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Show 4G-t UASO-"· INDEX. MOQUTN-TANDON MASON, w., bud-variation in the ash, i .. 382. . tl . 1 1\iASTERS, Dr., reversion m . 1e spll'a - leaved weeping willow, r. ?83 ;. on peloric flow ers, ii. 58; pelonsm lll a clover, ii. 3-!6; position as a cause of pelorism, ii . 3±5, 3c17. . . l\1ASTERS, Mr., per::;i:;te nc~ of v:anette~ ?f peas, i. s:w; rcproductwn ot colour :;1 hyacinths, ii. 20 ; on hollyhocks, ::· 107 ; selection of peas for ~ced, ~~· 199-200 ; on Optmlia leuc?trwha, n. 286; reversion by the termlllal pea m the pod, ii. 3-!7. . MASTU'F, sculplurcrl on nn Assyna~ m~nument, i. 17, ii. 429; Tibetan, r. 3o~ 3G, ii. 278. .. MATTHEWS, Patrick, on forest trees, 11. 237. .. },fatlhiola annua, i. 399, 11. 20. Jl[atthiola incana, i. 381, 39.9. l\IAUCHAMP merino sh eep, 1. 100. . l\IA1JDCYT, cro::;sing of wolves and dogs m the Pyrenees, i. 24. . . .. MAUND, Mr. crosseu vanetles of wheat, u. 1\iA1U30PE. RTUIS, axiom of ' '1 eas t ac f wn, " i. 12. f t . t . 1\LH'RITICS, importation o goa s m o, r. 101. . MAw, G., correl.ation of con.tractcd _lca~es and flowers m pclargomums, n. 330, 3Bl. . .. 16r.: 1\iAWZ, fertility of Brass1ca rapa, n. :J:. JYiaxillaria, sci f-ferlil i sec~ capsu~cs of, H. 13-:1:: nuutbt·r of seeds m,, 1~. 3 !9. . Maxillm·ia c~tm-ntliei<S, fert1hsat10n of, by Jl[. sqwtlens, ii. 1:13. . . :MAYES, M., self-impotence m .Amaryllis, ii. 139. . 't .. 13 MECKEL, on the number of drgl s, 11. ; con elation of abnormal muscles Ill the le"' ancl ann, ii 3~2. MED~·sLE, development of, ii. 3G8, ,3SJ. l\1EEHAN, l\1.r., compar J·S·OI~ of European rmd Amcru:an trees, n . ~81. },'[~leagris mexiccma, i. 292. llfeles taxus, i i. 1 51. MELONS, i. 359-360; mongrel •. suppose~ to be produced froJ!l .a twm.-s;cd, ."':· 391; crossi11g of vanettes o~, 1. 399, n. 1o8, 129 ; inferiority ~f, m Romnn times, ii. 216; change:; m, by cultu re and climate, ii. 275; serpent, correlation of variations in, ii. 330; analogous variations in, ii. 3c19. ME~iB RANES, fal:;e, ii. 29±-295. l\1E:sbRIES, on the stomach of St1·ix gralla1·ia, ii. B02. . . .. 1\lENINGrrrs, tubercular, mhcnted, ll. 78. METAGE~"ESIS, ii. 366. ME'l'AMORPIIO l::i, ii. 3()6. - M~nosrs and development, ii. 388, 389. d . . f 1\fETZGER, on tho suppose speCies o wheat, i. 312-313; kn~ency of 'Yhe3:t to vary, i. 315; varmtwn of marz~, 1. 321 _ 322 ; cult iv3:tion of .. ~mCl:LCau maize in Europe, L 322, r~. 34}' .on cabbages, i. 3:68·3~5 ; acclmiah.~atJOJ~ of Spanish wheat m Gern~any, u. 26, advantage of ch3:1_1ge _of sml ~o ~lauts, ii. 116 ; on rye, 11. 2:J4; ~ult\valwn of d ifferent kincls of wheat, n. 26 1. MEXICO, clog from, with .ta~l spots on t~e eyes, i. 29 ; colours of feral horses m, i. Gl. .. 