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Show fr(ajftr John CottGns Anfw~r 'fo C H A'P. X I.I I. ;,His 13'h GlupteriHaken up in Exa~i~~i~ a~d Anfwering·>4 . · fecond An!wet, whtohJ gav~ tv htsQp~~Q.n .pn;>.p,oundAd above in Chap. ro. '(f[le A.nfwerwas thi•, ~·he f«teth )rdowne: S"ondly, we d'"J that it iJ nece§ary to C/Jurcb-fillowfbip, ( th•tn fo nmffary, tbat .without it a Ch~~rch cam1ot be) That tbe membm ad· mit ted thereunto,Jhould all of them foe, .tnd expr•Jly bow~i!e all the pollutiom ,..bich they htnJe been dejiltd with in their former Church-fellow· ' fhip, Miniflery,worfbif',Governmmt,&c. lf they fe.e and bewaik Jo m•ch of lheir former poUHtiunl, tH did enthrall thtm to Anticb,ijl,fo, M toft.' p.rate them from Chrift: antLwithalJ.be ready in preparlitiOlJ of heart, u they {ball foe more light,[o to hate more and more everyfalft wa1. TbiJ we conceiw to be"' much, tH ~ neceflariry required to [ep;ate them from -AnticbriJI-unto fellowfhip with Cbrijl, and hi< Churchu,,&c. For Anfwer hereunco, the.Examintr defireth three thjngs to.be obferved: x. M'. Cottons own Confiffio11 oft bat two·fo/J Church·•Jiate,'ll'or• fP;ip, &c .. The former falfe : or elfo "'hJ to be fo bqpaUed and forfok,t,n? 'Ihe fecond '""'to be ombraccd and fubmitted t;o. Reply. This obfervation is more then is incended, or can juiH.y be garhered from my words : For even a true Eft ate of a Chu~.ch, Worfhip, Miniflery,&c. may lte bewailed~ though not in regard of the falfhood of the eft ate, yet Jn regard .of .the pollrJtions that . .cleaved to ir, which were at fo· many falfe Wl!yes ir1 the Admini· -1\ration ofit. 2. Theftcondthing, which he would havetobe·obferved,il · my own con£,ffion of that which a little before I would make fo odious in him to hold, towit, That God/ People may be (o farre en· 1hral/ed to Amichriji,.M to feparate them from Chrift, :·For thefe were my words; Tftbey foe and ·bcw~it, fa much of their former pollutums, M did enthral/them to Antichrift, {o ·tH to feparate them fiom Chrifl. Reply. 1. His exprollions of himfelfe in that Point werelo in· commodiou~, as that a plaine Reader,(fuch as p1y felfe,unwonrcd to hcare !uch !.nguage, in his fence) could no~ ti'fily cpnceivr, that be fPeak,!.ng •f godlj perfons, no lejj< unfit for Chur>b.jello'll'jh,ip, ' then Trees and'f~?~arrif! 1mjit for a Building. I fay, to Mttfter Roger Williams. lf~y, I could not eafily conceive; that by Trees and Qgarries fhould·.be meant any other perfons then unregencrate:>nd it feem· ed to me, to imply a comradiaion, to call them ungodly, who were unregenerate. . Replj. z, The £Kaminer wrongeth himfelfe and me, to [ay,Tbat r rPOfl/d hav< made it odiour in him, 10 f•J tb~t gQdly perfom cannot be fomthraUed 40 A fiticbrijl, iH to feparate them from Cbrijl. The odioufneffe he fpeaketh of is a contradiaion: And it was himfelfe• not I that forged that contradiCtion, as hath been !hewed above. F...j,1y. 3· My words out of wh~~· he g<~!hereth this?bf~rvation, a~mifreported:and 1he contradt/liOn anfetn-from h,is·m,freporr, DOt from my-wordt. For Gods People, and godLy perfonsa-re no.t all one. Any Church-members may be called Gods People, as being in exrernaUGovenant with him, ( Pfol. Ct. II.) and yet they · •are not alwaye~ogodty pcrfons. Gods Peoi,I• may be fo ent~T.lllcd loAutichrill,a.stoleparatc them utterly-from Chrill,both osHea~ of the Vifible and inviGble<Church alfo. But,godly perlons canno,t !lc<IO enthralkd.toAntichrift, as to feparate thenJ from Chrilt, a~ tbc'Htad of theJinvifible Ghurch : ·though, as I1aid before, they may 'be fep~ra.tt<l from him, as the Hcacl of tbe vifible Church. 3· The third' thing which the Ex•miner wotlid ~av~ to be ob· ~ in my wards, is, J:fo..,.eaft/Y M foul.- may w~nder-mhu.gem~r ~01: for-thm l write, though 1hey{ee not aU the fOU~tzonl, '?'her:wub they b.rue been dejileti>in 1 heir former Church-~eU"!'fbrp: A game, if they dtd •ft•fo mueh "'did tnthraU them to Anttcbrift, and jeparate tb,mfrom' GJn.ift. And yet{ laith he) be e:~~pre[Jith nothmg of that? aU the pollu' tionJ,norwhat{omuch u,M willfo~aTitle themfrom Cluift. Weply.t. Though thefewords m1ght feeme genera !I to a !lran~er, · who knew nothing of the occafion. of them=. yet to the Examm~r himfelfe, (to whom in private I wm 1h~m ) It '~as eafie a~d obvt· Oil! to poynt with. the finger, at the pa rucular I .'ntend,d m t~efe. Heknowe~h the Qyeflion was; Wheth<r tl!e- hcar~ng nfrhe_MusiJiers _ oftbe Pariflm in En~! and, wa1 fuah an Autrchr>jh•n pollutzo~, "'eJtbor to cut ojffoch perfom from Cburch-fellowPJZP.• or tl•e ChHrch:' t~m_filv< Jfiom Ghrift. Our An!wer was; 1. That It was no Anuchnfit-an pollution at all: z.lfit were,itwasmore then e therour mcm· berr,or our Churches yet faw, or were convinced of: and then g<ncrall confeffidns and .generall repentance would ie1 ve fOr un· ' knowlle |