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Show .Mafler. John CGtt'olls -An[wer jll' ) We will n6t rep1y aHhe·Paprfts ·~oe ~gain It tingle ~itnelf"!, ·I ~\- 11 'fb~ fire ftdm Heaven a~ Fll.ah dtd , :md we WJII fubmtr ehl ~~~.~ oi<s of m·any (odn~ ringle Wlfnelfe: No we call notfor M,t icr •,ecml•• M0 'hi~ h~nd ~ but 'let h'th od tefHmony ofh ·J 1 <pr ucc one . ? y S ,, ', '( tJg!ltly underftodd, lt'nd applyed) agamft the advtce, • c~~~P\~re ;, 'f:,.,.ofe Elli'ers arld'B(etbrtn, ana then ~hough he be at u voyce o m ~ ' ' . M h . k ) fh II but 6ne( ea though that on'e were but a ec _amc too we a .· ratilie'hfs demand, arid (by [lie Grace df·Chn(t) be ready rather g h •- to h'1·01 'then require that he lheuld •hearken to us. to JI;eJaera"rleen\V llile;we•-a n'f\Xrer liim asthe Ap o«nJe d.'' d toth e Co r·m t h' t· ans,(•I Cor.I4· 36.) Wbdt,came the word of God. out from JOH l er came it u11to you onely ? 1 , It b true David and tlie Princes, andthe3oooo. of Ifrael, were ·not to be h~a~kened unto, not followed'in their diforderly carry· ing,of the Arke; bec,aufeth'e .~ord of the Lord ha~ given exprelli order to the contrary, r~qutrmg that the Koha!btteJ!hould beare the Arke upon their lhoul8ers, a?d not tou~h It, leaft they dye, .Num. +15. Let him !hew us the.hk~ o~d;rvt~!ated by us, a?d we !hall freely excufe him ( yea'and Ju!Hfie hun) m not h~arkenmg to IJS, norfollowihg of us. . . But fuppofe feme one Proph~t, or Brother' of Iftael, had dtfcer· ned the diforder ofDavliJ, anll of the wholeCongreg,ation of the 3DOoo. of Ifrael, and had th~reforc not o~ely re.fufed. t~ follo;v them but 'bad proceeded further( as many ofChnfts Ddctples dtd with bim,joh. 6. 66. ) to"goiback from them with an utter Apoftafie and to walke he 'more with them, no not though they wete willi~g to ritorme their difor'der, if ariy were made know~e to them? Would Perez; 7:Jzz.~b hav-e ju!Hfied that? Or did that dtforder of David and of that Congregation of Ifrael, difchurch them all from'fell;wlhif. with God, or difcharge their Brethren from having ariy fellow!hlp'tvith them,'lnvlth che Ghurch of God? To ~ 1I 'A P. I II· His third Chapter is taken tfp i'n anfweri'ngto a Phrafe in m; . qtier, in wl\il:h'l had ~Ill, if wl:leav•u•ed :• fh"'' -blllf:~ foudineffe bfthofo grosrttlr;updn ~htch he had b,mifbed lmnjelf~ fi11mTh fiii~JWjhip of all the Churcher in thit Coumr<J· 1 ·to Mafter. Roger. Williams. The fum me of his Anfwer is, That hi< gwmdr wm the firme rocfi! of the Trt~th ofJefur, andth~t my endeavours to prove them f•ndy, are butt he w<a~e, and uncertain fimd of manr Invention, which (hall theref.,• perijb, and burne lik.! hay, or Jlubble; And ]he &cky jlre11g!b of his grou,.dr jball appeare in the Lordr feajon, and that my Jelfi t~lfo m-9' yet cOnfijfe{omuch, a< I bave ( fince I came to New· England) conf'JI the fondineJJe of the groundr of ma"J of my Prafli[er in Old· England : a71d the rockinejJe of their groundr that witneffid againft me, and them: for Inftan<e, 1 h•t himfelje had difco'>!ered to me, alld otlxr forvantt of God, bir grozp~ds againft the ufooftbe Common Prayer Booke : which though they then foemed faxJd) to me '!Yet jince I bave ac~owledg,d to be rocby,anrJ hlfllf feene caufe fo to publijb to the world in my Difcourfe toM'. Ball, again}! fit former of Prayer. For a reply, let me begin where he leaveth ; How reatly he is to build upon fandy grounds, may appeare by this very Paflige, where he maintaineth his rockinelfe. For here he avoucheth,I have ftene caufo te publifb t• the world, the rockj,.effe ofhir grounds in a Dif coHr(e toM'. Ball 11gainjl Jet Former ofPrayer. What rocky ground doe you thinke this Alfertion of his ftand· eth upon? I know no other but this; Hdindeth fuch a Difcourfe (Xlblilbcd to the world : and he thence concludeth (for other Grounds he hath none) that I puhlijhed that Difcomfe,and that I Jaw caufo to puhlifb it: both which bang upon that ground like ropes Qf fand. The truth is, I did not publi(b that Difcourfe to the world, much ldfedid I fee caufe to publilh it upon the Grounds he fgeak· ttb of. A briefe Difcourfe in defence of fet formes of Prayer w~s penned by M';Ball, much briefer then that which Iince is put forth in Print. That briefe Difcourfe a religious Knight{ent over, ( whe·· ther to my felfe, or to a Gentleman of note then dwelling in my houfe,I remember not ) but with defireto heareour judgement.of it. At his requeft I drew up a lhortAnfwer,andfent one Copie of it to the Knight, and another to M'. Ball, divers .yea res agee. How it came (in procelfe of time) to be publilhed to .the world, . or by whom, I doe not know. And yet-M'. Williamrdoubteth not to aflirme it,that I publijbtd that Difcourfe to the ~orld,and fow caufo to doe it, Rocky fpiriu can exprelfe all their conceits, in rocky fimmelfe, though upon fandy conjeaures. l!cfldcs1 when he faith1 1bat himfelfe difo611ered to me, and to other · · · [er'llantt |