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Show 446 DAMSON. INDEX. DEVELOPMENT. DA~TSON, i. 3-17. DANDOLO, Count, on silkworms, i. 301. DANIELL, fertility of English dogs in Sierra Leone, ii. 161. DANISU Middens, remains of clogs in, i. 18. DAI'l'LING in horses, asses, and. hybrids, i. 55. DARESTE. C., on the skull of the Polish fowl, i. 2G2 ; on t ile production of monstrous chi ekrns, ii. 289; co-existence of anomnlics, ii. 331 ; production of double monsters, ii. 310. DA nvrLJJ, l:lfr., heredity of good qualities in horses, ii. 11. DAlm'IN, c., on Lepus maaellanicus, i. 112; on the wild potato, i. 330 ; dimorpl rism in tile polyanthus and primrose, ii. 21. DAHWIN, Dr., improvt:mcnt of vegetables by selection, ii. 204. DAn WIN, Sir l!'., wildness of crossed pigs, ii. 15. D'Asso, monogynous cor;dition of the Jmwthom in Spain, i. 364. n usyzn·ocla aauti, ii. 152. lJate-pnJm, varieties of the, ii. 256 ; effect of pollen of, upon t he fi·uit of Chamx ? ·ops, i. 299. n atura, ii. 38; variability in, ii. 266. Daturct Z,-evis and stramonittm, reversion in hybri 1· of, i. 392. Dafttra stramonium, ii. 67. DAl:BEN'l'ON, vari ations in the number of mamm::o in dogs, i. 35 ; proportions of i ntestines in wiltl and J omestic cats, i. 48, ii. 302. DAt:DIN, on white rabbits, ii. 230. DAYY,Dr., on sheep in tue Westi ndies,i.U8. DAWKINS and S::tnclfonl, early domestica-tion of Bas longi[rons in Britain, i. 81. DEAF ·llfU'rES, non-heredity of, ii. 22. DEAFNESS, inheritance of, ii. 78. Dmw, wihl h ybrids of common and musk d uck~. ii. 4G. . DE CA~DOLLE, Alph., number and origin · of culti vated plants, i. :J06-307, 371; regi on~ wlrich have furnished no useful plnnts, i. :no-; wild wheat, i. 312-313 ; wild rye and oa ts, i. 313; antiquity of varieties of wheat, i. 310; apparent inefficacy of selection in wh( at, i. :-318 ; origin and cultivation of maize, i. 320, ii. 307 ; colour::; of seeds of maize, i. 321 ; varieties and origin of the cabbage, i. 32-1-325 ; origin of the garden-pea, i. 320 ; on the vine, i. 332, ii. 308 ; cultivated sp cics of the orange group, i. 335 ; probable Chinese origin of the peach, i. 337; on the peach and nectarine, i. 340, 342; varieties of the peach, i. 342; origin of the apricot, i. :H4 ; origin and varieties of the plum, i. 345; origin of the chcny, i. 34:7; varieties of the goosebcny, i. 354; selection practi~cd with forest -trees, i. 361 ; wild Ji:tstigate oak, i. 3Gl ; dark-leave_d varieties of trees, 1. 362; eonvcrt.1ou of stamens iuto pistils in ihc poppy, i. 3G5; variegated foliage, i. 366; h eredity ofwlrite hyacin th , i. 371, ii. 20; changes in oaks dependent on agr, i. 387; inhcritnnce of anomalous characters, ii. HI; variation of plants in their na tive countries, ii. 256; deciduous bushes becoming evergreen in hot clima tes, ii. 305 ; antiquity of races of p1ants, ii. 12!:1. DE UANDOLLE, P., non-varialJility of monotypic genera, ii. 2G6; relative dcvc:opmcn t of root and seed in Rapltcwus S(l livus, ii. 3-:1:3. DE<..:ArSNE, on the culti vation of tl rc wild carrot, i. 32G ; varict.ie::; of the