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Show 434 INDEX. ARISTO'fLE, AMMON. AilniON, on the persistency of colol!f in horses, ii. 21. . .. Anagallis arvens1s, n. 1_90. .. . . ANALOGOuS variation, 1. 409, 11. iH8-352_, in h orses, i. 55; in t ltc horse and ass, 1, 6-1; in fowls, i. 243-2*?· _ 1 of Anus boschas, i. 277, 11. 40; skul ' fi~'Ul'Cd , i. 282. An~~ mosc!lata, ii. 40. . " ANUUN " sheep of Massachusetts, 1. 100 ' ii. 103. ANDALUSIAN fowls, i. 227. ANDAL"CSIAN ru.bbits, i. 10_5._ f British ANDEHSON, J., on t!Jc ongm 0 . .' sheep, i. (}cl; on the selection of qual~t~~~ ill callle, ii. HlG; on a on?-car~d b1Cu of rabbits, i. 108; on the whcntct? cc of cbaractcri! from a one-cared rabbit an~ three-legged b~te_b, ii .. 12; o~ ~1;~ _P01~ si:;tcney of vancttcs of peas, 1· 3- • ? the production of early P?tt~ by scl~c tion ii. 201 ; on the van~tiCS o~ t_ Ie pot~ to, L 330-331; on crosstng va~·tc li?S of the melon, i. 3QD ; on rcvcrswn m tho barberry, i. 384:. . f l A " ·soN 1\ir. on the reproduction o t 10 NwDcEchp ing' ash ',u_y sec d , n.. . 19 •.. on.. , th.e cu.l. tiva, tion of the tree proony m ubma, n. 205. D B hu ANJ>EBSSON, 1\'Ir., on the a~ara, cc h - nna, and Namaqua cai~_lc, 1. 88; on t c of the Damaras, 11. 300 ; sclcctwu cows d Nama- Iw.-tctiscd by the Damaras an '. . · 207 . on the usc of g rass-scec1 s ~~a t~~ root~ of reeds as food in South Africa, i. 309. 1 t' Anemone coronarict, doubled by so cc wn, ii. 200. . · cr t ANGINA pectoris, hcrcclttary, occurnno a a certain age, ii. 79. ANGLESEA, cattle of, i. 80. ANGOLA sheep, i. D5. _ .. ANGOUA, change in hair of amm~ ls at,~- 278 ; cats of, i. 45, 4 7 ; rablnts of, l. lOG, 120. f 'l't t cl b ANm \I s domestication of, act I ·n .c y 'rca:·l~s~ncss of J11[1.ll, i. 20_; re~~sal of wild, to breed iu captivit~, ~J: H9 ; compound, individun:l pc?ult~n~ws .?f: rcprorlucecl by b~dlhng,_ 1. 37-1 '. yall[l. tion hy selection m useful qualltw:; of, ii. 220. cl . t' ANNUAL plants, rarity of bu -vana JOn in, i. 4.08. f 1 1. ANOl\IALmS in the osteology o t 10 uorsc, ANi.O U50A·L OUS brceds·of pigs, 1. . 75 ; 0 f Cl\ ttl c, i. 89. f u cl Anse1' ctlbifrons, characters o 'repro ucc in domestic geese, i. 28~ .. .AIIser W!fypliacus, i. 282; n. G8. Anser canadensis, ii. 157. Anser r.ygnoicles, i. _2~7.1 of the domestic Anset· jems, the ongtnu f' 'th goose, 1· . 237 •. fc_r t,i li ty of cross o , W1 domestic O'oose, l. 288. · ANSON, on f~ral fowls in the Ladrones, 1. A;;~~~oNISM between growth and repro-duction, ii. 38:1:. . . . f1 .Anthemis nobilis, bucl-v~nutw~ m owc~s of, i. 37D; becomes smglc 111 poor s01l, ii. 1G7. t . _, cl AN'l'IIEilOZOms, npp:ucn mucpen once of, iu algm, ii. 384:. .. ANTUJ<;nS, contabc ~ccr~cc of, u. 105-1?6. ANTIGUA, cats of, 1• 4G; changed fleece of sl1 cep in, i. D8. . . .. Anti1Thilmm ma_jus, pclono, 1_._3G~; 11. 59, 70 lGU ; cloublc-flowcrccl, 11. 