168 1\iEYEN, on sending of bananas, n. . MICE, grey and wJ:tite, .?olours o~, ~ot blended by crossmg, H. 92; reJ eebon of bitter almonds by, ii. 232 ; naked, ii. 279. h l\frcrrA l'X, F., roan-eo1 o~u~d fe;ral ors~s of l\1c.:xiro, i. 61 ; ongm ot domestte turkey, i. 292; on raising peaches from seed, i. 339. . . . MrcuEL, F., selectwn of horses m mechoov ·11 t imes ii. 208; horst•s preferred ou a~count o'f f:l1ight c!iru·acters, ii. 20.U. l\ircuELY effect:; of food on e::tterptl lars, ii. 280 '; on Bombyx hesperus, .ii. 301. l\'lrcHOl'IITIIAL}liA, associ<lted w1th defec~ ti ve teeth, ii. 3:28. . . l\fmDE::-<S, Danish, remains of dogs m, 1. 18, ii. 427. l\'IIGNONE'I'TE, ii. 237, 311. MILLET, i. 371. .. 1\lrLLS, J ., diminished ferhlrty o~ m~res when fin;t turned out to grass, 11. 1()1. MrLNE-EDWAJms, on the development of the emstacea, ii. 3G8. l\{rLe<E-EDWAHDS, A., on a cru~~acean with a monstrous eye-peduncle, 11. 391. liiilcus nif!er, ii. 151. llfinwlas htteus, ii. 128. . . 1\ft:>OR, \V. 0., gemmation and fissiOn m tlw Annelidn, ii. 358. . JI-Ii1·ubilis, fcrtili~atio_?- of, ii. 363; hybnds of, ii. 131, 169, 26:>. lliirabilis jc~lapa, i. 382, 393. JI.Iirabilis longijlora, ii. 88. llfimbilis ·vulgaris, ii. '8. JIIisocmnptts and Oecidom~ia, i. 5 .. 1\frrciiELL, Dr., effects ot t l.te pmson of the rattlesnake, ii. 289. . MrrFORD, Mr .. notice of the brccdmg of horse::> by E richtlt?nius, ii. 20.~. 1\foccAS Court, weepmg oak at, n. ~8. MoGFOHD, h orses poisonud by fool 8 par-sl ··y, ii. 337. .. l\I6LLEH, L., effects of food on insects, u. ~81. . l\foQurN-'rANDON, originnl form of ma1ze, i. 320 ; variety of the double colum- J\JOLE. INDEX. Mt'SK, 465 bine, i. 365; pcloric flowers, ii. 58~59, 61 ; position as a cause of pelorism in flowers, ii. 3!5; tendency of pcloric flowers to become irregular, ii. 70; on monstrosities, ii. 254; correlation in the axis and appendages.of plants, ii. 321 ; fusion of homologous parts in plants, ii. 339, 341-342 ; on a bean with monstrous stipules and abortive l eaflets, ii. 34:3; conversion of parts of flowers, ii. 392. MoLE, white, ii. 332. MoLL and Gayot, on cattle, i. 80, ii. 96, 210. MoLLUSC A, change in shells of, ii. 280. Mo~KE, Lady, culture of the pansy by, i. 368. MoNKEYs, rarely fertile in captivity, ii. 153. Mol'I"NlER, identity of summer and winter wheat, i. 315. MONSTER, cyclopean, ii. 341. MoNSTERs, double, ii. 339-340. MoNSTROSn>IES, occurrence of, in domesti-cated aniinals and cultivated plants, i. 366, ii. 254 ; due to persis tence of embryonic conditions, ii. 57; occurring by reversion, ii. 57-60; a cause of sterility, ii. 166-167; caused by injury to the embryo, ii. 269. MoNTEGAZZA, growth of n. cock's-spur inserted into the eye of an ox, ii. 369. MoNTGOMERY, E., formation of cells, ii. 370. 