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Show • 482 TUl'l'ON. INDEX. VARIABIL[TY. TRITON, breeding in the branchiferous stage, ii. 384. '' TROM~illL-TAUBE," i. 154. '' TRONFO" pigeon, i. 144. Tropreolurn, ii. 38. Tropreolum minus and majus, reversion in hybrids of, i. 392. TROUBETZKOY, Prince, experiments with pear-trees at Moscow, ii. 307. TnoussEAU, Prof., pathologit.:al resemblance of twins, ii. 252. TIWl\1PETEI{ pigeon, i. 154; known in 1735, i. 207. TscHARNER, H . A. de, graft-hybrid produced by inosculation in tlle vine, i. 395. TscHUDI, on the nuked P eruvian clog, i. 23 ; extinct varieties of maize from P eru·\'i an tomb,;, i. 320, ii. 425. TuBERS, bud-variation by, i. 384-385. TucKERMAN, 1\'[r., terility of Cm·ex rigida, ii. 170. T cFTED clucks, i. 281. TuLll'S, variability of, i. 370; bud-variation in, i. 385-3SG; influence of soil in "breakiug," i. 385. TuMBLER pigeon, i. 150-1.53 ; short-faced, figured, i. 152; skull figured, i. 163; lower jaw fi<rured, i. 165; scapula and furcultt figu~ed, i. 167; early known in IndiR, i. 207; history of, i. 209; subbreeds of, i. 220 ; young unable to break the egg-shell, ii. 226 ; probable further moditiration of, ii. 24:2. " Tu3rl\1LER ., (pigeons), i. 150. TuMOURS, ovarian, occunence of hairs and teeth in, ii. 370; polypoid, origin of, ii. 381. "TURKISCHE TAUBE," i. 139. T URBIT (pigeon), i. 148. T uRKEY, domestic, origin of, i. 292-293; crossing of witll North American wild Turkey, i. 292-2H3; breeds of, i. 293; crested white cock, i. 293 ; wild, characters of, i. 293-294 ; degeneration of, in India, i. 29-±, ii . 278; failure of eggs of, in Delhi, ii. 161; feral on the Parana, i. 190; change produced in by domestication, ii. 262. TURKEY, striped young pigs in, i. 76. TURNER (p;gcon), i. 156. TuRNEr:.. W., on compensation iu arteries and vein s, ii. 300; on cells, ii. 370. TuRNIPS, origin of, i. 325; r eversion in, ii. 31 ; ruu wild, ii . 33; cr osses of, ii. 93, 96 ; Swedish, preferr d by hares, ii. 232 ; acclimatisation ot: in India, ii. 311. T uRNSPIT, on an Egyptian monument, i. 17; crosses of the, ii. 92. T ouTLE-DOVE, white and coloured, crossing of, ii . !)2. Tu1·tur au1·itus, hybrids of, with T. cambayensis and T. sura~ensis i. 19~. Ttbrtur 1·isorius, crossmg of, w1th tho common pigeon, i. 193; hybrid ot: with T. vulgaris, ibid. Tu1·tur suratensis, sterile hybrids of, with T. vnlga1·is, i. 193 ; hybrids of, with T. auritus, i. 194. Tu1·tur vulgaris, crossing of, with tbe common pigeon, i. HJ3; hybrid of, witl1 T . risorius, ibid.; sterile hybrids of, with T. sumtensis and Ectopistes migratO?·i·~ts, ibid. . . . T usKS of w1ld and domcst10:1ted p1gs, 1. 76, 77. Tussilago j orjaw, variegat(.d, i. 384. TwiN-SEI::D of Fuchsia coccinea andjulgens, i. 391. T YEru1AN, B., on the pigs of tho P acific islands, i. 70, ii. 87; on the dogs of the P acific islamls, ii. 87. 'rYLOR, Mr., on the prollibition of consanguineous maniages, ii. 122-123. UDDERS, development of the, ii. 300. Ulex, double-flowen ,d, ii. 167. Ulmus campestris and effusa, hybrids of, ii. 130. UNIFORliHTY ·of ch aracter, maintained by crossing, ii. 85-90. UNITS of tl1e body, functional independence of the, ii. 368-371. UNI'l'Y or plurality of origin of organisms, i. 13. UPAS poison, ii. 380. UREA, secretion of, ii. 380. UsE and disuse of parts, effects of, ii. 295- 303, 352-353, 418-419 ; in rabbits, i. 124-128 ; in duck.3, i. 284-286. U rrLI'l'Y, considerations of, leading to uniformity, ii. 241. VALE:-<TIN, experimental production of double monsters by, ii. 3-!0. Vallota, ii. 139. VAN BECK, Barbara, a hairy-faced woman, ii. 4. VAN MoNs on wild fruit-trees, i. 312, ii. 260 ; production of varieties of the vine, i. 3R3 ; correlated variability in fruit -trues, ii. 330 ; production of almond-like fruit by peach-seedlings, i. 339. Vanessa, species of, not copulating in captivity, ii. 157. VARIABILITY, i. 4, ii. 371-373, 394-397, 406-420 ; causes of, ii. 250-270; correlated, ii. 319-338, 353-355, 419-420; law of equable, ii. 351-352; necessity of, for selection, ii. 1!)2 ; of selected characters, ii. 238-239; of multiple bomolngons parts, ii . 3-12. VARIATION. INDEX. VISION. 483 V AHIA'riON, laws of, ii. 293-356 · conti~ uity of: ii. 241; possible limit~tion of, n. 242, 416-417; in domestic cats i. 45-4~ ; origin of breeds of ca ttle by, i. ~8; m osteological cha racters of 1·abbits, 1. 