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Show 484 VlTlS. INDEX. "'llEA'l'. in amphibious animals, ii. 223 ; varieties of, ii. 300 ; affections of organs of, correlated with other peculiarities, ii. 328. Vitis vinifem, i. 332-334, 375. Vive1··ra, sterility of species of: in captivity, ii. 151. VoGEL, variet ies of the dn.tc palm, ii. 256. Vom•, on the indications of stripes on black kittens, ii. 55. VorcE, dift'crences or, in fowls, i. 259; peculi ari ties of, in ducks, i. 281; inheritance of peculiarities of, ii. 6. VoLz, on the l1istory of the dog, i. 16; ancient Li::;tory of the fowl, i. 2-:I:G ; domestic tluck:; unkuown to Ari::;totlc, i. 277; Inrlia11 cattle sent to Macedonia by AlcxtmJcr, ii. 202; mention of mules in tile Bible, ii. ~02; hi::;tury of the increase of brccus, ii. 2H. Vo r BElw on Verbw;cum pltamiceum, ii. 305. VomnLEur, G., his kuowlcdgc of hyacinths, i. 871, ii. 2fil. VHOLJK, Prof., on polyda ctylism, ii. 12; on double monsters, ii. :340; influcuce of the slmpe of the mother';; pel vis on her chilu's Jw.,d, ii. 344. vVAnEms, behaviour of, in confin mcnt, ii. 156. W AHLENBEHG, on the propagation of Alpine plaut:; by bml:;, runners, bulbs, &c., ii. 169. '' 'VAULVERWANDTt:cu,u ·1.'" of Gartner, ii. 180. WALES, white cattle of, in the l Oth century, i. 85. W ALKEH, A., on intcrmani age, i. 404 ; on the inheritance of polydactylism, ii. 13. WALKER, D., advantn,gu of change of soil to wheat, ii. 146. WALLACE, A. R., on a striped J a van esc horse, i. 5!); on the conditions -of life of fernl animals, ii. 32 ; artificial alteration of the phuuagc of bird s, ii. 280; on polymorpuic butterflies, ii. 390-400 ; on revcr;;ion, ii . 415; on the limit of change, ii. 417. WALLACE, Dr. , on the terility of SpLinddm hatched iu autumn, ii. 158. WALLACUI AN sheep, sexual peculiarities in the hom:; of, i. D6. WALLJ<'LOWER, bud-mriation in, i. 382. W ALLICH, Dr., on Thujct pend~tla or filifonnis, i. 3G2. WALNUTS, i. 056-357; thin-shelled, attackE! d by tomtits, ii. 2:)1 ; grafting of, ii. 259. WALSH, B. D., on gall~:;, ii. 282, 283; his '' Law of equable variability,'' ii. 351- J5~. WAL'l'HER, F. L., on the hit:ltory of the dog, i. 16; OJ?- the interCI:ossing of the zebu and orclmary catt le, 1. 83. WARING, Mr., on individual sterility, ii. 162. w_m1.' bog, i. 76. 0 WA1.'ERER, Mr., spontaneous productwn of Cytisus alpino-labttmum, i. 390. WA'l'El~ melon, i. 357. WATEUUOl'SE, G. R, on the winter-colouring of Lepus variabi~is, i. !1~. WA'l'EH1.'0N, C., proclucttou ot t~ulless fords, i. 53 ; on taming wild ducks, i. 278 ; on the wildness of half-bred. wild Jucks, ii. 45 ; aosumption of malo characters by a hen, ii. 51. WA1.'SON, H. C., on British wild fi'uittrce:;, i. :3 12; on the non-variation of weed:,;, i. 317 ; origin of the plum, i. 345; v:uin.ti on in Pynts malus, i. 348; on Viola arna' IW and tricolor, i. 3G8 ; on reversion in Scotch liail, ii. 32; fortiliLy of Draba sylvestris when cultivated, ii. lG3; on generally di ~tributed British plants, ii. 285. 'V A'I"l'LES, mdirnentary, in some fowls, ii. 315. W A1'l'::i, Miss, on Sultan fowls, i. 228. WEBB, James, interbreeding of sheep, ii. 120. WEBER, cftoct of the shape of the mother 's pelvis on her ehild's head, ii. 344. WEEDS, ~upposed necessity for their modification, coincidently with cultivated plants, i. 317. WEEPING varieties of trees, i. 3G1. WEEPING habit of tree:;, capricious inheritance of, i.i. 18-19. WimviL, injury done to stone-fruit by, in North Americn, ii. 231. WELSH cattle, descended f rom Bos lanaifrons, i. 81. WEST Indies, feral pigs of, i. 77; effect of climate ot; upon sh eep, i. 08. WE TERN, Lord, change eftecteJ by, in the sheep, ii. 198. WESTPHALIA, striped young pigs in, i. 76. WESTWOOD, J. 0., on peloric flowers of Calceola1·ia, ii. 34G. WnA'l'ELY, Archbishop, on grafting early and late thorns, i. 363. WnEA1.', specific unity or diversity of, i. 312-313, 316-317 ; llasora, i. 313; presence or absence of barbs in, i. 314; Godron on variations in, ibicl.; varieti es of, i. 314-315; effccls of soil and climate on, i. 316; Lictcrioration of, ibicl. ; cro;;sing of varieties of, ibicl., ii. !.JG, 104-105, 130; in 1he Swiss lakedwellings, i. 317-310; selection applied to, i. 318, i.i. 200; increased fertility