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Show 448 DOlllllUAIN. INDEX. EATON. in, ii. 301 ; rcjec~ion . of bones of gn.me by, ii. 303 ;_ m~l.entance of rudiments of limbs m, 11. 315 ;, developmont of fifth toe in, ii. 317; h:url cs~, do· fi ciency of teeth in, ii. 326 ; short-faced, t eeth of, ii. 3±5; probable _ana;logous variation in, ii. 3:1:9 ; extmctwu of l •rceus of, ii. 425. . .. D o)rnBAIN, H. H., on the auncula, n. 3-Hi-3:1:7. . .. Dum:sTICATION, essential poi;:tts .~n, ll. :1:05-':I:OG; fa vourable to eross~.1 g, n. 10~- 110; fertility increuseu by, u. 111-113, 1 Dmi7E:1S:.T ICATED animals, origin of, n.. . 1GO - 1Gl; occasional sterili ty of, uuucr ehan"'ccl couui tions, ii. 1Gl-162. . DmwE~S, Dr., l.JcrcJit::try hypermetropia, ii . 8. f 1 f Donrmm fowl , i. 227, 2G1; urcu a o ' fi"'urcd, i. 268. Dot~rorsE, ii. 1 5.~. ? . _ D oum,E flowers, 11. 1G7-1G8, 171-17 ... ' pro dnccd by selection, ii. 200. DornuDAY, JI., cultivation of the filbert pillC str::mb<.;JTY! i. 35.-1. . and black DooGr,AS, J., crus~mg of whJtc "'amc-fowls, ii. 92. D~vNtNG, Mr., wild varieties of . the hickory, i. 310; peaches an~ l?ectanncs from seed, i. 339-3:1:0 ; ongm of. the Boston nectarine, i. 340 ; Amcnoan varieties of the peach, i. 3:1:3 :. ~orth. American npricot, i. 3H ; vanct~cs . of the plum, i. 34G ; origin and ~anctws of tile cherry, i. 347-3:1:8; . "~wm clust er pippins," i. 319; vanet:tes ?f t;1C apple, i. 350; on str~wbern~c~, 1:. Rn~ , 35:1; fruit of the wtld goo,ebcHy, I. 3;)5; effects of grafting upon tho seed, ii. 26 ; diseases of plum and peach trees, ii. 227-228 ; injury done to. s,t,o~~ fruit in Americn, by the ''weevil, ~~· 231; grafts of the plum and p~ach, n. 259 · wild varieties of pears, u. ?GO ; vari~ties of fi'uit-t recs suitable to different climn,tcs, ii. 306. J)raba syl vestris, ii. 163. DRAGON, pigeon, i. 139, 141. "DRATJER" (pigeon), i. 1?6. . DmNRING, effects of, in different chm~tcs, ii. 289. D noMEDARY, selection o~, ii. ~0 ~ -20?: DRuCE, 1\'Ir., inter-brocdn~g of pgs, ll: 121_. Do CnAlLLU, fruit-trees m West Afnca, 1. 30~ . 3~ 1 35? DucHESNE on Fragm·ia vesca, I. ;) , "'• 353. . l 11[' D FOUR, Leon, on Cecidornyta anc .LI tso-campus, i. 5. . . . . Dt:cK, mu::;k, rotontwn of :r>creln~g hnht by tlw, i. 182 ; feral :Uybw.l of, 1. 190. DucK, penguin, :Uybrid of, with Egyptian goose, ii. 68. . .. DucK, wild, difficu~ty ?f rean.~g; 11. 2;3 3 ; effects of domcstiCatwn on, u. ~~8. . DocKs breeds of, i. 27G-~77; O~Igm of, I. 277 : history of, ibid.; wild, eas1ly tamed, i 278_279; fertility of breeds of, when ~rossed, i. 279 ; with the plumage .of Aarrs boschas, i. 280 ; 1\'Ia.laya~~ pc~guu~, identical in plumage wJth En~l.tslt, l. 288 ; c haracters of the l.J~·cccls ~f, 1. 281- 28±; eggs of, i. 281 ; ~~oct:; of usc ::u~d cli::;usc in, i. 284-286, u. 29~ ; fe~al, m Norfolk, i. 180; Aylcs~;1r!, mh onta~ce of early hatching by'· n. ~.?; rcvers.IOn in, prodUf}Cd by l'rO~:>::>lllg.'