115-130; of important organs, i. 359; analogous or parallel, i. 34:8-352 ; in horses, i. 55; in the hor;;e and ass i. 64; in fowls, i. 243-246 ; in geese: i. 288 ; exemplified in the production of ~eshy stems in ca1bages, &c., i. 326 ; m the peach, nectarine, and apricot, i. 342, 344; individual, in wheat, i. 314. VAnmGATION of foliage, i. 383 ii. 167- 168. , V ~HillTI~s and species, resemblance of, 1. 4, 11. 411-413; conversion of into species, i. 5; abnormal, ii. 413'; domestic, gradually produced, ii. 414. VARHO, on domestic ducks, i. 277; on feral fowls, ii. 33; crossing of the wild and domestic ass, ii. 206. VASEY, Mr., on the number of sacral ver~ ebrre in ordinary. and bumped cattle, 1. 79 ; on Hunganan cattle, i. 80. VA UCIIER, sterility of Ranunculus fica1-ia and Aco1·us calamtts, ii. 170. VEGETABLES, cultivated, reversion in, ii. ?.l-32; European, culture of, in India, ll. 168-169. VEITII, Mr., on breeds of horses, i. 49. Verbascu.~, iutercrossing of species of, i. 336, u. 93, 105-107; reversion in hybrids of, i. R92 ; con tabcscont, wild plants of, ii. 165 ; villosity in, ii. 277. Ve1·bascum at~striacum, ii. 136. Verbascum blattm·ia, ii. 105-106. Verbascum lychnitis, ii. 105-106, 136. Verbascum nigrum, ii. 136. Verbasc·um phreniceum, ii. 107, 137; variable duration of, ii. 305. Verbascum thapsus, ii. 106. VEBBENAS, origin of, i. 364; white, liability . of~ to mildew, ii. 228, 336; scorclnng of dark, ii. 229, 336; effect of changed conditions of life on ii. 273. ' VEBLO'r, on the clark-lc:w d Barbeny, i. :-362 ; inheritance of peculiarities of foliage in trees, i. 362 ; production of J;losa cannab1folia by bucl-1 ariation from R. alba, i. 381 ; bud-variation in Aralia f1·ijoliata, i. 382; variegation of leaves, i. 383 ; colours of tulips, i. :186 ; uncertainty of inheritance ii. 18 · persistency of white flowers, iL 20; peloric flo:vers of Linaria, ii. 58; tendency of ~.tnpcd flowers to uniformity of colour, n. 70 ; non-intercrossing of certain allied plants, ii. 91 ; sterility of P1·imulce with coloured calyces, ii. 166; on fertile prolift:rous liowcr ::;, ibid. ; ou the Irish yew, ii. 241; differences in the Camellia, ii. 251; eflect of soil on the variegated strawbeny, ii. 274; correla ted variability in plants, ii. 330. Verruca, ii . 53, 400. VEnTEBRlE, characters of, in rabbits, i. 120-122; in ducks, i . 283-284; number and vari ations of, in pigeons,i.165-166; number and characters of, in fowls, i. 266-268; variability of number of, in the pig, i. 74. VERTU<JH, see Putsche. '' VEHUGAS," ii. 276. VEsPucius, early cultivation in Brazil, i. 311. VIBERT·s experiments on the cultivation of tlle viue from seed, i. 332. Vibumum opulus, ii. 18fi, 316. Vicin sativa, leaflet converted into a tendril in, ii. 392. YICUNAS, selection of, ii. 207. VILLOSITY of plants, influenced by dryness, ii. 277. VILMORIN, cultivation of the wild carrot i. 326, ii. 217; colours of tulips, i. 386; uncertainty of inheritance in balsams and roses, ii. 18; experiments witll dwarf varieties of Saponaria calabricn and Tagetes signata, ii. 20 ; reversion of flower:; by stripes and blotches, ii. 37 ; on variability, ii. 262. Vinca mir.or, sterility in, ii. 170. V~E, i. 3?2-334; parsley-leaved, reverSIOn of, 1. 382 ; graft-hybrid produced b.y i.nosculation in the, i. 395 ; disease of, 1n~uenced b! c.olour of grapes, ii. 228; mfluence of ohmate, &c., on varieties of the, ii. 278; diminished extent of cultivation of the, ii. 308 · acclimatisation of the, in the West 'Indies ii. 313. ' Viola, species of, i. 368. Viola lutea, diflorent coloured flowers in i. 408. 0 - ' Vioht l?·icol01·, reversion in, ii. 31, 47. VnwHow, Prof., blindness occmrinO' in t~e ofl:'~pring of consanguineous ~arnages, 11. 14:3; on the growth of bones ii. 294, 381, on cellular proli:fication, u: 295 ; independence of the elements of ~ ~o body, ii. 369; on ~he cell-theory, ii. 3t0; presence of ha1rs and teeth in ovarian tumours, ii. 370; of hairs in the brain, ii. 391 ; ·special affinities of the tissue.3, ii. 380 ; origin of polypoid excrescenees and tumours, ii. 381. VIRGIL on the selection of seed-corn i. 318, ii. 203; of ca ttle and sheep 'ii. 202. • VIRGINIAN islands, ponies of, i. 52. Vi?·gulct?'ia, ii. 378. VI~ION, hereditary peculiarities of, ii. 8-!} ; 2 I 2 |