pear i. 350; inter-crossi ug of stritWbenics; i. 3:31 ; fr uit of the apple, i. 401; sterility of L ysimachia nttm?JWlm·ia, ii. 170; tender variety of t lic pench, ii. 308. Dmm, assumption of horns hy female, ii. 51 ; impcrJcct development of homs in a, on a voyage, ii. 158. DEEU, fallow, ii. 103. DEl~HIJOUND, Scotch, difference in size of the sexes of, ii. 73 ; J cicrioration of~ ii. 121. DEGENEHATION of high-bred races, under neglect, ii. 239. DE J oNGHE, J., on strawberries, i. 352, ii. 2-:1-3 ; soft- barked pears, ii. 231; on accumulative variation, ii. 202; re&istance of blossoms to fro:,t, ii. 30G. DELAl\lEH, E. S., on rabbits, i. 107, 112. Delphinittm ajacis, ii. 21. Delphinittm consolida,, ii. 20-21. JJend?"Ocygna viihtata, i. 182, ii. 157. DEN'l'I'l'ION, varia tions of, in the horse, i. 50. DEODAR, i. 364. DE:>illAREST, distribution of white on dogs, i. 29; cat from tlrc Unpe of Good Hope, i. 47; cats of Madagascar, i. 47; occurrence of striped young in Turkish pigs, i. 76; French breed::; of cattle, i. 80 ; horns of goats, i. 102 ; on hornless goats, ii. 315. DESOR, E., on the Anglo-Saxon race in America, ii. 276. DESPOR'l'ES, number of varieties of roses, i. 367. DEVAY, Dr., singular case of albinism, ii. 17; on the marringc of cousins, ii. 122; on the effects of close interl.Jrccding, ii. 143, 263. DEYELOPJ\IENT and metamorphosis, ii. 388- :-389. DEYELOI'li1ENT, arrests of, ii. 315-1318. DEVELOPillEN'l'1 embryonic, ii. 3u6-368. D'IIEUVEY. INDEX. DOGS. 447 D'I-IE_RVEY-_Saint-Dcnys, L., on the ya-mi, or 1mpcnal rtee of the Chinese, ii. 20:j. DuoLE, fertility of the, in captivity ii. 151. ' DIAIJE'l'ES, occurrence of in three brothers ii. 17. ' ' Diautfttts, contabescent plants of, ii. 165- 166 ; hybrid varieties of, ii. 267. Dianthus a1·meria and deltoicles hybrids of ii. !:18. ' ' Dianthtts ba1'baius, i. 381. Dianthus caryop ltyllus, i. 381. Dianthus j ctponicus, contabcscencc of f('male organs in, ii. 166. DICJIOGAJ\rous plants, ii. 90. DICKSON, Mr., on" runnino- "in carnations i. 381; on the colours ~f tulips, i. 38G. ' Dicolyles to?'(jttaius and labiatus, ii. 150. DIEFFENBACH, dog of New Zealand, i. 26; icrn.l cats in New Zealand, i. 47; poly-dactyli: sm in P olynesia, ii. H. Dielytra, ii. 59. Dm·r, change of, ii. 303-304. Digitalis, proper ties of, affected by culture, ii. 274; poison of, ii. 380. Dwrrs, supcrnum rary, ii. 57; analogy of, with embryonic conditions, ii. 16 ; fusion of, ii. 341. DmoRPHIC plants, ii. 166; conditions uf reproduction in, ii. 181-18-:1:. Dmonrmsli1, reciprocal, ii. DO. DINGO, i. 25; variation of, in colour, i. 28; half-bred, attempting to burrow, i. 28; attraction of ioxes by a female, i. 31 ; variations of, in con:fiuemont, ii. 263. DICECIOUSNESS of strawberries, i. 3.