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Show 468 OVAllY. INDEX. PATAGONIAN. OvARY, variation of, in Cucurbit? . . moBchata, i. 359; development of, mdependently of pollen, i. 403. Ovis montanlt, i. 99. .. OvuLES and buds, identity of nature of, u. 360. OwEN, Capt., on stiff-haired cats at 1\Iom-bas, i. 4:6. OwEN, Prof. R., palroontolo~ical evidence as to the origin of dug~. 1. 15 ; on Bas longijwns, i. 81 ; on the skull o~ the "Niata" cattle, i. 8!), 90; on fos~1l remains of rabbits, i. 104:; on the significnnce of the brain, i. 12-:1: ; on the ~1 U~1.ber of digits in the I chthyoptery gt:1, u. 16 · on meta <Yenesis, ii. 36ti; theory ofrcpr~ duction ~ud part~enoge~~:,;is, ~~- 375. OwL, eagle, breeding m captLVlty, 11. 1 5~. OwL pigeon, i. 148 ; Afncan, figured, 1. 149 · known in 1735, i. 209. Oxalis: trimorphic species of; ii. 400. Oxalis rosect, ii. 132. .. OxLEY, 1\'[r., on the nutmeg tree, n. 2?7:. OYSTERS, differences in tile shells of, n. 280. p ACA, sterility of the, in confinement, ii. 152. PACIFIC islands, pigs of the, i. 70. p A uuA, earliest known flower garden at, ii. 217. P ADUAN fowl of Aldrovandi, i. 247. P:Eonia moutan, ii. 205. P.iEONY, tree, ancient cultivation of, in China, ii. 205. PAMPAS, feral cattle on the, i. 85. Pandauus, ii. 25ti. PANGENESIS, hypothesis of, ii. 357-~04:. Panic·um, seeds of, used as food, ~· 309_; fouud in the Swiss lake-dwellings, 1. 317. PANSY, i. 3G8-370. PAPPUS, abortion of the, in Carthaml£s, ii. 316. PAGET, on the Hungarian sheep dog, i. 24. PAGET, inheritance of cancer, i i. 7; hereditary elongation of hairs in the eyebrow, ii. 8; period of inhe ri_t~nce of cancer ii. 79-80 ; on Rydm, n. 293 ; on the' healing of wounds, ii. 294; on the reparation of bones, ibid.; growth of h a ir ncar inflamed surfaces or fractures, ii. 295; on false membmnes, ibid.; compensatory development of the kidney, ii. 300; bronzed s~~in in disc~se of supm-rennl capsules, 1_1. 33~.; m~1ty of growth and gemmatwn, n. Ro9; independ ence of the elements of the body, ii. 369; affinity of the tissues for special organic substances, ii. 3HO. PALLAS, on the influence of domestica-tion upon the sterility ~f intercrossed species, i. 31, _83! _193_, u. 109; hypothesis that vanabd1ty IS wholly due to crossing, i. 188, 374, i~. 2~0, 2G~; _on the origin of the dog, _1. 16 ; varmtwn in dogs, i. 33 :. ?rossmg of .dog an~ j ttclml, i. 25 ; ongm of domes ~10 cats, 1, 43; origin of Angora cat, ~· 45; on wild horses, i. 52, 60; on Pcr::nan sheep, i. 9-.1:; on Siberian fat-tai lc.~ sl1eep, ii. 279 · on Chinese sheep, H. 315; on Cri~ean varieties of the vine, i. 333 ; on a grape with rudimentary se~ds, ~· 316 : on feral musk-ducks, 11. 46; sterility of Alpine pla!lts i1~ gardens, ~!· 163; selection of wh1te-ta1led yaks, n. 206. Pamdoxurtts, sterility of species of, in captivity, ii. 151.. . PARAGuAY cats of, 1. 46; cattle of, I. 89; horses ~f ii. 102; dogs of, ii. 102; black·ski~ned domestic fowl of, i, 2R2. PARALLEL variation, ii. 348-352. p AHAMOS, woolly pigs of, i. 78. PARA::>ITES liability to attacks of, de-penJent' on colour, ii. 228. PAUIAH dog, with crooked legs, i. 17; resembling the Indian wolf, i. ~4: .. PAtuSET inheritance of handwntmg, 11. 6. PAI<KER: W. K., number of vertebrre in fowls, i. 266. PARKINSON, 1\:Ir., varieties of the hyacinth, i. 370. P ARKYNS, Mansfield, on Columba guinea, i. Ui3. PARMENTIER, differences in the nidi_fication of pigeons, i. 178; on wh1te pigeons, ii. 230. PARRO'rs, general sterility of, in confinement, ii. 155; alteration of plumage of, ii. 280. PARSNIP, reversion in, ii. 31 ; i~fluence of selection on, ii. 201; experiments on, ii. 277 ; wild, enlargement of roots of, by cultivation, i. 326. p Alt'l'HENOGENESIS, ii. 359, 364. PAit1'RJDGE, sterility of, in captivity, ii, 156. pARTURITION, difficult, h ereditary, ii. 8. Parus maj01·, ii. 231. . , Passijlora., self-impotence m specws of, ii. 137-138; contabescence of female organs in, ii. 166. Passijlom alata, fertility of, when grafted, ii. 188. PAbTU RE and climate, adaptation of breeds of shet->p to, i. 96, 97.. . . . . PASTRANA, Julia, pecuhant1es m the hmr and t eeth of, ii. 328. . PATAGONIA crania of pigs from, 1. 