1G7; bud-va~ ·iation in, i. R81. . . .. _ ANTS, individual rccogmti?.n of~ n. 2~1. APE!; autbropomorpbous, u. 123. __ APill~Ef> attacking pear-trees, u. 231; clcvcldpmont of, ii. 3Gl-:3U2_. APOPLEXY, h ereditary, occurnng at a cer-t ain age, ii. 78. . . . APPLE, i. 3:l8-350 ; frmt of, m Sw~ss ~akcdwcllings, i. 317; rendered fus~1g:ttc by heat in India, i. 3G~; _b~lcl-vnna_ttO~l in the, i. 37G; with cl~multa~c fn.nt, 1. 3D2-3D3; with two kmds of. fr~ut on the smnc bmnch, i. 3D2 ; 11l~tJ:fic_ml fecundation of, i. 401; St. Val?ry, 1. 40~_; ii. l UG; reversion ir~ _ccd h~1 g~. of, u. 31· cro. sin ()' of vnncb es of, ll. 12D; oT~wth ofth~ in Ceylon, ii. 277; Winter 1\rajetin, not ~ttackcd by coccus, ~i. 231; flower-buds of, attacked by btLll !inches, ii. 232; Amcric,m, change of when grown in England, ii.. 275. _ ArmcoT, i. 3:1:1-345; glands on the leMes of, ii. 231; analogous variation in the, ii. 3<18. . 't .. Aquila Jt~sca, copulating in captm y, n. 15-1. Aqttileaia vulga1·is, i. 3G5; ii. 330. AnAJJ boarhound, described by llm·court, i. 17. . Arabis blepharOJ?hylla and .A. Soyen, effect::; of crossing, i.. 4.00. Amlia t1·ifoliata, bud-variation in leaves of, i. 382. . t AnA ucAmAs, young, variable rcs1s ance of, to frost, ii. 309 ... AncnANGm. pigeon, 11. 240. Atwnc rc~ions, variability of plants and shells of, ii. 256. . A rict .,;estila, grnfted on th_orns,, J. 3~ 72 -16 AIUSTOPUANES, fow~s men~JO!lCd.~y, ~· 75 : AHISTOTLE, on sol!Ll-hoofed P 1.b~' ~. 0~ domestic duck unknown to, J. 27 • b the assumption of male characters y olu hens, ii. 51. ARNI. INDEX. BARB. 435 AnNI, domestication of the, i. 82. Aurmwr of d evelopment, ii. 315-318. AnTl!mms, increase of anastomosing branches of, when tied, ii. 230. Anu islands, wild pig of, i. 67. ArtcAI, Polynesian varieties of, ii. 256. Ascaris, number of eggs of, ii. 379, Asu, varieties of the, i. 3GO ; weeping, i. 3U1; simple-leaved, i. 3G2; bud-variation in, i. 382; effects of graft upon the stock in the, i. 3D4; pror1uetion of t ile blotched Breaclalbanc, ibicl.; weeping, capricious reproduction of, by seed, ii . 1!). A .sinns Burchellii, i. G4. Asimts hemionus, ii. 43. A.~ inns btclicns, ii. 42-{3, 48. Asinns quagan, i. G4. Asitws t:eniuznts, ii . 41 ; the original of tltc domestic ass, i. 62.' A!:> PAHAC<t:s, increased fertility of cultivated, ii. 113. Ass, early domestication of the, i. 62 ; breeds of, ibicl. ; small size of, in India, ibid. ; stripes of, i. 62-G3; ii. 351 ; <.lislike of to cross water, i. 181 ; reversion in, ii. 41-{3, 47; hybrid of tho, with mare and zebra, ii. 42; prepotency of the, over the horse, ii. G7 -G8; crossed with wild ass, ii. 20li; variation and select ion of the, ii. 23G. AssYrtTAN scnlpturc of a mastiff, i. 17. AsTums, ii.. 20, 316. AsTmiA, hercllitary, ii. 8, 79 . A•rA nsnr. See Hcvcrsion. ATHEr,sTAN, his care of horses, ii. 203. krKINSON, Mr., on the sterility of the 'l'arroo silk-moth in confiucmcut, .. ii, 157. AUBEUGINE, ii. 