. II. 40 : Wl!lll1CSS of half-bred w1ld, u ... 45 ; h~bmls of, with the mu:>k duck, 11. 45-4~.; assumption of m<tlc plumage by, 1~. 5 ~.; erossin"' of Labrador and pcngnm, 11. 97; in~·cascd fertility of,. bJ: .domcsl.ication, ii. ll~.; gc_nem~ icrt1hty of,.m confinement, u. 1::>7; mcrea::;c of size of, by cure in breQ(li.ng, !i. 1:)!) ; .. clla.~ge produced by domcstt~n.tw:n m •. n. 202 .. D oll11~mL Au"'., l>recchng of Stredon m the br~nchiferous stage, ii. 384. D eN-coloured h orses, origin of', i. 59. D oHEAU do la 1\In.llc, fural pigs in Louisiana, ii. 83 ; feral fowls in A:frica, ibicl.; bml-varitLtion in tho pear, I. 376 ; production of mules among the Romans, ii. 110. Dusicyon syl'Vestris, i. 23. Dvrcu ralJbit, i. 107. DuTCH roller pigeon, i. 151. .. Do'l'IWCITET, pclorism in tl.Jc laburnum, 11. 3:1:6. DuvAL, growth of p ears in woods in France, ii. 260. DuvAL-Jouve, on L eersict oryzoides, ii. 91. D uvERNOY, self-impotence in L ilium cantliclum, ii. 1R7. D zmnzoN, vn.riability in the characters and habits of bees, i. 298. EARLE, Dr., on colour-blindness, ii. 72, 328. . EARS, of fancy rabhits, i: 10~; dcficwncy of, in breeds of rabbits, 1. 10~.; rud;mcntary, in Cl1incsc. sh eep_,, 11. 31::>; drooping, ii. 301 ; fus10n of, u. 341. EATON, J. M., on fancy piguou~, i. 148, 153; variability of chm·ac ~ers m breeds of pigeons, i. IG1 ; rcv('J'sJOn of oro .. s~cl pigeons to col oration of. Colt~muct, ltvta, i. 198; on pigcon~fancyin.g, 1. 20.~, 215~ 21G; on tumblcr-p1gcons, 1. 20D, n: 212.' carrier-pigeon, i. 211 ; effects of mt?I- 1reeding on pigcuns, ii. 12G; propcrtJCs of pigeous, ii. 197-198 ; death of ~lloit- ECHINODERJ\r A 'T' INDEX. FALCO. 449 faced tumblers in tl 10 egg, ii. 22G ; Arclmngel pigeon, ii. 240. E omNODEUDINrA, meta!!·enesis in, ii. 367. Eclopistes. specific difference in nuwbcr or tail-feathers in, i. 159. Ectopistes rnig1'u torius, sterile hybrius of, with Turlur vulyaris, i. 193. EDEN'l'ATA, conelation of dermal system a11d teeth in tile, ii. 328. EDGEWORTH, lVIr., use of grass-seeds as food in the P uujab, i. R09. EDJ\10NS'l'ON, Dr., on tl1e stomach in L arus argenlatus ancl the raven, ii. :302. E nwAnns and CoLIN, on Engli::;h wheat iu France, ii. 307. EDWARDS, W. F., absorption of the minority in crossed races, ii. 87. EDWAJUJS, 'V. ,V., occurrence of stripes in a uearly thoroughbred horse, i. 57 ; in foals of racchor:;c:;, i. 59. EGGs, of fowls, characters of, i. 248; variations of, in duck s, i. 281; of the silkmoth, i. 301. EGYP'l', ancient dogs of, i. 17-18; ancient rlomcstication of the pigeon in, i. 204; absence of the fowl in ancient, i. 246. E GYP'l'TAN goose, hybrids of, with penguin duck, i. 282. ErrRENBERG, Prof., multiple origin of the dog, i. l G; dogs of L ower Egypt, i. 25; mummies of Felis mam'culafa, i. 43. ELE~IENT , male, compared to a premature larv<t, ii. 38-!. El.El\lENTS of the body, functional independence of the, ii. 368-371. ELEPHANT, its sterility in captivity, ii. 150. ELK, Irish, correlations in the, ii. 333- 334. ELI.IO'l', Sir Walter, on striped horses, i. 58; Indian domestic and wild swine, i. 66; pigeons from Cairo and Constantinople, i. 132; fiotn tail pigeon:;, i. HG; Lotan tumbler pigeons, i.150; a pigeon u tteriJlg the sou11d Yahu, i. 155; Gallus bankiva in Pegu, i. 286. ELLIS, l\1r., VaJ;ieties of cultivated plants in Tahiti, ii. 256. Eur, nearly everg reen Cornish variety of the, i. 363, ii. 310; foli age-varieties of the, i. 362. ELM, we<·ping, i. 361; not reproduced by seecl, ii. 19. E mberiza. passerina, ii. 158. EJ\mRYOS, similarity of, i. 12 ; fusion of, ii. 339. ENGEL, on Laurus sassafras, ii. 274. _ ENGL~ND, domestication of B os longifrons in, I. 81 ; selection of horses in, in medireval times, ii. 203; laws against the early laughter of rams in, ii. 203. VOL. Il. l£PHEJ\IERIDJE, development of the, ii. 3G6. Epidendrum cinnabarinum and E. zebra, ii. 134. EPILEPSY, hereditary, ii. 8, 78. ERD'l', disease of the white parts of cattle, ii. 337. ERICACEIE, frequency of contabescence in the, ii. 165. ERTCHTHONrus, an improver of horses by selection, ii. 202. ER11IAN, on the fat-tail ed Kirghisian sheep, i. 98, ii. 280 ; on the dogs of the Ostyaks, ii., 206. Erodium, ii. 59. Erylhrina C1·ista-galli and E. herbacea , hybrids of, ii. 265. E sQOILAN'.r, Mr., on the naked young of dun-colourecl pigeons, i. 170. E sQomAux dogs, their resemblance to wolves, i. 21 ; selection of, ii. 206. E unE:s-DESLONGCHAMPS, on appendages under the jaw of pigs, i. 75-76. Euonymus JG.ponicus, i. 383. EuROPEAN cultimted plants, still wild in Emope, i. 307. EvANS,l\'Ir., on the Lotan tumbler pigeon, i. 150. EvELYN, pansies grown in his garden, i. 368. EvEBEST, R., on the Newfoundland dog in India, i. 36, ii. 305 ; degeneration of setters in India, i. 38 ; Indian wild boars, i. 66. EwEs, homless, ii. 350. ExTINCTION of dome8tic races, i. 221. EYES, h ereditary p eculiarities of the, ii. 8-10; loss of, causing microphthalmia in children, ii. 2:1:; modification of the structme of, by natural selection, ii. 222-22:~ ; fusion of, ii. 3!1. ~YEunows, hereditary elongation of hairs in, ii. 8. EYELIDS, inherited peculiarities of the, ii. 8. EYTON, Mr., on gestation in the dog, i. 30; variability in number of vcrtebroo in the pig, i. 74; individual sterility, ii. 162. Faba 1Julgaris, i. 330. · FABRE, observations on /.Egilops trilicoides, i. 313. Fagus sylvutica, ii. 19. FAIRWEA'l'HER, Mr., production of double flowers from old seed, ii. 167. ]i'alco albidus, r esumption of young plumage by, in cnptivity, ii. 15R Falco oss1jrn.gus, ii. 230. Falco ~Ubbuteo, copulating in captivity, ii. 154. Fa_~co tinnunculus, breeding in captivity, ll. 154. 2 G |