or abolishing til~>vay. n~c. 3, 1 55.-The X:XXIVth Cong t·ess COil· vcncd at the Unpitol, in Wa.shington.- J c::>so D. Bright, of Ind., holding ove r as President pl·o te111pol·e of' the Sl'natc, in place of Vice-President \Villiam H.. King, of .Alal>amn, d ecca cd. A quoru11t of' eithe r llouse was fouuu to be pre ·eu t . ll ut the ll onse found itse lf' unable to organize by the choice of' a Speaker, until nftet· an uu· pt·eccdcntc<l stnwgle of nine wee ks' dnrution . :Finall y , on 8atn~tlay, Feu. 20, 1856, the plurality- rule was adopted-Yeas, 113; Nrtys, 10-l -anu the H ouse proeecuc<l un<let· it to its one lmndred au<l thirly-thi1·d ballot for speaker, wlt cn N•LLllfuticl P. llanks, jr. (anti-~ebmska) of .\[a :-~u.ehtt ·ctt~, w:ts cltoscu, h n.viug loa voted to ltJO, for William Aiken, of Sou th Carolilla. Eleven votes cattercd on othet· p~r ons ~id not count again t :t choice. It was tltcrefol'e re~olv ·d- Yeas, 155; Nays, 40-that Mt·. ll.ll\ks was duly elcctc<l Speaker. lhtt, dul'i11g the pendency of this election, the Pre:,iucnt hu.d t ·allsmitte<l to both Houses first 1 uitiO:l of Kansas, in which he tltu' alludes to tho c who think Slavery uot the best iwtitution to make a pro pct·ous nnu happy t;J.te, nnd to those who opposed the r epeal of the ~lis.5ouri restriction : This interference, In so far as conecm.; il:1 primary causes aud its immediu.te commencement, was 0111! of the incidents of that pernicious agittltlon on the subject of the condition of tile colore1l persous helu to service In some of the States, which has so long dbturbed the repose of our country, and ex cited lrulivldnal!l, othcr rr i~c patriotic and luw-auitling, to toi l with mbdirected ze11l in the attempt to prop~tgato their social theories hy tire perversion ami abuse of tJ1 • JlOWI:rs of C oug re~s. 'l'hc persons ami parties whorn the ter u1r of the act to organise the 'l'cn itories of .t\eiJrasl;a 1111tl I<an ns thwarted in the endeavor to impoqe, through tlae ng ·ucy of Congress, their particular vr cws or social orgauitat ion on the people of the future new tatcs, now perceiving that the p olicy of leaving the inhal•llants of each tate to judge for themselves in this re~p cl!t was iueracll · cably rooted in the con victiuns of tire people of tlae Union, then had rc co ur~<~e, in the pursuit lif their general ohjcct, to tire extraordinary mea un: of prnpagandbt colouization of the Territory of Ka nsa~ , to prt!Vl:nt tire free and nutural action of its inhabitants in its internal urgnu ir.ation and thus to autkipatc or to forcu the deter· 111iu a tiou of that question in tlus inchoate ~t.ate. The Pre ident makes the f ollowiug reference to tho action of the people of Kan ailJ who, claillliug t!tc right "peacea bly to as er.,. IJI • and p eti tion for a redre~s of gl'iC \'lluce ," diJ ~o a::>~c rnl>le, anJ sent n petition to Uongre ·s, to per u lit them to f'orm a State GoveruIJlent, with the Uom:;Litution . ul>miLll'U: Following upon tlais movement wa.s nnother ancl murtJ importa.ut one of the same general characte r. Penson CtJ llfcsst:dly not constitutrug the b0tly politic, or all tla l:l inlaaurt~tnt~, but merely a party of lire inhabitants, and without law, havl! und e rtalc ~:J n tu suuw•on a. conven· tion for the purpose of truusforrning the 'J'crri tt>ry into a State, and have framed~~ constitution, :ulopted it, null undc t' it elected a governor a ud other olf..;ers, and a rt:Jire6eutati ve to Congress. Jlfm·ch 12.-In S enate, Mr. Douglas, of Illiuoit', front the Committee on T e rri Loric , mn.Je a report on 111attcrs relnting to K ansas af!itir,, in which he says: The act of Congress for the organization o tire Territori es of K ans:a.s and NeiJraska, was d t:~lg ned to conlorrn to the ~p i rit and letter of the J!'ederal Constitution, by preserving and 11 r1Li ll l1tining the furHianH·ntal principle of cquttlaty among llll the StaLes of the nion , uotwnhstanding the restriction containa:tl in the 'til secti~o.o f the net of l\lllrcla 6, 1 20, (preparatory to the admrss1on or l\li,.sour i into the Union,) wllith a:;:;umcd to deny to the pcople furever tl1c rlgh,t to settle the 4 uestion o.f Slavery fo r liH:n a~clveH, Jn·ovrtlcll they should !nuke the1r horn e::~ and o r~anizc.: State~ north of tlnrty·srx degrees aud thirty minutes n orth latitude. Conforming to the cardiual principle!l of State eq uality ami clf-governrm: nt in oiJed icnce to the Uon~Lituti o n, the l<aosasN'cbr; t!!ka a ct declared, in thn precise lnnguage of the Coanpromi!le 1\ll!asu re:~.of 1&60, tlaat," '~h en :~dmittctl u.s a l:ltatc tlae said 'l'erntory, or any portrnu ot the same, ~>halt h~ received intu the Union, wi th or without Slan:ry, as th eir con:Hilutions may presenbe a t ~he time of the1r adrui:;:~iou. " He then reft'l'S to the formation of the "Emirrrant Aiu Company,"" whil'lt had been organ· fzeJ 011 the principle or " 'w.te equality " by the people of Massachus tts. 'l'l~i::; pro~e ?Ji P~ h e call::; " a pcrver ion of the plutn prons10us of the Katt.:ias-Ncbmska A cL-Lhat the 011ly * "Tho Emigrant Aid Company," with fh·e millions dollar~. to which lfr. Douglas alludes, IWd !rom tbo existence of which be makes a. special plea for Uu~ llol'dcr ltulliaus, was never organi%ed: See Repcort of Speclnl Comnlitlee of Coo· gross, (pa.ge 100.) |