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Show Superiours, thould (eeke to dellroy the King and Parliamenr,( as hath more then once or twice been attempted;)thould fuch an one by any ordinJnce ot Chrifl be ~et alon~.in the Civill State? Moceover, ifPopith Priclh and JefUiteS be rtghtly <Xponnded to be the Rivers and Fwntaincs 0fwater which. drive the dead Se• of Amichriflian pollmicn up and downe all Nations in Eurupe: and if they by the Ordinance of Chrifl, be (in fome ca((s) to Jrinke bloud, ( ior they are worthy) thw they ~re not to be let alan:, but duely fuppref\,ar.d em offfrum .convey_mg up and downe thetr Idolatrous, Heretic•ll, and Sedmous wtckedneffi:, Rev. 16. 4· to 7· CHAP. 2S· .L1 Reply to his 25. (h&pter; Still difcNji'ing the meaning of tbe 7 ares. "T' Hirdly, The Tares cannot be,hypocrites, is as cleare as t~e .l Light, becaufe they, when they are difcovered, and feene to be Tares, are not to be let alone to the Angels in the end of the world,bm are to be purged out by the Govern ours of the Church, with the whole Church. DefeNder. Tbis obje8ion hath been anfwered above; and let it be againe denied (till the Difcuffi:r prove the contrary, which will never be) That hypocrites when they appeare to be hypocrites, (and yet no worfe then Tares) are to be purged out by the Government of the Church. It is true, if Hypocrites having a forme of Godlindfe, and yet denying the power thereof,doe breake forth into fuch ~otorious fcandalous Fruits of Hypocrifie, as tend to the leavenmg of the whole lumpe, they may then jul\ly be proceeded againfi by the Governmem of the Church. But otherwife, if the Church pro· ceed again It an Hypocrite, as fuch, meerely for his hypccrifie, for want of life and power ofGodlindTe in his dmies, they may foone roote our, lometime or other, the befl whedte in Gods Field, an.d the fweetefl Flowers in his GJrden, who fometimes loofe th<tr facndTe and fweetneffe for a feafon. Difcu!fer. ' DifcufTer. 'Every 'Broiher tbltJP~I4!tb diforderly it to be 'IPith·dr!IA'en ; anelftp111ated ftllm, Defender. . True :But who isa Brother.thatwalkethdifordcrly? Not every ·Hypocrite, but onely fuch, who either walke inordinately without a calling (..:,.. ,.,.~...,,) or idely and negligently in his calling. For fo the cont<Xt carrieth it, in the words alluded to 2The{[. 3· 6. But that is not the cafe of every Hipocrite: of whom their are many that follow their callings ,ana are fo · farre from beingburthenfome to others by their idleneffi:, that they are even ch~aked with the cam and bufineffi:s of this world, and yet are not behind• in liberall contributions to pious ufes. C H A P· 2 6 • .A ~ly tof1is Chap. 2 6. !_ouchbzg the danger uf lming tJlone .LJ.ntiChriftians. Difcuffi:r • - 1f a~ im•gine, that the Antichriflians being let al<lne m4J diJe • 'IPorld of mifchi<ft beforethe wurlth enJ, bJ the inftaion of othm. 1 Anfwer, I· 1he Civill State k!epeth it felfe with a Civil/ [word: let CiviU·offincu be punijhed : and yet let thei,. w.rfhip and Conftilnm be tolerated. 2. The Church batT. a thoHfa~ fmck.!_m and weapons, abk to brea( tlowne the Jlrongijl hould{ ;a Cor. Io.) and fo to defend itfelfe'againjl the gam of earth Br beU. · 3· 1he Lord ktfoweth who are hit: hiuhofencannot.jinallj be decei-lltd . .., L•fl'IJ the Lord Je[UJ bimfolfi in thi1 P ar.•blt giveth z. Rea{o111 able .to content and {atisfte our hiarl/. ·' Firjl, leaj! the good whtat be pluck!, up out of thefeild of the world. Goe/1 People, the good wheat. are generally pluck.!., ~nd ptrfocuted, M well w;the:vilejl Idolaters,whether Jewes or .Antichrijliam, which the Lord !Jefur {eemt.th here to forettll. , . C'I:Second reafon i<,wlmzthe 'Riorldu ripe in finne,in tbt finnes of .Anticbriflianifme, tho{e mighty AngeUs of God wiU come witb their fharpt . H JickJtl 49 |