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Show made the world, Antichri!han. Furthermore, the ~·urt of the unknowing zeale of good Emp<rors did to the Church , came in alfo anorher w~y, by advancing Church-Officers ro Mounraines of high preferments, and fen led indowments, :Rev. 8. 8, 9· The Church nevertooltc hurt by the puni{hment ofHeretick,.Moreover, when God advanced(onft•n:ine and other good Emperors to fir on the Throne, It is true, the Church foone becaRie a wilderndfe: but chat came not to palfe becaule thofe Emperors fo rced Pai;ans into Church-Fellow!bip by rhe matcriall Sword (as the Difcuffer incimateth, but untruly) Bm becaule the com• man fore are willing to follow theexarPpleof great ones, Regi. ad exemplum tot.ucomponitur Orbu : aulfo becaufe of the lleepi· ne!fe of the watchmen (the Elders of the Churches) who fhould notbave fuffered fuch ftore ofT ares to come into the 'ommuni· on of the Church. Had the world renounced their Pagaoifme, and profelfed Chrift to be the Sonne of e.od, but yet had been · kept out of the F ellowfbip of the Church, till they bad approved their profeffion by a !incerc Cbr>ftian converfation. It had been no foliCcifme at all (howfoever the Difculfer judge of it )though the whole world had been come-Chrifrian, and fiiled Chriflcn• dome. But ids too grolfe and palpable a mifrake, co make chis the caufe why the Garden of the Church,and the Field of the world bcc.rme all one, beeaufo tbe zeale or; hri~ian Emperor! intending '' •x.alt Chrijl, did not attend to thecommastlofChrift, to permit the Tam to gro111 in tbe Field of the 'ltlorld. For they did permitcbcmtoliveintheField of the world, they fcldome or never put any to death for Herecicall pravicy (thongh it bad bin better they bad Co dO!JC with fame ofthell:) llut onelyexiled them from fuch Citiu andCountryes as were moft Populous, where if they bad co11tinued, they might have bJd. too great an opportunity of fpreading their leaven, which (~the Apo{lle fpeaketh frctteth like a Gangrene, 11itp. 2. 17, chap. 61· C H A p. 6z • .A ReptJ'tohis Chap. 65. Difculfer. I "Dejire 1"" to gl.rnce your e eon b" - h11J1 fully thi1 A,.(wecer bath J ,td "tot unworthy obftrvation,. Per{ecutio11 &c. for thut he writetharne '" Language uf Lyon li~• theft you mention, h~venot Tolerat lnore ?~"greater 7'rincu then rG:i th/landing· thtir pretence o'C e.r.:· erettckr, andScbi[m11tk!_,not• 1 on1cunce and thew A . rortne of M1rtyrdome 10 the. fi.•tP. • ' rrog4ttng the Tir true, thefo termer Hetet~r "lf "'".g1• tk~1; are ufod in holy writ . ti::kf \. or/"z~lly obfl inate) a1fd Schifmll• ~··Arrogate the Crowne if MA;,H;;!!:,;' ''{~ch prete.'zd Confcienc., uthe common cl~m•Hrof p er(eclll:fiA .:: 1 "' {Rffirmgr. 7J utthu •U ~g<~,JOH lire Htretickf Scbi{inatich~,f. f,.the wz~~'if'' of Je[Hr in . ' 7) fc l A IOHt,Se <tiOHJ,rebe/lioHI. Ifitbetnre,that thefe be s '.en er. · knowledgcment trul a I crtptnre rerm~s,and by his owne.ac-thtn, it feemeth the Dlfc p~y~blehtf Hercneks and Schifmaticks JoJ, that the s'cri ture ~~ er at euned .t~is language of A/h: roaring Languag! ofLy~ leJ~k' ~d Jrut~tt felfe fpeaketh the ledgcth,theScri tureuf n· I e er ecunon. For' he acknowthe fame thing/ In Su~:h the/a;ne termes,and Truth ve relieth. learned the roaring and ra~~ ~~~as much to f.ly, ~s P4ul had Pbaro.W told the Ch"ld fglf guage of Lyon-hke Pharoab.· . Exod.f.l7· AodP llbrden.l o rdae!,yeearcidlc, ycc are idk ... bY h"t s ,o :.etter to 'fit"u11r 'I•h Cca rn.e to fay • s muc b 'o t he Cretianr' IIIJjlowbel/yeJ .Tit • e re~ta.nJar:alw>yer /iarJ, rvil/ f eafls reproofe unju{ll . fr I z. But ISH fo tndecd? may not the lam~ Gods enemies J~~' npou Goris fervams, be juflly applycd [{) beapplyed trui ) r/by the Drlcu~crs owne confeffi : n) it may rebukes-to -Ch~frs ; .erfe;r,mors mtfa pply Scripture Term•s & •pPly the fame trul ttne b e~tal_lely, may nor a fervanr of God fhallbcthou httof' ast e cnpmreapplveththem, but he ture,butthefang camfe to fpcJke not the Language of Scrip-uage o perfecutors ? · Obit i! h d Difculfer. , ar f~r Godt Children lo fall to Opinion and prallift of --, Perflcntion1 , |