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Show 450 ' FALCONER. INDEX. FLOURENS. FALCONER, Dr., sterility of English bulldoD'S in India, i. 38; rcsernblarrce b~ tw~ en Sivatherit~m and Nirtta _cattle,_ I. 89 . selection of the ~ilkworm ln Illlha, . 3,01. fastio-l'tte apple-trees in Calcutta, ~· 361 : r~pr~duction of a supernumc~·fl;rY ~humb after amputati?I:, ii. ~-4; ~er.tJht~ of the dl!ole in captn~tty, 11: l~~' f.CI. tility of English dogs m Indta! 1 ~· Hi~.' sterility of the tiger m capttvity, u. 151 . turkeys at Delhi, ii. Hil; on.bintdiar{ cultivated ~~ants, ii. 165; Tht e mastiff and goat, n. _278. . . .. FALCONS sterility of, m caphvtty,_I ~l~33 · FALKLA~D Islands, horses of the, 1• -tti' 61. feral pi"S of the, i. 77; feral ca .e of the, i. 82,o86 ; feral rabbits of the, I. 112. FALLOW deer, ii. 10?, 12?. .. ') . £i.FANTAIL pigeons, l. HG-148, u .... ~7' . d i 147 · furcula of, figm ed, . 1• gure , · • . b foil- 167; history of, 1. 208; a seuce o gland in, ii. 344. . FAROE I slands, pigeons of the, I. ~8 3 . .. FAsrnoN, influence of, in bree ng, u. 240. 348 FASTIGATE trees, ii.. 277, . •. f i FA UN AS, geogmphwal ddierences, o ' . .. j~~OURITE" bull, ii. 65, 11~.. . .. FEATHERS, .homologous vanahon m, u. FE~;5~f pi()'eons, individual differences of, i. i60; ~orrelations of external cha-racters in, i. 170-171.. . . FEET and beak, correlatiOn of, m pigeons, i. 171-174. . . 't .. FELID;E, fertility of, m captlVl y, n. 150. Felis bubastes, i. 43. Felis caffra, i. 44: Felis calig•.J,lata, 1. 43, Felis chaus, i. 43-44. Felis jubata, ii. 151. Felis lybica, i. 4 4 .. Felis maniculata, 1. 43. Felis manul, i. 45. Felis ornata, i. 45. Felis sylvest1·is, _i. 44. Felis torquata, I. 45. .. 3 5 FEMALE, affected by male element, n. 6 ' 387-388. . f . FEMALE flowers, in male pamcle o maize, i. 321. . 326 FENNEL, Italian variety of,_ I. • . FERAL cats, i. 47; cattle, 1. ~6; rabblt~, i. 111-115; Guinea fcn-:1, 1: 2~4; ammals aud plants, reversiOn m, lt. 32-34:, 47 FERGU· SON, Mr., _suppose~ pl~·n l~' t. Y 0 f migin of do mesh~ fowls,~· 23lr, c~ck~ns of black game-fowls, 1. 2±4; wlattve • O'O'S of fowls, i. 248; yolk of stze o~ ~"'"' -fowls. i. 2'19; Cftrly pugegg~ 0 ,.,a~~e-cocks i. 250; voice of naettt ~f "'r vl i 259. effects of illtrr~ ·~:ui\~~.Von0;0,~1~. ii.)2-1:;. :selcc~ion. in Cochin Uhina ftJwls, u. l9o; on fashwn in poultry, ii. 2-1:0. . 23 FERNANDJ,;z, on Mexican do,gs, 1. 1 ·f . , . Jroduction of abnorma Dims FERo~f~ .b yt e;l; por.e s, l·. •R cR 3.• non-diffusion of ce'u-O'cmmules in, ii, 379. FEiiRE~il, ii. 111, 151, 206. v 1 FEL~TtLISA'l'rDN, artificial, of the St. a ery apple, i. 350. . . h . Fm~T1LITY, various degrees ?f, m s eep, ~· 97 . un limiteJ mutual, of breeds of pl-c; ns, i. 192-19±.; co~~.parati ve of m~J~~ n·ls and hybnc~s, u .. 100-101, 11 ~- 180. influence of nouns~lmcnt on! u. 111 ; diminisheu by close mt01:bJ:eedmg, ii. ll8, 175; reduced, of Chtllm.~ham wild cattle, ii. 119; ~~ domc.stlCated vari eties when crossed, u. 189. Festuoa, species of, propagated by bullr l ets, ii. 170. . .. FrLBERTS, spared by tomttts, n. 231 : FILIPPI, on the breeding of branchtferous tritons, ii. 38+. . . FI~Ctms, general sterility of, in captlVlty, ii. 154. FrN~LKrN (pigeon), i. 156. FlNNOCUIO, i. 326. .. Fm, Seotcb, acclimatisation of, u. 31~. FrsH, fr., advantage of change of soil to plant::~, ii. 147. . f fi f FrsllES reO'eneration of portwns o ns o ' ii. 1'5; 0 vari::tbility of, '':h.cn ~opt m tanks, ii. 259; mftrine, hvmg m fresh water, ii. 304; double monsters of, ii. 3±o. .. 358 FISSION and gemmation, 11. • • FITCH, Mr., persistency of a vanety of the pc..'t, i. 329. . FtTTEST survival of the, I. ?· . FrTZING~R origin of sheep, 1. 94; Afncan maned ~hcep, i. 96. . . . FIXEDNESS of character, condttwns of, dts-cussed, ii. 62-64. . FLAX, found in the Swiss lak~-dwellm~s, i. 317 ; c lima tal difference m products of, ii. 274. . . FLEECE, fineness of, in Austnan mennos, F Limi. s1c9rn7r.A NN, on German sh eep c rossed with merinos, ii. 88-89. "FLORENTINER-TAUBE," i. 142-14:3. FLOUNDER, ii. 53. d i FLOUHENS, crossing of w~lf and 0f•th~ 32 · prepotency of the Jackal ovc d dog, ii. 67; hybrid:l of the horse a~ ass, ii. 68 ; breeding of monkeys Ill Europe, ii. 153. FLOWER-GAHDEN. INDEX. G ALEOBDOLON. 