}3. DISEASE:>, inheritance of~ ii. 7-8 : family uniformity of, ii. 57; inherited at corresponding periods of life, ii. 77-80; peculiar to localities and climates, ii. 276; obscn:e correlations in, ii. 331-332; affcctmg certain parts of the body, ii. 380; occurring in alternate generations, ii. 401. Drs'l'EMPER, fatal to white terriers, ii. 227. DISUSE and use of parts, effects of, ii. 295- 303, 352-353, 418-419; in the skeleton ofrabbit::;, i.l24-128 ; in pigeons, i. 171- 177 ; in fowls, i. 270-27-:1: ; in ducks, i. 281-28G; in the silk-moth . i. 300-304. DIVERGENCE, influence of, in producing brectls of pigeons, i. 220. DIXON, E. S., on the musk duck, i. 182 ; on feral ducks, i. 190; on feral pigeons 1 in Norfolk I sland, i. 190; crossinoof pigeons, i. 192 ; origin of domes': tic fowl s, i. 230; crossin,g of Gallus Sonnemtii and common fowl, i. 23-.1: ; occurrence of white in the youn ochicks of black fowl s, i. 2-1-1; Padua~ fowl of AlJrovanJi, i. 247; peculiarities of the eggs of fowls, i. 248; chickens, i. 249-250; late development of t!Je tail in Oochiu cocks, i. 250 ; comb of lark-crested fowls, i. 256; development of webs in Polish fowls, i. 259 ; on the voice of fowls, i. 259; origin of the duck, i. 277 ; ducks kept. by the Romans, i. 278 ; domestication of the goose, i. 287; gander fi·equcntly white, i. 288; breeds of turkeys, i. 290; incubatory instinct of mongrels of nonsitting races of fowls, ii. 44; aversion of the dove -cot pigeon to pair with fancy birds, ii. 103 ; fertili ty of the goose, ii. 112; general sterility of tlto gnans in captivity, ii. 156; fertility of geese in captivity, ii. 157; white peafowl, ii. 332. DoBELL, H., inheritance of anomalies of the extremities, ii. 14; non-reversion to a malformation, ii. 36. DonRIZJIOFFER, abhorrence of incest by tho Abipoucs, ii. 123. Doos, origin of, i. 15; ancient breeus of, i. 17, ii. 12!) ; of neolithic, bronze and iron periods in Europe, i. 18-lD, ii. 427; resemblance of to various species of canidro, i. 21 ; of North America compared with wolves, i. 21-22; of the West Indies, South America, and Mexico, i. 23, 31; of Guiana, i. 23; naked dogs of Paraguay and P eru, ibicl. and 31; dumb, ou Juan :Fernandez, i. 27; of Juan de Nova, i. 27 ; of La Plata, i. 27; of Cuba, i. 27; of St. Domingo, i. 28; correlation of colour in, i. 28-29; gestation of, i. 29-30; hairless Tlll'kish, i. 30, ii. 227; inter-crossing of diil'ercnt breeds of, i. 31 ; characters of different breeds of, discussed, i. 34-37 ; degeneration of European, in warm climates, i. 36, 38 ; ii. 278, 305 ; liability to certain diseases in diil'erent breeds of, i. 36 anJ note ; causes of differences of breedi! discussed, i. 37-43; catching fish and crabs in New Guinea and Tierra del Fuego, i. 39 ; webLing of the feet in, i. 3!); influence of selection in producing different breeds of, i. 39, 43; retention of original habits by, i. 182 ; inheritance of polydactylism in, ii. 11 ; feral, ii. 33; reversion in fourth generation of, ii. 3-1 ; of the Pacific I slantls, ii. 87, 220, 303; mongrel, ii. !:12-93 ; comparative facility of crossing different breeds of, ii. 102; fertility of, ii. 111, 151; inter-breediu()' of, ii. 12~:121; selection of, among th~ ~reeks, u. 202, 20!); among ~avages, n. 206-207; unconscious selection of ii. 211-212; valued by the Fucgians: ii. 215; climatal changes in hair of, ii. 278; production of drooping ears |