91. AuDUBON, on feral hybrid clucks, i. 190; ii. 46; on the domestication of wild ducks on the Mis~issippi, i. 278; on the wi ld cock turkey vi::;iting domestic h ens, i. 2D2; fe rtility of Fringilla ch·is in captivity, ii. 15:1:; fertility of Coltmtba rnigratoria and leucoceplwla in captivity, ii. 155; breeding of Anser canadensis in captivity, ii. 157. AuDUBON and Bachman, on the change of coat in Ovis m01dana, i. 9D ; sterility of Sciurus cinerea in coufincmeut, ii. 152. AuniCULA, effect of seasonal conditions on the, ii. 273; blooming of, ii. 346. AusTRALIA, no generally useful plants derived from , i. 310; useful plants of, enumemted by Hooker, i. 311. A-csmrA, heredity of character in cmpcrOl'S of, ii. 65. AuTENRIE'rH, on persistency of colour in horses, ii. 21. AvA, horses of, i. 53. Avena jatua, cultivability of, i. 313. AYEEN Akbery, pigeons mentioned in the, i. 150, 155, 185, 205, 207, 208. AYHES, W. P ., on bud-variation in polar· goniums, i. 378. Azalect inclica, bud-variation in, i. 377. AzARA, on the feral clogs of La Plata, i. 27; on the crossing of domestic with wild cats in Paraguay, i. 45; on hornlike processes in hor.3es, i. 50 ; on curled lmir in horses, i. 54; ii. 205, 325 ; on tho colours of feml horses, i. GO, 61; ii. 25D; on the cattle of Pttragtmy and La Plata, i. 82, f\G, 89; ii. 25!); on a Lornlt·ss bull, ii. 205; on tl10 increase of cattle in South America, ii. liD ; on the growth of homs in the hornless cattle of Corricntcs, ii. 39; on tho "Niata '' cattle, i . DO ,; on naked quadrupeds, ii. 279 ; on a moe of blackskinned fowls in South America, i. 258; ii. 20U ; on a variety of maize, i. 321. BABINGTON, C. C., on the ongm of the pi um, i. 315 ; British species of the genus Ilosn, i. 366; distinctness of Viola lulw and tricolo1', i. 368. BACIDIA~~, 1\'Ir., on the turkey, ii. 2G2. See ctlso Audnbon. BADGEr~, breeding in confinement, ii. 151. "BAGADOTTEN-'l'AuHE,'' i. 141. BAILY, 1\'Ir., on the effect of selection on fowls, ii. 198; on Dorking fowls, ii, 2RS. BAmD, S., on the origin of the turkey, i. 292. BAKER, Mr., on h eredity in tho horse, ii. 11 ; on the degeneration of the horso by neglect, ii. 23D ; orders of Hclll'ys VII. and VIII. for the destruction of undersized mares, ii. 203. BAYillWELL, change in the sheep effected by, ii. 188. BALANCEMENT, ii. 342-3±4 ; of growth, law of, 274:. BALDHEAD, pigeon, i. 151. BALD:'>'Ess, in man, inherited, ii. 73-74; with clc:fieiency in t eeth, ii. 326-3:27. BALLANCE, Mr., on the effects of i nter· breeding on fowls, ii. 125 ; on varia· tion in the eggil of fowls, i. 248. B allota nigm, transmission of variegated leaves in, i. 383. BAMBOO, varieties of the, ii. 256. BA~ANA, variation of the, i. R72; ii. 256, 258; bud-variation in the, i. 377; sterility of the, ii. 268. BANTA;-.r fowls, i. 230; Sebright, origin of, ii. 96; E>tcrility of, ii. 101. BAnn (Pigeon), i, 144-146, 210 ; ii. 227; ~ F 2 |