451 FLOWER-GARDEN, earliest kuown, in Europe, ii. 217. FLOWERS, capricious transmission of colour-varieties in, ii. 20-21; tendency to uniformity in striped, ii. 70; scorching of, dependent on colour, ii. 22!); change in, caused by conditions of life, ii. 273 ; rudimentary, ii. 316 ; relative position of, to the axis, ii. 345. FCETATION, abdominal, ii. 294. FoLEY, Mr., wild varieties of pears, ii. 260. FOLIAGE, inherited peculiarities of, i. 362; variegation, of, i. 366; bud-variation in, i. 382-384. FooD, influence of, on the pig, i. 72; on cattle, i. 91 ; excess of, a cause of variability, ii. 257. F ORBEs, D., on Chilian sheep, i. 95 ; on the horses of Spain, Chili, and the Pampas, i. 52. Formica rufa, ii. 251. FORTUNE, R., sterility of the sweet J?Ota.to in China, ii. 169; development of axillary bulbs in the yam, ibid. FowL, common, breeds of, i. 225-230; supposed plurality of origin, i. 230; early history of, i. 231-233; causes of production of breeds of, i. 233 ; orio-in of from Gallus bankiva, i. 236- 239, 245; feml, notices of, i. 237-238; reversion and analogous variation in, i. 239-24:6, ii. 35, 08, 39, 40, 3±9, 350 ; "cuckoo" sub-breeds of, i. 24:4; history of i. 246-247; structural characters of, i. '2-:1:7-250 ; sexual peculiarities of, i. 251-257, ii. 74; external differences of, i. 257-260; differences of breeds of, from G. bankiva, i. 260; osteolog-ical characters of, i. 260-270 ; effects of disuse of parts in, i. 270-274, ii. 298 ; feral, i. 190, ii. 33; polydactylism in, ii. 14; fertility of, increased by domestication, ii. 112, 167 ; sterility of, under certain conditions, ii. 162 ; influence of selection on, ii. 196, 198, 209, 210; evils of close interbreeding of, ii. 124-125; crossing of, ii. 95, 96, 97 ; prepotency of transmission in, ii. 67 ; rudimentary org-ans in, ii. 315; crossing of non-sitting varieties of, ii. 43-44 ; homology of wing and leg feathers in, ii. 323 ; hybrids of, with pheasants and Gallus Sonneratii, ii. 45; black-skinned, ii. 209-210 ; black, preyed upon by the osprey in Iceland, ii. 230; five-toed, mentioned by Columella, ii. 429 ; rumpless, tailed chickens produced by, ii. 31 ; Dorking, crosses of, ii. 93 ; form of comb and colour of plumage in, ii. 238; game, crossing of white and black, ii. 92; five-spurred, ii. 391; Spanish, liable to suffer from frost, ii. 306; Polish, peculiarities of_skull ~f, _ii. 3_~2-333. Fox, sterility of, m captivity,_ n. 151. Fox, S. Bevan, races of bees, 1. 298. . Fox, W. Darwin, gestation of the dog, 1. 30; '' N e<>'ro" cat, i. 46; reversion of sheep in o colour, ii. 30; period of gestation in the pig, i. 74; young of the Himalayan rabbit, i. 109; crossing of wild and domestic tm·keys, i. 292 ; reversion in crossed musk ducks, ii. 40 ; spontaneous segregation of varieties of geese, ii. 104; effeets of close interbreeding upon bloodhounds, ii. 121; deafness of white cats with blue eyes, ii. 329. FoxHOUNDS, i. 40, ii.120. Fragaria chiloensis, i. 351. Fragaria collina, i. 351. Fragaria dioica of Duchesne, i. 353. Fmgaria elatior, i. R51. Fragaria grandiflura, i. 351. Fragaria vesca, i. 351. Fragaria virginiana, i. 351. .Fraxinus e:welsior, i. 360, 362, ii. 19. JJ'raxinus lentisc~folia, ii. 19. FnmsLAND cattle, probably descended from Bas primigenius, i. 81. FmLLBACK (pigeon), i. 155; Indian, i. 153. Fringilla ciris, ii. 154 . Fringilla spinus, ii. 154. FRIZZLED fowls, i. 230; horses, i. 54. FRog, polydactylism in the, ii. 14. FRUIT, seedless, ii. 168. FRUIT-TREES, varieties of, occurring wild, i. 310. FRY, Mr., on f01·tile hybrid cats, i. 44; on feral fowls in Ascension, i. 238. Fo<.:HSIAS, origin of, i. 364; bud-variation in, i. 382. Fuchsia coccinea and fulgens, twin seed produced by crossing, i. 391. FuEGIANS, their superstition aboutkillin~ young water-fowl, i. 310; selection of dogs by the, ii. 207 ; their comparative estimation of dogs and old women, ii. 215; their power of distant vision, ii. 223. FuNGI, parasitic, ii. 284-285. FoRet:JLA, eharacters and variations of the, in pigeons, i. 167; alteration of, by disuse, in pigeons, i. 175; characters of, in fowls, i. 268. FuSION of homologous parts, ii. 393. GAIT, inheritance of peculiarities of, ii. 6. GALAPAGOS Archipelago, its peculiar fauna and flora, i. 9. Galeobdolon luteum, pelorism in, ii. 59, 345. 2 G 2 |