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Show [jNrilutdl King dome and S/111< 1 though i111ht Cit,i!J SMt mojf proptr ""' fuit"bl' . 'Defmdrr, TJ-,e Difmlfer , u ofcen throug!lvut hi~ Difcourla, fu here he loo!ech himfelf.:,ud the truch,ifl ambiguitye•. Civill weapons ate indeed improper, and unfitting in (pirhu•ll matters, to wit, in tbedifpcncing, and prelling offpidtuall mat~ei'S for cheim· mediate producingoffpiriruallends,asforaMagi{hare to draw his fword to compdl all hisSubjeth to tbe obedi<JICC ofthefaith if ·Chrill,and ro the profdli tm ofi<. But diii ;s :nmunfiningoo~ improper, Tll~ta Ma~iltrate.fhou~d draw~s<fw~Jrli,thol!gh not ,jn matterl fpirjtu•ll, ylrc about matters fpitkuai <to'Prototlthem in peate 1 and to fl:ave off the difl:urber>~~, and:dC!hoyers of them. It were impmper and unfitting, for carpentrrs to b.-ing ~heir Axell and Hammen to build up the fpirituall Kinl;oom_e and •Gbulch of Cbrifi ( But ytt their t~o1fs afe·fitclng>to badd up feaffokls, that the people may1:1raw-neer.e to.heare-thtiW ord~ & by,bcaring, be brou~t on to faith a,;d falvation. , C H A p, 45· .A Replytobis 45· Chap. Difcnlfcr. .. T 0 B~ter and tAfl! aflrong Hold , -pr Fort, men 6ri11g n•t Afirfl 1111d flcfnd Admonition, a11dajier,objlma9 ,Excamrmmic•tio•: 'But they br!lzg Cauons, Culvtringt, S•k.,_ers, Bullets, Powder, Muf quets, Swordr, 'Piker, w<Jp8P1s j11itab/e And proportio .. able, 011 1~1 other fide, to batm downe ldolatry, [11/{e worfoip, HmfJ •Ht of tht fo~lt and {pirit, It ir ":ame , Improper, unfuitab7e to bring tht ~(HJII weaponr of perjicHtors, Stocks, Whjps, Prifont, Swords~ Gibblti1 S~a/,st : But. againft tbefefoiritHaiJ flra'?$ holds in tbe Joulet of men, fp.r•tna/l Arttllery , and weapons are proptr,and might] through God to fobdue roer.J U>ougbt to o6u/imee, Dejtnel<r, , t~t •this frond (as it'(ball fnr tne : ) It •nothing toucbeth-thc :Qlklli<l11 ill' !rand, It i·sf.arre.fwm mc:roa!low>the Civil! Magi· ' ft rate 'to•make,ufe o'fhis Civil! ·weapons-to ba~eer.downe ']doll· ttY try and Hcrefy m the !vulcsofmem but for this end, he is toufe fpi;ituall weapons, and all Lenity and wif~ome in the improvement thereof: But if the Idolater or Hercttck grow obllmate & as the Apofile fa ;th , waxe worle and worfe deceiving himfelfe and others, to the deftroying or corrupting anddillurbing <?f others now th: Magifl:ratc m•keth ufe,nutofScocks,and Wh1pp3 (for ,~hefe doe not removc,but •xafperate the malady:) ~ut of Death or Banilbmcnr that may cut him off from opportunuy of lpreading the leaven', and Ga~1gerne ?f his pe_rnicious wayes, whether in Dollrine , or pntl•fe. It 11 one thmg to fpeake -of H:refie and Idolatry in the Abfl:ratl: :another in the Concrete. He relic Idulltry and all 'lpiritualhvickednelfe, canJtothe rooted out of the hearts of the fonncs of men, but by lpiriru~ I weapons. But Hertticks,and Idola•crt 0\ay be reflrained from the open l'raaife, and profcffion of thbi'rwkkedocffe by die SWorii of Ju!Uc.:e, atsd fucb weapona~fRighteoufnelfe. · Oi!c.:ulli:r. 'lJHtJhou:brliefe FH~P•"' were pr~{'tt ."Jll rliey arOI~~~<t«ffRJ: For iffPiritu•/1 weapont ;, the hand of Church Offims ,be able;& m>tht!> ad fufficient, and r.atiJ for tht Lo•ilt wor~, titberto [ave, or to /cill lhe :fot~le &1, HoJN/orh rbt <.)J{agiJ!r•t• eorm in to btlp, I111J 111 if the lAra b~d no powtr l , D•{etfli1r. . . This is a meere pretentefu the mouth & pen of the Dtfcu!fer : . For he having cut off all tbe'Churc:bcs o1 Chrill:, and all Ghurc:h Ordinances, and Ghurch-wea(Yom fi'Om off the fue of the euth for thefc many agesp>fi, and I know not for how•many_ yesres yet to cbme; If Civil! we·apons be deb. rrcd from defen_dmg Re· ·ligidn,,upon pretence, that Church-weapons are luffictcnr, and and then no ehurchesnorOhurch-wcapons to be found upon the face oft he tarth, t!Ycn let :tli'Sedueers ro 1\pofbcy ,Idolaters, lc H : retic!k~lenhetn all rejoyce in in open do ore oflibclty ,& Cafety, which the Difcuffer hath fet wide open before them. If Oivill States muft not, and Churches cann()t, ~<>me in to hdpe the Lord, lball the curfe of Mtroz be fo avorded, becaufe t.hc Lord wanteth no1 pow<r to help himfelfe? Butl might reply ·fimher,that though fpiritu•l weapons are mighty through God, and fufficient to thofe ends, for which the Lord appointed them: wbich |