77. PATAGONIA~ rabbit, i. 105, PA'fERSON. INDEX. PHALANGES, 469 PATEHSON, R., on the Arrindy silk moth ii. 306. ' PAUL,, ~V. , on the hyacinth, i. 370; vanet1es of pelargoniums, i. 378; improvemf'nt of pelargoniums, ii. 216. Pavo cristatus and muticus hybrids of i. 290. , ' Pavo nigripennis, i. 290-291. ,, PAVOD01'TEN-TAUBE," i. 141. PEACH, i. 336 344; derived from the almond, i. 337 ; stones of, figured, ibid. ; contrasted with almonds. i. 338; double~ owering, i. 338-R39, 343; hybrids of, 1. 339 ; persistency of races of, ibid. ; trees producing n ectarines, i. 340·3-l:l; variation in, i. 342-343, ii. 256; budvariation iu, i. 374; pendulous, ii. 18; variation by selection in, ii. 218; peculiar disease of the, ii. 228; glands on the leaves of the, ii. 231 ; antiquity of the, ii. 308; increased hardiness of the, ibid.; varieties of, adapted for forciu g, ii. 310; yellow-fleshed, liable to certain diseases, ii. 336. PEA CH-AL~IOND, i. 338. PEAFOWL ori<>in of i 290 · japanned or black-;houldercd,' i.. 290-2!:11 ; feral, in Jamaica, i. 190; compnrati1·e fertility of, in wild and tame :;tatcs, ii. 112, 268; white, ii. 332. , PEARS, i. 350 ; bud-variation in, i. 376 ; reversion in seedling, ii. 31 : inferiority of, in Pliny's time, ii. 215: winter uelis, attacked by aphides, ii. 231; softbarked varieties of, attacked by woodboriug beetl es, ii. 231 ; origination of good vnrieties of, in woods, ii. 2GO; :Forelle, resistance of: to frost, ii. 306. PEAS, i. 326-330; origin of, 326; varieties of, 326-329, found in Swiss lake-dwellings, i. 317, 3HI, 326-329; fruit and seeds fi g urer!, i. 328; persistency of varieties, i. 32!) : iutercro sing of varieties, i. 330, 397, ii. 129; effect of crossing on the female organs in, i. 398; double-flowered, ii. 168 ; maturity of, accelerated by selection, ii. 201 ; vari eties of, produced by selection, ii. 218; thin-shelled, liable to the attacks of birds, ii. 231 ; r eversion of, by tile terminal seed in the pod, ii. 347. PECCARY, breeding of the, in captivity, ii. 150. PEDIGREES of horses, cattle, greyhounds, game-cocks, and pigs, ii. 3. PEGU, cats of; i. 47 ; horses of, i. 53. PELARGONIT:MS, multiple origin of, i. R64; zones of, i. 36G; bud-variation in, i. 37R ; variegation in, accompanied by dwarfing, i. 384; pelorism in, ii. 167; 3-:1:5; by reversion, ii. 59; adva11tage of change of soil to, ii. 147; improvement of, by selection, ii. 216; scorclling of, ii. 229; numbers of, raised from seed, ii. 235; effects of conditions of life on, ii. 274; stove-variety of, ii. 311 ; correlation of contracted leaves and flowers in, ii. 330-331. P elargonium fulgidttm, conditions of fertility in, ii. 164. "PELONES," a Columbian breed of cattle, i. 88. PELomc flowers, tendency of, to acquire the normal torm, ii. 70; fertility or sterility of; ii. 166-167. PELORIC races of Gloxinia speciosa and Anti1Thinum maju.Q, i. 365. PELOHISM, ii. 58-60, 3,[5-346. PELVIS, characters of, in rabbits, i. 122- 123; in pigeons, i.166; in fowls, i. 268; m dueks, i. 28-:1:. PmunnoKE c tttle, i. 81. PENDULOt:s trees, i. 361, ii. 348; uncertainty of transmission of, ii. 18-19. PENGUIN ducks, i. 280, 282; hybrid of the, with the Egyptian goose, i. 282. PENNANT, production of wolf-like curs at Focbabers, i. 37 ; on the Duke of Queeusberry's wild cattle, i. 84. Penniselum, seeds of, used as food in the Punjab, i. 309. Penniselwn distichnm, seeds of, used as food in Central Africa, i. 308. PERCIVAL, 1\:Ir., on inheritance in horses, ii. 10; on horn-like processes in horses, i. 50. Pm·dix 1·ubra, occasional fertility of, in captivity, ii. 156. PERIOD of action of causes of variability, ii. 269. PERIOSTEUM of a dog, producing bone in a rabbit, ii. 369. PEHIWINKLE, sterility of, in England, ii. 170. PERSIA, estimation of pigeons in, i. 205; carrier pigeon of, i. 141 ; tumbler pigeon of, i. 150; cats of, i. 45-47; sheep of, i, !H. Pe1·sica intermeclia, i. 338. l'ElhliSTENCE of colour in horses, i. 50; of generic peculiarities, i. 111. PERU, antiquity of maize in, i. 320 ; peculiar potato from, i. 331; selection of wild animals practised by tile Incas of, ii. 207-208. "PERUCKEN-TA-cBE," i. 154. PETALS, rudiment ary, in cultivated plants, ii. 316; producing pollen, ii. 392. PETUNIAS, multiple origin of, i. 364; double-flowered, ii. 167. "PFADEN-TAUBE.'' i. 14ti. PhacochomtS .A.fricanus, i. 76. Phalxnopsis, pclorism in, ii. 346. PHALANGES, deficiency of, ii. 73. |