of hybrids of, with Ao,'gilops, ii. llO ; ad- Will'l'BY. INDEX. YAKS. 485 vantage of change of soil to, ii. 146 ; differences of: in various parts of India, ii. 165; continuous variation in, ii. 200 ; red, hardiness of, ii. 229, 336 ; Fenton, ii. 232 ; natural selection in, ii. 233 ; varieties of, found wild, ii. 260 ; effects of change of climate on, ii. 307; ancient variety of, ii. 429. WmTBY, Mrs., on the markings of silkworms, i. 302; on the silkmoth, i. 303. Wlli1.'E, Mr., reproduction of supernumerary digits after amputation, ii. 14; time occupied in the blending of crossed races, ii. 87. Wm1.'E, Gilbert, vegetable diet of dogs, ii. 303. WHITE and white-spotted animals, liability of, to disease, ii. 336-337. WHITE flowers, most truly reproduced by seed, ii. 20. Wwm.a~A, l\1ax, on hybrid willows, ii. 50, 131, 267 ; analogy between the pollen of old-cultivated plants, and of hybrids, ii. 268. WICKrNG, l\'T r., inheritance of the primary cbmactcrs of Columba livia in crossbred pigeons, i. 201 ; production of a white h ead in almond tumblers, ii. 199. WrcKSTED, l\ir., on cases of individual sterility, ii. 162. WIEGMANN, spontaneous crossing of blue and white peas, i. 397 ; crossing of varieties of cabbage, ii. 130 ; on contabesccnce, ii. 165. WIGHT, Dr., sexual sterility of plants propagated by buds, &c., ii. 169. WILDE, Sir ,V. R., occurrence of Bos Jrontosus and longifrons in Irish crannogcs, i. 81 ; attention paid to breeds of animals by the ancient Irish, ii. 203. WILDMAN, on the dahlia, ii. 216, 273. WILDNESS of the progeny of crossed tame animals, ii. H-46. WILKE:;, Capt., on the taming of pigeons among the Polynesians, ii. 161. WILKINSON, J., on crossed cattle, ii. 104. WILLIAMS, Mr., change of plumage in a Hamburgh Lun, i. 258. WILLIAMs, Mr., intercrossing of strawberries, i. 352. WrLLlAl\TSON, Capt., degeneration of dogs in India, i. 37; on small Indian asses, i. G:4. W!LLlAl\lSON, Hev. W., doubling of Anemone coronm·ia by selection , ii. 200. ' VILLows, weeping, i. 361 ; reversion of t;piral-leaved weeping, i. 383; hybrids of, ii. 267; galls of, ii. 282-283. WILLOUGHllY, l!'., notice of spot pigeons, i. 156; on a b ntail pigeon, i. 208; on tumbler pigeons, i. ~0!); on the turbit, i. 209 ; on the barb and carrier pigeons, i. 21l; on the hook-billed duck, i. 277. WILMOT, Mr., on a crested white Turkey cock, i. 293 ; reversion_ of sheep in colour, ii. 30. WILSON, B. 0., fertility of hybrids of humped and ordinary cattle in Tasmania, i. 83. WILSON, Dr. prepotency of the 1.\oianx over the common cat, ii. 66. WILSON, J ames, origin of dogs, i. 16. WILSON, Mr., on prepotency of transmission in sheep, ii. 69 ; on the breeding of bulls, ii. 196. WINGS, proportionate length of, in different breE!ds of pigeons, i. 175-176; of fowls, effects of disuse on, i. 270-272; characters and variations of, in ducks, i. 284- 286; diminution of, in birds of small islands, i. 286-287. WING-FEATHERS, number of, in pigeons, i. 159; variability of, in fowls, i. 258. WOLF, recent existence of, in Ireland, i. 16; barking of young, i. 27; hybrids of, with the dog, i. 32. W OLJ<'-DOG, black, of Florida, i. 22. WOLVES, North American, thei.J: resemblance to dogs of the same region, i. 21-22; burrowing of, i. 27. WooDBURY, Mr., crossing of the Ligurian and common hive bees, i. 299, ii. 126; variability of bees, i. 298. WooDW.ARD,S.P.onArcticMollusca,ii. 256. WooD, Willoughby, on Mr. Bates' cattle, ii. ll8. WooLER, W . .A., on the young of the Himalayan rabbit, i. 109; persistency of the coloured calyx in a crossed Polyanthus, i. 365. WoRR.ARA poison, ii. 380. WOUNDS, healing of~ ii. 294. WRIGHT, J. production of crippled calves by shorthorned cattle, ii. 118; on selection in cattle, ii. 194; effect of close interbreeding on pigs, ii. 121-122; deterioration of game cocks by close interbreeding, ii. 124. WRIGHT, Strethill, on the development of the hydroida, ii. 368. vVYJI1AN, Dr., on Niata cattle, and on a similar malformation in the codfish, i. 89; on Virginian pigs, ii. 227. XENOPHON, on the colours of hunting dogs, ii. 209. XrMENES, Cardinal, regulations for the selection of rams, ii. 204. ''YAHoo," the name of the pigeon in Persia, i. 155. YAKS, domestication of, i. 82 ; selection of whiie-iailt.:u, ii. 206, 209. |