1\ioon, J. H., deterioration of the horse in Mal::tsin., i. 53. MooRUROFT, Mr., on Hasora wheat, i. 313; selection of white-tailed yaks, ii. 206; melon of Kaschmir, ii. 275 ; varieties of the apricot cultivated in Ladakh, i. 345; varieties of the walnut cultivated in Kaschmir, i. 356. MOORE, Mr., on breeds of pigeons, i. 148, 156, 208, 209, 211. l\fooRuK, fertility of, in captivity, ii. 156. MORLOT, dogs of the Danish Middens, i. 18 ; sheep and horse of tile bronze period, ii. 427. Mormodes ignea, ii. 53. MoRocco, estimation of pigeons in, i. 205. MoRREN, 0., on pelorism, ii. 58 ; in Calceo/ aria, ii. 346 ; non-coincidence of double flowers and variegated leaves, ii. 167. MoRRIS, Mr., breeding of the Kestrel in captivity, ii. 154. MoRTON, Lord, effect of fecundation by a quagga on an Arab mare, i. 403-404. MoRTON, Dr., origin of the dog, i. 16; hybrid of zebra and mare, ii. 42. 11-!0?'US alba, i. 334, VOL. II. Moscow, rabbits of, i. 106, 120; effects of cold on pear-trees at, ii. 307. MossEs, sterility in, ii. 171; retrogressive metamorphosis in, ii. 361. Moss-ROSE, probable origin of, from Rosa centtjolia, i. 379 ; Provence roses pr~ duced from seeds of, i. 380. MosTo, Oada, on the introduction of rabbits into Porto Santo, i. ll3. MoTTLING of fruits and .flowers, i. 400. MOUFFLON, i. 94. MOUNTAIN-ASH, ii. 230. MousE, Barbary, ii. 152. "MovEN-TAUBE," i. 148. 1\IowBRAY, Mr., on the eggs of game fowls, i. 24H ; early pugnacity of game cocks, i. 251 ; diminished fecundity of the pheasant in captivity, ii. 155. MOWBRAY, Mr., reciprocal fecundation of Passijlora alata and mcemosa, ii. 137. MULATTOS, character of, ii. 46. MULBERRY, i. 334, ii. 256. MoLE and hinny, differences in the, ii. 67-68. MuLES, striped colouring of, ii. 42; obstinacy of, ii. 45; production of, among the Romans, ii. llO; noticed in the Bible, ii. 20~ . MuLLER, Fritz, r eproduction of orchids, ii. 134-135; development of crustacea, ii. 368 ; number of seeds in a maxil~ luria, ii. 379. M t.iLLER, H., on the face and teeth in dogs, i. 34, 73, ii. 345. MuLLER, J .. production of imperfect nails after partial amputation of the fingers, ii. 1·5; tendency to variation, ii. 252 ; atrophy of the optic n erve consequent on destruction of the eye, ii. 297 ; on J anus-like monsters, ii. 340; on gemmation and fission, ii. 358; identity of ovules and buds, ii. 360 ; special af~ finities of the tissues, ii. 380. MuLLER, Max, antiquity of agriculture, ii. 243. MULTIPLICITY of origin of pigeons, hypotheses of, discussed, i. 188-194. MuNIZ, F., on Niata cattle, i. 90. MuNRO, R., on the fertilisation of orchids, ii. 133; reproduction of Passiflom ctlata, ii. 138. "l\1URASilA" pigeon, i. 144. MuRPHY, J. J., the structure of the eye not producible by selection, ii. 222. M1~s alexandrinus, ii. 87-88. Musa sapientum, Chinensis and Caven~ dishii, i. 377. Muscari comosum, ii. 185, 316. MuscLES, efl'ects of use on, ii. 297. l\1usK duck, feral hybrid of, with the common duck, i. 190. 2 H |